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cool game, but i would think the 2 one is better

como lo descargo

Nose XD

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Hey i just joined your discord server and im the biggest fan

444 mb

hi rugbug im your biggest fan


anyone play anymore lol

no, everyone plays Redmatch 2

can I have the source code

dude not even I have the source code


it got corrupted, thats why there aren't any updates




Would it be possible to make it playable in-browser? If not then that is totally fine!


No, I don't have the game's source code anymore



i know whats the feeling of loosing source code because of a corruption (that happened to me)

now i use source control :) no more losing source code

Tip:Be sure to make backups of the game so you can continue making it (Google  Drive is recommended)

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just use git & github

no one plaing sadddddd

JOIN ME, SERVER CODE: d38a384d-0867-4653-a041-ad56e9b1057f


Deleted post

Redmatch isn't as well optimized as Redmatch 2, but it should run ok at the lowest quality and a lower resolution.

Deleted post

are the developers going to put this on web or is it to hard

Redmatch is never coming to the web, since I have stopped development and started working on Redmatch 2 instead.

 I downloading it now

i know its finish but you can make it better

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No, sorry. I'm working on Redmatch 2 now.

plsupdate it

is it better than redmatch 2?

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I think that some game modes are more fun than Redmatch 2's, like TTT and Gun Game. However the playerbase is all but dead, so Redmatch 2 is really the only option unless you have a group of friends to play with.

do you plan this gamemodes for redmatch2?


Nope. Battle Royale is the only one coming to Redmatch 2. There are not enough guns for Gun Game, and the movement is too fast for TTT. I would need to create new maps as well if I wanted to add TTT.

Enter my FPS game jam if you want to compete against other games (if anyone else joins).

i think adding bots would be a nice way to play on your own or for training

i like dis game. it should get greenlit.


Nice work!

The invite has inspired for the discord server! :O

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The invite has been fixed.


Great game:

Shooting feels great
good graphics without being computer intensive
big tic tac people heehee

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