Papers by Sander van Lanen

Kwalon, 2020
Een onderzoek is pas afgerond als de resultaten zijn gecommuniceerd (Hill & Walkington, 2016). Na... more Een onderzoek is pas afgerond als de resultaten zijn gecommuniceerd (Hill & Walkington, 2016). Na het afnemen, het transcriberen, coderen en analyseren van interviews, of elke andere methode, volgt dus het verspreiden van de resultaten. Je maakt de stap van het onderzoeksproces naar het ‘vertelproces’. Dit kan op verschillende manieren, maar hier richten we ons specifiek op geschreven tekst. Desalniettemin komen deze tips ook van pas bij andere communicatievormen. Een onderzoeksartikel of scriptie heeft als doel de lezer te overtuigen van het belang van je onderzoek, de geloofwaardigheid van de interpretaties en daarmee van de belangrijke conclusies van het onderzoek. Gezien de diversiteit van kwalitatieve methoden bestaat er geen heilige graal of gulden snede. Plaats deze ‘tips en tools’ dus in de structuur en vorm die het beste past bij het specifieke onderzoek en de specifieke instructies die je hebt meegekregen.

Austerity across Europe: Lived Experiences of Economic Crises, 2020
This chapter establishes how austerity interacts with place, space and class to create new conste... more This chapter establishes how austerity interacts with place, space and class to create new constellations of urban exclusion and inclusion for disadvantaged urban youth. Focussing on the experience of austerity by young people (18-25) from Cork and Dublin, Ireland, it reveals the ways in which austerity encapsulates and transforms their lifeworld and how age, class, and space come together to shape the new social inequalities and spatial relations of austerity urbanism. Emphasising the critical insights to be gained from qualitative engagement with experiential accounts of austerity, this chapter focusses on experiences and encounters of austerity to establish the role of spatial, social, and personal characteristics in shaping the pathways through which austerity enters and transforms the lifeworld and the geographies of the everyday. Three specific dimensions of austerity urbanism – destructive creativity, deficit politics and devolved risk (Peck, 2012) – are connected to elements of social exclusion; not being allowed, not being able and not being willing to belong to society (Schuyt, 2006). As such, it is argued that the extreme economic rationality of austerity disallows urban life by disabling/discouraging stable employment and sustained consumption. Furthermore, it establishes how such developments are aggravated by the age and class status of disadvantaged urban youth. Finally, the experience of this exclusion affects youth’s sense of belonging, the lack whereof presents itself as a desire to emigrate to countries that treat their citizens just and fairly. As such, austerity urbanism creates new conditions of urban inclusion and exclusion along lines of age, space and class.
Journal of Poverty, Dec 4, 2021
Mechanisms that drive the intergenerational transmission of poverty have been studied widely, but... more Mechanisms that drive the intergenerational transmission of poverty have been studied widely, but to understand how these mechanisms are at work in real life we require studies on perspectives of families who themselves are living in poverty. In this study, we combine the perspectives of multiple generations of family households in a rural area in the Netherlands. We want to understand from their own perspective what prevents these families from escaping poverty. Twenty-three family households participated in intergenerational interviews. Results show that recurrent mechanisms were often perceived to relate to rearing practices, norm-setting and geographical mechanisms (immobility and perceived place-based stigma). Family habitus structures the mechanisms that prolong and perpetuate poverty.
Urban Geography, 2022
Conceptualizing Othering as an intercorporeal encounter in urban space, the paper explores how Ot... more Conceptualizing Othering as an intercorporeal encounter in urban space, the paper explores how Otherness is lived in the networks of everyday embodied urban living of young Muslims. We provide an in-depth understanding of the ways through which corporeal Othering is spatially organized and practised within everyday urban space felt and lived with different intensities and registered in the sensing bodies of young Muslims as part of their lived embodied urbanism in Amsterdam. We shed light on how the (re) construction of the Muslim Other is spatialized concerning intersectionality, clothing, and stereotyping.

The Boolean: Snapshots of Doctoral Research at University College Cork, 2015
Memories of being sent home from a construction site, parents who suddenly struggle to make ends ... more Memories of being sent home from a construction site, parents who suddenly struggle to make ends meet, moving back into ones parental home, but also the feeling that nothing has really changed at all. These are some of the experiences young adults in Knocknaheeny have of the 2007 financial crash and the following recession. Knocknaheeny is an area described as deprived, with more than one in four unemployed, while 40% of those employed are semi- or unskilled and about a third of the population has finished primary education only. A neighbourhood were some parts benefited from the property boom of the 2000s while others are third generation unemployed. It is the neighbourhood in which the first part of my research on the experiences of recession by disadvantaged urban youth takes place. I am not the first to write about austerity, increasing uncertainty and impacts of the recession on different aspects ...
KWALON, 2020
Deze rubriek richt zich op (niet alleen jonge) onderzoekers. Simpel en kort: hoe was het ook weer... more Deze rubriek richt zich op (niet alleen jonge) onderzoekers. Simpel en kort: hoe was het ook weer? Over principes of procedures in kwalitatief onderzoek.

AGORA Magazine, 2017
2015 kondigde Minister van Financiën Michael Noonan het einde van het tijdperk van bezuinigingen ... more 2015 kondigde Minister van Financiën Michael Noonan het einde van het tijdperk van bezuinigingen aan, maar zeven jaar bezuinigingspolitiek heeft blijvende sporen nagelaten in Ierland. Kansarme jeugd gevoelig voor recessie Dit artikel richt zich specifiek op de ervaringen van jongvolwassenen uit achterstandswijken met de recente reeks bezuinigingen in Ierland, en is gebaseerd op 33 interviews met 18-tot 25-jarigen in Cork en Dublin. In het maatschappelijke en wetenschappelijke debat is er, als het over jongeren gaat, vooral aandacht voor de impact van de recessie op de middenklasse. Een voorbeeld hiervan zijn studenten, wiens hoop op een goede baan snel vervaagde en onder wie emigratie sterk steeg. In mijn onderzoek heb ik me echter gericht op een groep jongeren voor wie de vooruitzichten inmiddels nog veel somberder zijn. Jongvolwassenen zijn tijdens een recessie gevoeliger voor werkloosheid dan oudere werknemers. Dit wordt vooral veroorzaakt door een gebrek aan ervaring, de afwezigheid van opgebouwde netwerken en beperkte financiën om in hun carrière te investeren. Een periode van jeugdwerkloosheid werkt daarnaast nog jaren door op de arbeidsmarktpositie. Zoals in veel andere landen hebben jongvolwassenen in Ierland vaker deeltijdwerk, tijdelijke contracten, en een lager loon. Tijdens de crisis nam het verschil tussen jeugdwerkloosheid en het nationale werkgelegenheidsgemiddelde toe. Daarnaast werd, als aansporing tot werk en scholing, tussen 2010 en 2014 de werkloosheidsuitkering voor 18-tot 25-jarigen AGORA 2017-1 SLIMME STAD
Geoforum, 2018
Take-down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing... more Take-down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim.
Geoforum, 2021
Often framed in the public discourse as Europe's ultimate Other, Muslims have been heftily debate... more Often framed in the public discourse as Europe's ultimate Other, Muslims have been heftily debated and vastly problematised by politicians, pundits, and public intellectuals as unwanted immigrants, part of a bad diversity, problematic, violent, refusals of modernity, secularism, and freedom. Thinking through the body as a phenomenal lived body, we explore Othering as a set of visual, auditory, olfactory, and haptic encounters. Employing an urban ethnography on everyday lived experiences of young Muslims in Amsterdam, the paper investigates multiple modes through which Othering is sensed, lived, and felt through the body.
Geografie, 2017
Review of 'Living with Diversity in Jane-Finch' by Donya Ahmadi, on diversity as ... more Review of 'Living with Diversity in Jane-Finch' by Donya Ahmadi, on diversity as discourse, social reality, and policy in Toronto.

Journal of Housing and the Built Environment
Johannesburg, which is South Africa’s largest city and economic center, is still influenced by pa... more Johannesburg, which is South Africa’s largest city and economic center, is still influenced by patterns of inequality of the past. Although spatial transformation has been rapid since 1994, spatial divisions along class lines are still prevalent long after the apartheid era. This is despite the fact that societal values such as inclusivity, spatial justice and equal access to resources have become the core goals of Johannesburg’s spatial and urban development. This is particularly true when addressing housing, public open spaces, transport and social infrastructure embedded in a suitable land-use mix. However, despite the adoption of numerous policies by government, this research indicates that even recent urban development projects such as Fleurhof and Waterfall are falling short in delivering those objectives. Based on a case study analysis, we show that significant dysfunctionalities become evident when evaluating these two projects, despite their meeting relevant indicators of s...
In the runup to Mayday 2014 the special issue editors invited activists to comment on a range of ... more In the runup to Mayday 2014 the special issue editors invited activists to comment on a range of questions about their experience of solidarity work and its practical challenges. We’ve edited the responses together into a single piece which we hope will provoke reflection!
Journal of Poverty, 2021
Mechanisms that drive the intergenerational transmission of
poverty have been studied widely, bu... more Mechanisms that drive the intergenerational transmission of
poverty have been studied widely, but to understand how
these mechanisms are at work in real life we require studies
on perspectives of families who themselves are living in poverty.
In this study, we combine the perspectives of multiple generations
of family households in a rural area in the Netherlands. We
want to understand from their own perspective what prevents
these families from escaping poverty. Twenty-three family
households participated in intergenerational interviews.
Results show that recurrent mechanisms were often perceived
to relate to rearing practices, norm-setting and geographical
mechanisms (immobility and perceived place-based stigma).
Family habitus structures the mechanisms that prolong and
perpetuate poverty.
Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie, 2020

ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies, 2020
This article explores exclusion and sense of displacement through the austerity experiences of yo... more This article explores exclusion and sense of displacement through the austerity experiences of young adults in Ballymun, a disadvantaged urban neighbourhood in Dublin, Ireland. Such youth encountered exclusion on the labour market, urban housing, and support services. As austerity intensified urban exclusion, youth's affective relations with their neighbourhood, their city, and the state transformed. Using the concept 'at-homeness', it is argued that reduced income and funding for social services resulted locally in a partial 'sense of displacement'. Nationally, the class character of austerity reduced sense of belonging as youth felt betrayed and unfairly treated. It is argued that social, economic and political developments affect at-homeness, and that reduced sense of belonging induced by austerity can lead to a sense of displacement, not through physical movement, but by estrangement from the places one inhabits through processes of abandonment. Therefore, sense of displacement is expanded beyond gentrification as it can emerge from socioeconomic transformations in a more-or-less stable physical and demographic environment.
Papers by Sander van Lanen
poverty have been studied widely, but to understand how
these mechanisms are at work in real life we require studies
on perspectives of families who themselves are living in poverty.
In this study, we combine the perspectives of multiple generations
of family households in a rural area in the Netherlands. We
want to understand from their own perspective what prevents
these families from escaping poverty. Twenty-three family
households participated in intergenerational interviews.
Results show that recurrent mechanisms were often perceived
to relate to rearing practices, norm-setting and geographical
mechanisms (immobility and perceived place-based stigma).
Family habitus structures the mechanisms that prolong and
perpetuate poverty.
poverty have been studied widely, but to understand how
these mechanisms are at work in real life we require studies
on perspectives of families who themselves are living in poverty.
In this study, we combine the perspectives of multiple generations
of family households in a rural area in the Netherlands. We
want to understand from their own perspective what prevents
these families from escaping poverty. Twenty-three family
households participated in intergenerational interviews.
Results show that recurrent mechanisms were often perceived
to relate to rearing practices, norm-setting and geographical
mechanisms (immobility and perceived place-based stigma).
Family habitus structures the mechanisms that prolong and
perpetuate poverty.