Dirk K F Meijer
Short Curriculum Vitae of Prof. dr. Dirk K. F. Meijer
Dirk Klaas Fokke Meijer (Dick) was born in 1940 in Soest, The Netherlands. After finishing High school, (2nd Chr. HBS) in Groningen, he started his study in Pharmacy In 1959 at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands. After his masters in 1967, he was PhD student at the Faculty of Medicine and defended his doctoral thesis in Pharmacology in 1972.
He is married to Geke Severs. They have two children (Wouter and Marleen) and presently also three grandchildren (Steijn, Menthe and Diede)
Following his PhD studies, he worked at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York (1973-1974) as research associate and subsequently became lecturer at the Groningen University. In 1980, he was nominated to full professor in Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacotherapy at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
He is, at present, author/ co-author of 650 scientific publications, including 26 chapters in international journals and textbooks, on the subject of Drug Kinetics, Drug Targeting, Membrane Transport and, more recently, on Science Philosophy and Information Science. He was on the scientific board of various international journals and was member of European Federation of Pharmaceutical Sciences and American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases.
From 1978 to 2006, he coached in total 60 PhD students during their PhD studies in the Faculties of Medical Sciences and/or Natural Sciences.
He was co-founder and scientific director of the Drug Research Institute GUIDE of the University of Groningen. He was also the founding chairman of the Dutch Association of Pharmaceutical Sciences (NVFW) and that of the Federation for Innovative Drug Research in the Netherlands (FIGON). He was, in this context, co-founder of the Dutch National Drug Research Institute (TI Pharma).
Present Research Gate score: 50.05 Hirsch index: 64
Research Gate link: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Dirk_Meijer4
Linkedin link: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dick-dirk-k-f-meijer-ab314038
In 2004, he received the “Saal van Zwanenberg” prize for his contributions to the design and development of novel drugs and drug formulations as well as the organization of Drug Research in the Netherlands. In 2006 he retired as professor and was appointed “Knight of the Order of the Dutch Lion”. In 2007/2008 he worked on a partnership of universities, colleges and industries in the field of Life Sciences in the Northern Netherlands.
Current Activities:
- His current activities concern, among others, research and lectures for the Senior Academy Faculty of the Groningen University on biophysics of brain function and consciousness
- In addition, he enjoys his sports mountain hiking, and tennis and is performing member of a folk music group (vocals and guitar).
- Organization of scientific courses for elderly people at Senior Academy Faculty of the Groningen University from January 2009 till the present.
- Chairman of Discussion groups on Science Philosophy, including courses on “Consciousness and Brain Function”, “The Future of Mankind”, “The Role of Language and Information in Biological and Cultural Evolution”, “The Human Reward Brain System, Heaven or Hell?”, “Science Revolutions, on paradigm changes in Art and Science” as well as on “Quantum Physics in Relation to the Fabric of Reality”.
Dirk Klaas Fokke Meijer (Dick) was born in 1940 in Soest, The Netherlands. After finishing High school, (2nd Chr. HBS) in Groningen, he started his study in Pharmacy In 1959 at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands. After his masters in 1967, he was PhD student at the Faculty of Medicine and defended his doctoral thesis in Pharmacology in 1972.
He is married to Geke Severs. They have two children (Wouter and Marleen) and presently also three grandchildren (Steijn, Menthe and Diede)
Following his PhD studies, he worked at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York (1973-1974) as research associate and subsequently became lecturer at the Groningen University. In 1980, he was nominated to full professor in Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacotherapy at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
He is, at present, author/ co-author of 650 scientific publications, including 26 chapters in international journals and textbooks, on the subject of Drug Kinetics, Drug Targeting, Membrane Transport and, more recently, on Science Philosophy and Information Science. He was on the scientific board of various international journals and was member of European Federation of Pharmaceutical Sciences and American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases.
From 1978 to 2006, he coached in total 60 PhD students during their PhD studies in the Faculties of Medical Sciences and/or Natural Sciences.
He was co-founder and scientific director of the Drug Research Institute GUIDE of the University of Groningen. He was also the founding chairman of the Dutch Association of Pharmaceutical Sciences (NVFW) and that of the Federation for Innovative Drug Research in the Netherlands (FIGON). He was, in this context, co-founder of the Dutch National Drug Research Institute (TI Pharma).
Present Research Gate score: 50.05 Hirsch index: 64
Research Gate link: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Dirk_Meijer4
Linkedin link: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dick-dirk-k-f-meijer-ab314038
In 2004, he received the “Saal van Zwanenberg” prize for his contributions to the design and development of novel drugs and drug formulations as well as the organization of Drug Research in the Netherlands. In 2006 he retired as professor and was appointed “Knight of the Order of the Dutch Lion”. In 2007/2008 he worked on a partnership of universities, colleges and industries in the field of Life Sciences in the Northern Netherlands.
Current Activities:
- His current activities concern, among others, research and lectures for the Senior Academy Faculty of the Groningen University on biophysics of brain function and consciousness
- In addition, he enjoys his sports mountain hiking, and tennis and is performing member of a folk music group (vocals and guitar).
- Organization of scientific courses for elderly people at Senior Academy Faculty of the Groningen University from January 2009 till the present.
- Chairman of Discussion groups on Science Philosophy, including courses on “Consciousness and Brain Function”, “The Future of Mankind”, “The Role of Language and Information in Biological and Cultural Evolution”, “The Human Reward Brain System, Heaven or Hell?”, “Science Revolutions, on paradigm changes in Art and Science” as well as on “Quantum Physics in Relation to the Fabric of Reality”.
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Papers by Dirk K F Meijer
Music is an interplay of Energy and Information. Energy is in the frequencies of the successive or compound tones, while the order of tones transfers non-material information. The authors posit the vision that our reality is always a combination of three fundamental aspects: Mass, Energy and Information, and they show how fundamental the role of Information is. Information directs the development and the forms of particles, while energy drives this process. This is one of the new insights that emerge from quantum physics. In-form-ation is not only found in spatial forms and patterns in nature, but also in growth forms of plants, in the composition of DNA, as well as in musical compositions. Quantum physics seems to offer a new perspective for a better understanding of the foundations of nature, of the brain and even of consciousness. Some of these foundations will be explored in the following chapters. While going through this paper it will become clear that this triangle of Mass Energy and Information, MEI, fundamentally requires a fourth window: Consciousness. Information is in principle present everywhere in the universe as a Universal consciousness of which human consciousness is part. Cosmic consciousness can be described physically with the well-known holographic principle, based on a fourth spatial dimension. Physicists formulate this extra dimension as a sub-quantum information domain, from which the evolutionary development of the universe is directed. This indeed also concerns the development of ecosystems and of each component part thereof. This ‘control’ occurs by means of resonance of quantum vibrations with the Zero-Point Energy field in which all Information is stored. In the exchange of information, the resonance mechanism plays a crucial role, also in our brain. This concept of information has previously been proposed in a natural-philosophical and axiomatical way by quantum physicist David Bohm as the non-material implicate order, which shapes the actual explicit physical reality. Over time, the implicate order also gave direction and shape to the biological evolutionary processes. The authors go a step further with the premise that humanity itself participates in evolution. In this view, humanity participates in a self-learning universe. This quantum information in the universal consciousness is perceived as the basic mechanism initiating the origin of first life in evolution, and hence quantum theory has also penetrated biology. The existence of this all-encompassing quantum information field also offers possible explanations for more intuitive communication with fellow human beings, plants and animals and possibly as well for extraterrestrial sensory perception and hitherto unexplained Psi phenomena. Recent cosmological studies build on this understanding and indicate that, in principle, communication with other intelligences in the cosmos could become possible. Eventually, a kind of “galactic internet” could emerge as part of a self-learning universe. The ’original’ information may have been available before the start of this current universe. The transition of a previous universe into our present one is conceived as a holographic informational process, unrolling the opposing forces of Gravity and Dark Energy. Based on these insights, the authors argue for the further exploration of the concept of universal consciousness in human society, as well as its potential role in the further evolution of the universe. Quantum theory is increasingly proving to be of great importance in this respect. Translated into the current living reality, quantum biology also offers a new perspective for a sustainable use of our precious nature in agriculture and forestry. After all, the integral nature – with virus, insect, plant, animal and human - is a balanced interplay of mass, energy, information and consciousness. These new insights can also lead to groundbreaking technologies, but their application requires a simultaneous inner and ethical evolution of the human spirit. In all of this we live in an all-encompassing musical symphony that guides the fabric of reality. This may, hopefully, provide a key to a better future for everything that inhabits our precious planet.
2. This universal sonic/acoustic pattern, detected by us by meta-analysis of over 1600 scientific reports, may be interpreted as a musical instrument that serves to compose a cosmic harmony (universal wave function), through the specific selection and ordering of discrete tones (melodies), that may have been interwoven into a grand primordial symphony.
3. This dual EMF- distribution pattern can be positioned in a dynamic toroidal/wormhole geometry. It is aligned with a magnetic monopole entity as positioned at the singularity center of the torus and bounded by white- and black hole structures, that both bear a holographic event horizon memory space
4. We submit that, in a superfluid quantum space context, this core spectrum constitute a large fractal/self-similar series of over 800 EMF frequency bands on the basis of a repeating core of 12 alternating coherent and decoherent values of phononic activity
5. Experimental EMF frequencies can be characterized as coherent EMF frequencies by applying the notation of 2 n , (n= integer number), known from quantum harmonic oscillation math
6. We revealed this Acoustic Quantum Code also in a spectrum of discrete EMF frequencies in water, as an structured assembly of dipolar water molecules. Water may also be instrumental as a scale invariant conduit for universal entanglement, and creation of life, while a central role of H+/H20 (hydronium) composites in conscious brain states was earlier proposed by us
7. We subsequently established, in an EEG brain frequency analysis, the importance of dominant decoherent brain waves in mental disorders and the abundant presence of such frequencies in malignant diseases. Resonant coherence of photon/phonon activities seems a crucial feature of healthy cell systems as well as in the creation of first life conditions, such as in 3D protein folding as well as tubulin and DNA superradiance properties.
8. The relation with topological Chern numbers and our finding that the revealed EMF power spectrum has been shown to promote both superconductive properties and quantum entanglement and is also compatible with acoustic spectra of CMB and ZPE-field / Planck black body oscillations, may indicate that this quantum code reflects a fundamental , scale invariant, property of quantized space-time, explaining its consistent presence in at least 20 biophysical phenomena as analyzed by us from 2014-2024
This paper examines the phenomenal nature of consciousness, by elucidating the quantum physical basis for its existence. We propose a new model of geometry-based harmonics, a fractal 12-tone set of discrete wave frequencies that undergo constructive and deconstructive wave interference. It exhibits entangled and disentangled states, invites both dualistic and non-dualistic properties, and operates in a 4D to 3D dimensional information transmission by symmetry breaking. A remarkable finding is revealed that EMF-wave frequency distribution in both animate and inanimate matter exhibits a distinct holo-fractal coherent pattern of 12 scalar tones in whole nature, including the cosmic level (Gravitational waves, and ZPE field oscillations). The same pattern is observed at the meso-level of evolutionary Life processes, in the wave peaks of our Brain (EEG), in stem cells and in neural microtubules. We also detected these acoustic patterns in superconductive materials and Bosonic energy states, that are characteristic for their entangled conditions. It stands to reason, that the human brain and thus those of the Greek philosophers and the Chinese mathematicians, were hardwired for an acoustical quantum code of resonant coherence that, according to our concept, is guiding the cosmos in a scale invariant manner. In this framework, a new model and algorithm for human (self)-consciousness is proposed, that involves a 4D superfluid quantum scalar phonon information field, that is associated with but not reducible to our brain. This mental workspace, at various cosmic quantum scales, is expressed both as individual and collective consciousness, and is guiding through alternating coherent semi-harmonic and decoherent (chaotic) wave patterns and a typical metric. This dual modality can be positioned in a dynamic toroidal/wormhole geometry. It is aligned with a magnetic monopole entity as positioned at the singularity center of the torus and bounded by white- and black hole structures. The series of harmonically distributed photon/phonon quantized eigenstates in the core of the torus, can be envisioned as a so-called ladder (stairway) system, that bi-directionally operates in the toroidal wormhole space via a magnetic type of wave confinement. This ladder structure, also reported in modern physics as spin-ladders, may represent the two opposing principles of order and disorder, that are in line with the theory of Leibniz and Jung, and various historical described, ladder-systems, as well as the “Ying and Yang” of our world.
Recent analysis of data obtained by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has found apparent
discrepancies with the standard models in cosmology. Large galactic structures based on the understood
coupling between White Hole Quasars and Black Hole Supermassive Black Holes (SMBH) at the center of
galaxies seem to have formed immediately following the creation event, commonly known as a
Quantum Big Bang Cosmology (QBBC). As the age of cosmological structures cannot be greater than the
age of the universe itself, many researchers and cosmologists have realised, that the standard
cosmology needs reanalysis, modification and appropriate additions to the present models are expected
and anticipated. Certain attempts to reformulate the cosmological standard models, such as revisiting
‘tired light’ models of Fritz Zwicky and the ‘varying fundamental constant’ hypotheses of Paul Dirac, have
resulted in varying models extending the age of the universe to about 20 (Gupta and Zwicky) and 26
(Gupta and Dirac) billion years, seemingly accommodating the new measurements of the JWST. The
reintroduction of the ‘tired light’ and ‘varying constant’ proposals of Gupta are however incompatible
with other well tested and accepted premises of the standard cosmology of the QBBC. This paper then
will ‘solve’ the discrepancies observed in extending the present standard model of cosmology in
exposing the short-comings of the QBBC, not in abandoning its basic assumptions and premises; but in
deriving the age of the universe and its foundations of star- and galactic evolution from the initial- and
boundary conditions of the creation event. It is shown that the accumulation of primordial micro black
holes to form bigger black holes, by coupling as energy sinks to quasar-white hole energy sources to
‘feed’ the source-sink seeded cores as galactic centers and active galactic nuclei. This is reversed in
supermassive black hole seeds as a 0.25 percentage of a universal baryon mass seedling, coexisting in
the creation event of the QBBC transiting across a Higgs vacuum from a time-spaced Planck parameter
epoch to define the Big Bang Cosmology in the birth of space and time. This Planckian timespace can be
associated with a multidimensional cosmology based on spacetime modular dualities described in a
background independent supermembrane theory transforming into background dependent superstrings
to trigger the creation event in the form of a Weylian wormhole, also modeled by Meijer’s TwinBipolaron gravity concept, exhibiting the properties of dark matter and dark energy in its dual nature
derived from the modular string dualities. The observations of the JWST then indicate that the SMBHs
created with the QBBC became a fraction of the universe’s mass content following a cosmic evolution
not based on mass, but on temperature, until the universes’ temperature had cooled enough to attain
saturation equilibrium between quantum entangled micro black holes and the SMBHs in a quantum
tunneling through a time wall and not a barrier of space. The QBBC parameters then define this ‘time
barrier’ in the inversion properties of the modular duality of supermembrane theory and as modeled by
the Meijer Twin- bipolaron, as the agency for this quantum entanglement as a fifth elementary gauge
boson interaction.
Current information theory implies that information can both be described as a physical entity, bearing an entropic element, in which the impact of information is inversely related to the probability that it will occur (Type 1 information), versus the concept that information reflects the certainty of a message and is directly related to its probability and meaning (Type 2 information). This dual aspect of information reflects the perspectives of sender and receiver in the transmission process and resembles wave/particle duality in which (proto)-consciousness can be instrumental in transition of the Type 1 to the Type 2 information aspects. It is shown that basic information is largely hidden from us, due to observation- induced perturbation of this intrinsic information.
Information may be transmitted in very different ways and at very different levels. In the living cell this may constitute chemical and electrical signals, but also specific spatial perturbations, for instance, in the 3-dimensional structure of proteins. At the level of human communication, vibration patterns can be expressed in electromagnetic waves in the form of light, sound, music, as well as in images and stories (transmitted by radio, telephone, internet and TV, for example). Such information is transferred to the brain through specifically tailored sensory organs that accommodate complex patterns of wave activity, that subsequently are converted to neural activities in a cyclic workspace of the nervous system. The emergence of human information, knowledge and understanding , in itself, can be seen as a creative force in the physical universe, which can influence the generation of complexity of Nature in all domains. A new information paradigm has been proposed that represents a new integral science of information, on a physical and metaphysical basis: it seems easier to describe matter and energy in terms of information than vice versa. Consequently, information can be used as a common language across scientific disciplines.
The Meijer Twin Bipolaron concept may represent potentially a revolution in physics and science, as a fifth elementary interaction and as a mathematically and logistical self-consistent model of universally applicable reality, representing Wheeler’s ‘Atom of Information’ in encompassing all of its physics.
The present paper then attempts to validate the Meijer Bipolaron as a ‘missing’ integrated part of the
standard models in particle physics and in the Quantum Big Bang Cosmology in three parts:
1. The Algorithmic Pre-spacetime Origin of the Bipolaron in Wheeler-Meijer Cosmology
2. The Creation of Dirac’s Quantum Big Bang in Spacetime from Weyl-Bipolaron Timespace
3. The Bipolaron as an Antigravitation (Dark Energy) Agent in the Gravitation Centre of the Unified Field
The present essay/literature compilation in part 1 of our studies, deals with a prominent problem in physics: how to reconcile relativistic and quantum mechanical theories for describing the fabric of reality, in relation to the origin and nature of gravity. Since Einstein, adequately, described gravity in general relativity as arising from a warping of space-time, nevertheless, hundreds of alternative theories have been forwarded in articles and books, albeit without finding definite clues. The development of quantum physics and search for mathematical defined quantum gravity revealed fundamental discrepancies with Einstein’s ideas, that could not be reconciled until today. So, science is still left with the major question as to the very origin of gravity, as well as to that of anti-gravity (or dark energy), both at the macro-cosmological and micro-(Planckian) levels. How and when in cosmic history were these “forces” generated, do they indeed constitute long-distance forces and do they imply (anti)- gravitational fields? Can gravity be generated by an excitation of such a gravitational field, producing gravity transferring wave/particles (the currently missing graviton in the standard model)? In addition, further questions were raised: should gravity be regarded as a fundamental and thus independent force or does it rather emerge from field interactions such as electromagnetism and zero-point energy? How is the relation with the known physical laws such as thermodynamics and entropy, as well as informational aspects of the fabric of reality? Should we see the latter in relation to gravity as background dependent, as in the known String theories, or as background independent as in the Spin network of Loop-Quantum Gravity? Finally, does the related unfolding of the cosmic quantum information require a quantum observer and, in this regard, is there a role for quantum mediated consciousness in the evolution of a self-reconstructive Universe, (to be treated in part 3 of our article). Its basis is an Acoustic Quantum Code of Resonant Coherence that connects and guides the fabric of reality from Cosmic to Planck scales. This represents a primordial power spectrum of discrete EMF frequencies, that was revealed by us in acoustic patterns in the CMB pattern, zero-point energy field, boson energy distribution at a step-wise unfolding of cosmic information at the birth of the universe, in energy distribution of gravitational waves and recently in brain micro-tubular oscillations in a state of coherent resonance with quantum fluctuations at the Planck scale. We submit that at symmetry breaking from 5D to 4 D, oscillating phonons were manifest that can form quasi-particles with proton-electron pairs, together framed by us as polaron gravitones. Repulsive and attractive charge interactions of such composed gravitational units may produce Dark energy and Gravity respectively. Alternatively, similar charge interactions may occur in the process of Matter/Antimatter interaction, by which Gravity is being coupled to particle annihilation in the ZPE setting. This sound (phonon)- mediated creation of Gravity/Dark energy will be discussed by treating a variety of currently formulated Gravity hypotheses. It will be shown that integrating a number of related aspects of the treated theories can, in principle, yield a comprehensive and unified Gravity theory on the basis of both Quantum physical and Relativity frameworks. This concept is shown to require a dynamic spacetime lattice constitution, coupled to toroidal geometry. The concerted hypotheses will be elaborated in part 2 of the present article. The present concept implies the birth of the gravitone as opposed to the graviton and pictures the becoming of our universe as an eternal symphonic manifestation.
review of interdisciplinary efforts made by contemporary authors to understand the nature of life and
consciousness in the cosmos. Besides referring to relevant contributions in this field, the authors also
develop their views into a coherent explanatory original hypothesis, showing how it integrates several
independent results obtained by the various authors into a unitary theoretical conjecture.
Music is an interplay of Energy and Information. Energy is in the frequencies of the successive or compound tones, while the order of tones transfers non-material information. The authors posit the vision that our reality is always a combination of three fundamental aspects: Mass, Energy and Information, and they show how fundamental the role of Information is. Information directs the development and the forms of particles, while energy drives this process. This is one of the new insights that emerge from quantum physics. In-form-ation is not only found in spatial forms and patterns in nature, but also in growth forms of plants, in the composition of DNA, as well as in musical compositions. Quantum physics seems to offer a new perspective for a better understanding of the foundations of nature, of the brain and even of consciousness. Some of these foundations will be explored in the following chapters. While going through this paper it will become clear that this triangle of Mass Energy and Information, MEI, fundamentally requires a fourth window: Consciousness. Information is in principle present everywhere in the universe as a Universal consciousness of which human consciousness is part. Cosmic consciousness can be described physically with the well-known holographic principle, based on a fourth spatial dimension. Physicists formulate this extra dimension as a sub-quantum information domain, from which the evolutionary development of the universe is directed. This indeed also concerns the development of ecosystems and of each component part thereof. This ‘control’ occurs by means of resonance of quantum vibrations with the Zero-Point Energy field in which all Information is stored. In the exchange of information, the resonance mechanism plays a crucial role, also in our brain. This concept of information has previously been proposed in a natural-philosophical and axiomatical way by quantum physicist David Bohm as the non-material implicate order, which shapes the actual explicit physical reality. Over time, the implicate order also gave direction and shape to the biological evolutionary processes. The authors go a step further with the premise that humanity itself participates in evolution. In this view, humanity participates in a self-learning universe. This quantum information in the universal consciousness is perceived as the basic mechanism initiating the origin of first life in evolution, and hence quantum theory has also penetrated biology. The existence of this all-encompassing quantum information field also offers possible explanations for more intuitive communication with fellow human beings, plants and animals and possibly as well for extraterrestrial sensory perception and hitherto unexplained Psi phenomena. Recent cosmological studies build on this understanding and indicate that, in principle, communication with other intelligences in the cosmos could become possible. Eventually, a kind of “galactic internet” could emerge as part of a self-learning universe. The ’original’ information may have been available before the start of this current universe. The transition of a previous universe into our present one is conceived as a holographic informational process, unrolling the opposing forces of Gravity and Dark Energy. Based on these insights, the authors argue for the further exploration of the concept of universal consciousness in human society, as well as its potential role in the further evolution of the universe. Quantum theory is increasingly proving to be of great importance in this respect. Translated into the current living reality, quantum biology also offers a new perspective for a sustainable use of our precious nature in agriculture and forestry. After all, the integral nature – with virus, insect, plant, animal and human - is a balanced interplay of mass, energy, information and consciousness. These new insights can also lead to groundbreaking technologies, but their application requires a simultaneous inner and ethical evolution of the human spirit. In all of this we live in an all-encompassing musical symphony that guides the fabric of reality. This may, hopefully, provide a key to a better future for everything that inhabits our precious planet.
2. This universal sonic/acoustic pattern, detected by us by meta-analysis of over 1600 scientific reports, may be interpreted as a musical instrument that serves to compose a cosmic harmony (universal wave function), through the specific selection and ordering of discrete tones (melodies), that may have been interwoven into a grand primordial symphony.
3. This dual EMF- distribution pattern can be positioned in a dynamic toroidal/wormhole geometry. It is aligned with a magnetic monopole entity as positioned at the singularity center of the torus and bounded by white- and black hole structures, that both bear a holographic event horizon memory space
4. We submit that, in a superfluid quantum space context, this core spectrum constitute a large fractal/self-similar series of over 800 EMF frequency bands on the basis of a repeating core of 12 alternating coherent and decoherent values of phononic activity
5. Experimental EMF frequencies can be characterized as coherent EMF frequencies by applying the notation of 2 n , (n= integer number), known from quantum harmonic oscillation math
6. We revealed this Acoustic Quantum Code also in a spectrum of discrete EMF frequencies in water, as an structured assembly of dipolar water molecules. Water may also be instrumental as a scale invariant conduit for universal entanglement, and creation of life, while a central role of H+/H20 (hydronium) composites in conscious brain states was earlier proposed by us
7. We subsequently established, in an EEG brain frequency analysis, the importance of dominant decoherent brain waves in mental disorders and the abundant presence of such frequencies in malignant diseases. Resonant coherence of photon/phonon activities seems a crucial feature of healthy cell systems as well as in the creation of first life conditions, such as in 3D protein folding as well as tubulin and DNA superradiance properties.
8. The relation with topological Chern numbers and our finding that the revealed EMF power spectrum has been shown to promote both superconductive properties and quantum entanglement and is also compatible with acoustic spectra of CMB and ZPE-field / Planck black body oscillations, may indicate that this quantum code reflects a fundamental , scale invariant, property of quantized space-time, explaining its consistent presence in at least 20 biophysical phenomena as analyzed by us from 2014-2024
This paper examines the phenomenal nature of consciousness, by elucidating the quantum physical basis for its existence. We propose a new model of geometry-based harmonics, a fractal 12-tone set of discrete wave frequencies that undergo constructive and deconstructive wave interference. It exhibits entangled and disentangled states, invites both dualistic and non-dualistic properties, and operates in a 4D to 3D dimensional information transmission by symmetry breaking. A remarkable finding is revealed that EMF-wave frequency distribution in both animate and inanimate matter exhibits a distinct holo-fractal coherent pattern of 12 scalar tones in whole nature, including the cosmic level (Gravitational waves, and ZPE field oscillations). The same pattern is observed at the meso-level of evolutionary Life processes, in the wave peaks of our Brain (EEG), in stem cells and in neural microtubules. We also detected these acoustic patterns in superconductive materials and Bosonic energy states, that are characteristic for their entangled conditions. It stands to reason, that the human brain and thus those of the Greek philosophers and the Chinese mathematicians, were hardwired for an acoustical quantum code of resonant coherence that, according to our concept, is guiding the cosmos in a scale invariant manner. In this framework, a new model and algorithm for human (self)-consciousness is proposed, that involves a 4D superfluid quantum scalar phonon information field, that is associated with but not reducible to our brain. This mental workspace, at various cosmic quantum scales, is expressed both as individual and collective consciousness, and is guiding through alternating coherent semi-harmonic and decoherent (chaotic) wave patterns and a typical metric. This dual modality can be positioned in a dynamic toroidal/wormhole geometry. It is aligned with a magnetic monopole entity as positioned at the singularity center of the torus and bounded by white- and black hole structures. The series of harmonically distributed photon/phonon quantized eigenstates in the core of the torus, can be envisioned as a so-called ladder (stairway) system, that bi-directionally operates in the toroidal wormhole space via a magnetic type of wave confinement. This ladder structure, also reported in modern physics as spin-ladders, may represent the two opposing principles of order and disorder, that are in line with the theory of Leibniz and Jung, and various historical described, ladder-systems, as well as the “Ying and Yang” of our world.
Recent analysis of data obtained by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has found apparent
discrepancies with the standard models in cosmology. Large galactic structures based on the understood
coupling between White Hole Quasars and Black Hole Supermassive Black Holes (SMBH) at the center of
galaxies seem to have formed immediately following the creation event, commonly known as a
Quantum Big Bang Cosmology (QBBC). As the age of cosmological structures cannot be greater than the
age of the universe itself, many researchers and cosmologists have realised, that the standard
cosmology needs reanalysis, modification and appropriate additions to the present models are expected
and anticipated. Certain attempts to reformulate the cosmological standard models, such as revisiting
‘tired light’ models of Fritz Zwicky and the ‘varying fundamental constant’ hypotheses of Paul Dirac, have
resulted in varying models extending the age of the universe to about 20 (Gupta and Zwicky) and 26
(Gupta and Dirac) billion years, seemingly accommodating the new measurements of the JWST. The
reintroduction of the ‘tired light’ and ‘varying constant’ proposals of Gupta are however incompatible
with other well tested and accepted premises of the standard cosmology of the QBBC. This paper then
will ‘solve’ the discrepancies observed in extending the present standard model of cosmology in
exposing the short-comings of the QBBC, not in abandoning its basic assumptions and premises; but in
deriving the age of the universe and its foundations of star- and galactic evolution from the initial- and
boundary conditions of the creation event. It is shown that the accumulation of primordial micro black
holes to form bigger black holes, by coupling as energy sinks to quasar-white hole energy sources to
‘feed’ the source-sink seeded cores as galactic centers and active galactic nuclei. This is reversed in
supermassive black hole seeds as a 0.25 percentage of a universal baryon mass seedling, coexisting in
the creation event of the QBBC transiting across a Higgs vacuum from a time-spaced Planck parameter
epoch to define the Big Bang Cosmology in the birth of space and time. This Planckian timespace can be
associated with a multidimensional cosmology based on spacetime modular dualities described in a
background independent supermembrane theory transforming into background dependent superstrings
to trigger the creation event in the form of a Weylian wormhole, also modeled by Meijer’s TwinBipolaron gravity concept, exhibiting the properties of dark matter and dark energy in its dual nature
derived from the modular string dualities. The observations of the JWST then indicate that the SMBHs
created with the QBBC became a fraction of the universe’s mass content following a cosmic evolution
not based on mass, but on temperature, until the universes’ temperature had cooled enough to attain
saturation equilibrium between quantum entangled micro black holes and the SMBHs in a quantum
tunneling through a time wall and not a barrier of space. The QBBC parameters then define this ‘time
barrier’ in the inversion properties of the modular duality of supermembrane theory and as modeled by
the Meijer Twin- bipolaron, as the agency for this quantum entanglement as a fifth elementary gauge
boson interaction.
Current information theory implies that information can both be described as a physical entity, bearing an entropic element, in which the impact of information is inversely related to the probability that it will occur (Type 1 information), versus the concept that information reflects the certainty of a message and is directly related to its probability and meaning (Type 2 information). This dual aspect of information reflects the perspectives of sender and receiver in the transmission process and resembles wave/particle duality in which (proto)-consciousness can be instrumental in transition of the Type 1 to the Type 2 information aspects. It is shown that basic information is largely hidden from us, due to observation- induced perturbation of this intrinsic information.
Information may be transmitted in very different ways and at very different levels. In the living cell this may constitute chemical and electrical signals, but also specific spatial perturbations, for instance, in the 3-dimensional structure of proteins. At the level of human communication, vibration patterns can be expressed in electromagnetic waves in the form of light, sound, music, as well as in images and stories (transmitted by radio, telephone, internet and TV, for example). Such information is transferred to the brain through specifically tailored sensory organs that accommodate complex patterns of wave activity, that subsequently are converted to neural activities in a cyclic workspace of the nervous system. The emergence of human information, knowledge and understanding , in itself, can be seen as a creative force in the physical universe, which can influence the generation of complexity of Nature in all domains. A new information paradigm has been proposed that represents a new integral science of information, on a physical and metaphysical basis: it seems easier to describe matter and energy in terms of information than vice versa. Consequently, information can be used as a common language across scientific disciplines.
The Meijer Twin Bipolaron concept may represent potentially a revolution in physics and science, as a fifth elementary interaction and as a mathematically and logistical self-consistent model of universally applicable reality, representing Wheeler’s ‘Atom of Information’ in encompassing all of its physics.
The present paper then attempts to validate the Meijer Bipolaron as a ‘missing’ integrated part of the
standard models in particle physics and in the Quantum Big Bang Cosmology in three parts:
1. The Algorithmic Pre-spacetime Origin of the Bipolaron in Wheeler-Meijer Cosmology
2. The Creation of Dirac’s Quantum Big Bang in Spacetime from Weyl-Bipolaron Timespace
3. The Bipolaron as an Antigravitation (Dark Energy) Agent in the Gravitation Centre of the Unified Field
The present essay/literature compilation in part 1 of our studies, deals with a prominent problem in physics: how to reconcile relativistic and quantum mechanical theories for describing the fabric of reality, in relation to the origin and nature of gravity. Since Einstein, adequately, described gravity in general relativity as arising from a warping of space-time, nevertheless, hundreds of alternative theories have been forwarded in articles and books, albeit without finding definite clues. The development of quantum physics and search for mathematical defined quantum gravity revealed fundamental discrepancies with Einstein’s ideas, that could not be reconciled until today. So, science is still left with the major question as to the very origin of gravity, as well as to that of anti-gravity (or dark energy), both at the macro-cosmological and micro-(Planckian) levels. How and when in cosmic history were these “forces” generated, do they indeed constitute long-distance forces and do they imply (anti)- gravitational fields? Can gravity be generated by an excitation of such a gravitational field, producing gravity transferring wave/particles (the currently missing graviton in the standard model)? In addition, further questions were raised: should gravity be regarded as a fundamental and thus independent force or does it rather emerge from field interactions such as electromagnetism and zero-point energy? How is the relation with the known physical laws such as thermodynamics and entropy, as well as informational aspects of the fabric of reality? Should we see the latter in relation to gravity as background dependent, as in the known String theories, or as background independent as in the Spin network of Loop-Quantum Gravity? Finally, does the related unfolding of the cosmic quantum information require a quantum observer and, in this regard, is there a role for quantum mediated consciousness in the evolution of a self-reconstructive Universe, (to be treated in part 3 of our article). Its basis is an Acoustic Quantum Code of Resonant Coherence that connects and guides the fabric of reality from Cosmic to Planck scales. This represents a primordial power spectrum of discrete EMF frequencies, that was revealed by us in acoustic patterns in the CMB pattern, zero-point energy field, boson energy distribution at a step-wise unfolding of cosmic information at the birth of the universe, in energy distribution of gravitational waves and recently in brain micro-tubular oscillations in a state of coherent resonance with quantum fluctuations at the Planck scale. We submit that at symmetry breaking from 5D to 4 D, oscillating phonons were manifest that can form quasi-particles with proton-electron pairs, together framed by us as polaron gravitones. Repulsive and attractive charge interactions of such composed gravitational units may produce Dark energy and Gravity respectively. Alternatively, similar charge interactions may occur in the process of Matter/Antimatter interaction, by which Gravity is being coupled to particle annihilation in the ZPE setting. This sound (phonon)- mediated creation of Gravity/Dark energy will be discussed by treating a variety of currently formulated Gravity hypotheses. It will be shown that integrating a number of related aspects of the treated theories can, in principle, yield a comprehensive and unified Gravity theory on the basis of both Quantum physical and Relativity frameworks. This concept is shown to require a dynamic spacetime lattice constitution, coupled to toroidal geometry. The concerted hypotheses will be elaborated in part 2 of the present article. The present concept implies the birth of the gravitone as opposed to the graviton and pictures the becoming of our universe as an eternal symphonic manifestation.
review of interdisciplinary efforts made by contemporary authors to understand the nature of life and
consciousness in the cosmos. Besides referring to relevant contributions in this field, the authors also
develop their views into a coherent explanatory original hypothesis, showing how it integrates several
independent results obtained by the various authors into a unitary theoretical conjecture.