Thesis Chapters by D.J. Vastenhoud

Duizend bommen en granaten aan boord van de Queen Anne. Een archeologische studie naar de bewapening aan boord van een 18e-eeuws Engels koopvaardijschip dat op de Zuiderzee verging (bachelorscriptie RUG)., 2019
Nederlands: Een scriptie die de bewapening aan boord van het gevonden scheepswrak de Queen Anne b... more Nederlands: Een scriptie die de bewapening aan boord van het gevonden scheepswrak de Queen Anne beschrijft. De onderzoeksvraag die behandeld wordt in deze scriptie gaat verder in op de functie van het schip; was de Queen Anne een bewapend koopvaardijschip of toch een oorlogsschip? Om deze vraag te beantwoorden is er een literatuuronderzoek uitgevoerd naar vergelijkbare schepen uit de 18e eeuw en is er onderzoek gedaan naar het gewicht van de gevonden kanonskogels. Het gewicht van de kanonskogels kan worden gekoppeld aan de bijpassende kanons die aan boord van het schip hebben gestaan, maar die niet meer terug zijn gevonden tijdens de graafwerkzaamheden.
English: A bachelor thesis that describes the armament found in the shipwreck the Queen Anne. The research question focusses on the function of the ship; was the Queen Anne used as a warship or merchant vessel? To answer this question a literature study was carried out, that compared similar ships from the 18th century to the Queen Anne. In addition the cannonballs found in the shipwreck were measured and their weights were plotted. The graph shows three peaks, corresponding to the three types of canons that probably stood aboard the ship. However these canon types were not found during the excavation and were probably taken ashore after the shipwreck, or buried somewhere in the former Zuiderzee region.
Thesis Chapters by D.J. Vastenhoud
English: A bachelor thesis that describes the armament found in the shipwreck the Queen Anne. The research question focusses on the function of the ship; was the Queen Anne used as a warship or merchant vessel? To answer this question a literature study was carried out, that compared similar ships from the 18th century to the Queen Anne. In addition the cannonballs found in the shipwreck were measured and their weights were plotted. The graph shows three peaks, corresponding to the three types of canons that probably stood aboard the ship. However these canon types were not found during the excavation and were probably taken ashore after the shipwreck, or buried somewhere in the former Zuiderzee region.
English: A bachelor thesis that describes the armament found in the shipwreck the Queen Anne. The research question focusses on the function of the ship; was the Queen Anne used as a warship or merchant vessel? To answer this question a literature study was carried out, that compared similar ships from the 18th century to the Queen Anne. In addition the cannonballs found in the shipwreck were measured and their weights were plotted. The graph shows three peaks, corresponding to the three types of canons that probably stood aboard the ship. However these canon types were not found during the excavation and were probably taken ashore after the shipwreck, or buried somewhere in the former Zuiderzee region.