? ?
25 May 2011 @ 05:25 pm

I didn't listen to the whole thing, since the first 90 seconds were excrutiating. But this might be of interest to someone:

13 May 2011 @ 02:17 pm
Part 1
Part 2

Current Music: El Chaval - Como Vaso Desechable
You'll find out at 1:25.

13 May 2011 @ 12:46 pm
Current Music: John Mayer - Ain't No Sunshine
12 May 2011 @ 12:09 pm
Robert Burns has transformed his rented council home in Brighton into a stunning lookalike of the world-famous Sistine Chapel, drawing on his skills as a retired decorator he has spent the past eight years turning his £86-a-week property on the outskirts of the East Sussex town into an astonishing Renaissance-style masterpiece.

Exhibit A:

Inside his council flat, Robert Burns has created something that represents the Sistine Chapel 

But here's the good part:

The self-taught artist is not afraid of adding his own modern touches and in the hallway visitors are greeted by a portrait of Jesus with an uncanny resemblance to Russell Brand and a crown of thorns on his head.

Mr Burns said: 'That's no accident. I saw his photo in a newspaper and he was the spitting image of Christ, so I lifted it.

'It's maybe a bit irreverent, but Michaelangelo used real people as models for his angels, so I don't see any harm in it. In fact I wonder whether Russell might want to buy the picture, like a real Renaissance patron?

'I have huge respect for the old Italian masters, but I don't mind making a few changes here and there.
10 May 2011 @ 02:01 pm

Katy Perry was voted the sexiest woman in the world by the Australian magazine FHM. But, of course, we only care about Russell's reaction:

In an interview with FHM, Perry’s husband, comedian Russell Brand, said FHM readers had made a “wise choice”. “I don’t know what the criteria are for this award, but I endorse it wholeheartedly,” Brand said.

When asked whether he’d like to punch Australian men in the face for ogling his wife, Brand said: “No. How many men are there in Australia? It would take ages. Also, you are a very rugged and sporting culture, so it would take a long time and there would be reprisals. And as we know, Australians are descended from criminals, so in a fight situation, they would be prepared to fight dirty.”

Classic Russell.
Current Music: Britney Spears - Circus
06 May 2011 @ 10:17 am

Hot! Russell Brand Throws on Swim Trunks to Take a Jet Ski For a Whirl in Miami

Russell Brand Pictures on a Jet Ski

Posted May 5, 2011 2:44 pm by Allie Merriam
Russell Brand donned a life vest this afternoon to take a jet ski out in Miami! He's down in Florida prepping for his singing and dancing role in Rock of Ages. The movie's director, Adam Shankman, has some of the stars like Julianne Hough and newcomer Malin Akerman in the Sunshine State perfecting their moves before the cameras start rolling during the early Summer. Russell's wife, Katy Perry, meanwhile, continues to travel the world on her Teenage Dream tour. Russell and Katy have been meeting up for the occasional rendezevous when their equally busy schedules allow — they had a particularly loved-up moment in London two weeks ago at the UK premiere of Arthur. She's in Australia at the moment, apparently longing for a traditional California Cinco de Mayo celebration between shows, though she was able to attend the launch of her fragrance, Purr, in Melbourne last Saturday and attended the city's Logie Awards Sunday. Katy also landed on the June cover of Vanity Fair, and spoke about deciding to finally show pictures from their wedding during the Grammys in February. Katy said, "I felt the moment was right and not forced. Russell and I had time to savor our moment privately first and then share it with people when we were ready, and not for a paycheck. I loved the idea, because I thought it was beautiful and artistically accompanied the song I wrote for him. Plus, it was Valentine’s eve!" 
More pictures after the jump...Collapse )
Current Music: Katy Perry - Firework
20 April 2011 @ 04:26 pm
Thoroughly entertaining interview from a few weeks ago.

From best I can tell the questions were:

1. Unclear. Russell kept referring to "it," which probably was what the question was about.  He also made reference to Hunter S. Thompson (not Thomas as Russel said), the man who invented Gonzo journalism.
2. Who is your favorite aging rock star?
3. What's the most exciting thing about being married?
4. What are your favorite things to do in London, New York and Las Vegas?
5. Do you ever miss flights?
Current Music: The Killers - Read My Mind
God bless the soul that posted this!

Russell Brand on Pier's Morgan's Life Stories

Part 1

More Russell after the jump...Collapse )