Hello again wild things! Once again, forgive my crappy comm running!
Firstly, be sure to check out butcherjones' previous post linking you to some 'Where The Wild Things Are' movie clips and interviews, unless of course you wish to remain completely unspoiled! I am actually 'misanthrope86' on Fanpop (Fanpop is not evil!), so 95% of the stuff that I post there is stuff I want to post here but can't figure out how to because I am an LJ dunce. So that site is always updated by me and I will try try try to figure out LJ so that I can keep this comm as updated as I do on Fanpop.
Secondly, here are the second batch of official movie posters that were released ages ago but I only just managed to figure out how to post them. Yay me. Here they are:

Once again, any advice or suggestions for the community are very, very welcome. And hope all you guys who will be able to see the movie soon are getting excited about it! The rest of us who live at the bottom of the earth have to wait a little longer!