Hello peoples!
Just thought I would let you know that I have posted a BUCKET LOAD of 'Where The Wild Things Are' movie screencaps in the Fanpop 'Where The Wild Things Are' fanclub that I belong to. And when I say "bucket load" I mean 6,000+ caps. Don't laugh! This was the first movie that I ever screencapped and I went over board.
But anyway, in case you ever need some caps for making icons or something like that, then head on over here:
~ DO NOT post these caps on other websites without crediting me (it took me ages to cap and then upload them, so a little acknowledgement of that is great).
~ Credit "misanthrope86 on Fanpop" if you do feel the need to post them somewhere else.
~ Credit isn't necessary if you just use them for icons etc, but it would be nice if you mentioned the source of the screencaps.
The aren't the greatest caps in the world, but for my first time, I thought is wasn't a bad effort. Hope someone finds some use in them!