Papers by S. Neuman-Stanivukovic

Atlantis, Feb 8, 2024
This introduction to the special issue on Feminist Strike takes up the question of what remains m... more This introduction to the special issue on Feminist Strike takes up the question of what remains marginalized and overlooked within dominant discourses on contemporary feminist protests. Drawing on experiences of and approaches to feminist refusal that involve questions of labour, we propose the ways in which conceptualizations of feminist strike can be employed as a lens to build a conversation between different practices, scales, and geographies, particularly across postcolonial and postsocialist contexts. Through a reading of Aliki Saragas's film Strike a Rock (2017) about the women living around the Marikana miners' settlement in the aftermath of a major strike, we explore how notions of feminist strike can be expanded by situating Black women's struggles in South Africa within a long tradition of women's resistance and showing how political resistance is bound to questions of reproductive work. To understand the intersection of postsocialist, post-conflict, and (pre-)Europeanization transformations, we consider the case of a large-scale strike and public demonstrations against the bankruptcy of the Croatian shipyard Uljanik that took place in 2018 and 2019. Our perspectives on the Marikana and the Uljanik strikes show how women in both places practise a politics of refusal and resistance against ruination, violence, and defeat. In the last section, we summarize the contents of the articles that comprise the special issue.
Journal of contemporary European studies, May 15, 2024
Europeanization as Discursive Practice
Central European Journal of …
Re ecting a subtle but profound shift in recent Canadian foreign policy priorities, the tsunami ... more Re ecting a subtle but profound shift in recent Canadian foreign policy priorities, the tsunami of last year, the chaos in Haiti, the exploding troubles in Sudan are not foreign-aid issues for Canada, they are foreign-policy priorities. They re ect our demography transformation from predominantly European to truly multinational. Problems in India and China and Haiti are our problems because India and China are our motherlands.

The book tries to answer the questions on what are the advantages, possible disadvantages or the ... more The book tries to answer the questions on what are the advantages, possible disadvantages or the key challenges of membership in the EU. In addition to the main negotiation chapters, other issues which will mostly affect the life and work of Croatian citizens are also discussed. During the implementation of this project the research team was led by often emphasized need to present the complex effects of EU membership in a simple and accessible way to citizens. Therefore, key advantages and challenges of the EU membership are summarised at the end of each chapter. The challenges stated in this book are not and should not pose an obstacle for future successful development of the Republic of Croatia. The publication, edited by Sanja Tisma, Visnja Samardžija and Kresimir Jurlin, is the result of work of IRMO’s scientists and external experts, experts in particular areas. Foreword to the book was written by Ambassador Paul Vandoren, Head of the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Croatia and the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Croatia, Ms. Vesna Pusic.
5th ECPR Pan-European Conference on EU Politics, Jun 25, 2010
Democracy Promotion and the Normative Power Europe Framework, 2018

Europeanization as Discursive Practice adopts a poststructuralist reading of Europeanization to s... more Europeanization as Discursive Practice adopts a poststructuralist reading of Europeanization to study the effects of EU accession in the light of political territoriality and consequent state-building processes in the EU and Central and Eastern European countries (CEECs) and the Western Balkans, from 1990-2013. Focusing on how domestic actors have framed Europe/EU norms in the debates on territorial reforms and the implications of this framing on policy reforms, it asks how competing articulations of the EU and its norms construct state territoriality in the given political and policy debates. The book argues that the European Union acted as a discursive force and a challenge to the established structures of understanding of territoriality, statehood, and power. With this, the author proposes a new research model for the study of Europeanization that goes beyond the neo-institutionalist account of the EU's policy/norm transfer to member/non-member states.

This dissertation begins from the hypothesis that the direction and extent of Europeanization dep... more This dissertation begins from the hypothesis that the direction and extent of Europeanization depends on domestic perception of the European Union and its norms. Accordingly, it was my empirical ambition to study how competing articulations of the EU and its norms constructed debates in EU member and candidate countries. I have pled for greater meta-theoretical awareness in Europeanization scholarship, accompanied by a shift in the ontological reading of underlying questions about the meaning and content of Europeanization. The result of the established theoretical and empirical considerations was a novel framework for the study of Europeanization embedded in poststructuralism. Poststructuralism rests on a dual ontological foundation. The first premise maintains reality’s discursivity. This suggests that social identities, albeit materially grounded, do not exist outside of language. The second premise rejects the existence of structural totality in view of mutual constitutivness of...
Papers by S. Neuman-Stanivukovic