Hey everyone and welcome to Rumble_Madness, a graphic journal runned by Trisha (winged_lily).
In this journal, you will see: icons, banners, layouts, and other random graphics. The name, Rumble_Madness came to me after watching a few episodes of the anime School Rumble by Jin Kobayashi. I love that series~! Anyways... I mainly make anime/manga/video game icons. Yet, in a bunch of batches, I include Disney, TV shows, musicals, and some bands. So keep your eyes open for those. I try to make a variety in each batch. ^^.
A little bit about me... I'm no one real special. ^^;;; I mean, I make graphics because it's fun and I get bored really easily. Umm... also, I'm color-blind to the color blue. The colors blue and gray look exactly the same to me. I love those colors~! <3
As of September 12th, 2006, rumble_madness is now a friend's only graphic journal.
Why all of a sudden? This journal is now friends only, because there have been postings that are insults of my work. I don't mind some criticism, however, being outright rude is another thing.
Thinking of Adding? Here's Reasons Why To Add. As I do post icon batches in communities, I do not post my layouts on communities. So for features that you can't find in communities, you will be able to find here. Also, at times, I don't even post all my icon batches on communities, so if you're added here, you will be able to see those icons actually lately, I haven't even been posting my icon batches to the public at all. Also, if I don't have you added and you want me to make you graphics, I will decline. I will only make requested items to anyone listed as a friend.
I'm afraid of being rejected... Don't be afraid to post. As long as you post, you will be added. If I don't add you, I will give you reasoning.
Rules + Any icon that's taken from here MUST be credited or else I won't post them anymore. If I find any stealing, you will be sorry. + If you use any layouts, feel free to mess with the coding, but DO NOT get rid of the credits. + If you have fewer than 4 mutual friends, you won't be added. I would assume that you're after my graphics, and I don't want to deal with that again... + In order to be added, you must have at least 5 credited icons in your collection. If I see that you aren't crediting, then I won't add you. + I check if you're crediting. So if you stop crediting, I will ban you from this journal immediately.