Papers by Valentin Matvienko

Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education
Science motivation scale is a valid and reliable tool used to determine students' motivation in l... more Science motivation scale is a valid and reliable tool used to determine students' motivation in learning science courses. In the study, science learning motivations of students studying at Kazakhstan and Russian Universities were compared. In addition, it was also examined whether the science motivation scores of the students changed according to the demographic variables. The science motivation scale was used as a measurement tool. For statistical analysis, t-test and ANOVA from Bayesian statistics were used. As a results, the data supported the students' motivation levels a) at a high level, where they differed from the countries they studied at b) at a moderate level, where they did not differ by gender c) at a moderate level, where there was a difference in the total score according to the age group, d) at a moderate level, where there was no differentiation by departments.

Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal, 2020
Aim of the Study: The business models of foreign TV channels that actively entered the Russian ma... more Aim of the Study: The business models of foreign TV channels that actively entered the Russian market at first meant only generating revenue from subscription fees. This was the basis of the cable operators ' business. Mostly TV channels used the services of distribution companies. Only a few of them, such as Nickelodeon, BBC Prime, TV XXI, have long represented themselves. Cooperation with one of the Russian partners, which they eventually agreed to, doubled their business in Russia in less than a year. But the operators wanted more diverse and unique content, on the basis of which they could form package offers. After all, the vast majority of broadcasters sought to get only in the basic packages. This limited the ability to segment the operator's offer. In addition, there are several difficult moments in relations with foreign TV companies. First, payments had to be made in foreign currency, while Russian partners would prefer to stay in the ruble zone due to the inconvenience of paying in foreign currency. Methodology: The production and distribution of television content is subject to the laws of the market economy to the same extent as for any other product. The content is created for the sales and profits of its producers. This is an axiom. But how such a task is solved is already the subtleties of marketing. In Russia, three main business models in the television industry were formed spontaneously: paid subscription, sale of airtime for advertising, and mixed, combining the first two. The intervention of the state regulator in this issue is likely to eliminate two of them, making all thematic television in the country only paid.. Conclusion: Today, advertising is not sold except on premium HD channels. Either the subscription more than pays for the cost of their production and distribution, or there are not enough subscribers to present to advertisers. However, even in this segment, distribution strategies and business models may differ significantly. The classical scheme can be considered a thing of the past. There is practically no broadcaster left that produces a TV channel based on exclusive content and simply sells it to premium packages of digital platform operators. This is mainly due to a decrease in the level of exclusivity of content that is increasingly available on the air of the basic package channels.
OOO "Zhurnal "Voprosy Istorii"
The years of the growth of national consciousness and the strengthening of political activity of ... more The years of the growth of national consciousness and the strengthening of political activity of the most diverse strata of Indian society could not but become years of the corresponding growth of the press, the expansion of its influence and at the same time the further differentiation of its main directions. The rise of the national liberation struggle in India, which on a nationwide scale began with the so-called Sepoy uprising (1857-1859) and continued with varying intensity throughout almost the entire colonial period, finally separated the Anglo-Indian press from the Indian one. The Anglo-Indian publications, as before, were completely on the side of the colonial authorities. Most of these publications with absolutely undisguised directness poured mud on all Indian political leaders, not even taking into account their ideological guidelines.
The article deals the features of the personnel formation of the researchers in the media process... more The article deals the features of the personnel formation of the researchers in the media processes in the transition to the postindustrial society by the example of the department.

International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 2020
The information technology used to acquire the skills determined as 21st-century competencies in ... more The information technology used to acquire the skills determined as 21st-century competencies in the education-training process to individuals is increasing rapidly. Nowadays, Web 2.0 tools are increasingly used. Effective use of Web 2.0 tools, which are widely used in daily life, by students and teachers in education are also on the list. Effective use of assistive technologies by teachers depends on their attitudes towards assistive technologies. To increase their success, they use these technologies in activities held in the classroom. In the study, it was aimed to determine the attitudes of teachers and student candidates towards the use of assistive technology. A case study approach constituted the methodological framework of this study. This study was conducted in the fall semester of 2019-2020 with 42 students. Teachers and student’s obligation to take "instructional technology and material design course" was hence initiated as a result. Numerous Web 2.0 tools were ...
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism, 2019
The article analyzes a particular case of the mediatization of modern socio-cultural reality thro... more The article analyzes a particular case of the mediatization of modern socio-cultural reality through the informational and communication technologies, using the example of modern Georgian-Indian relations. The authors conducted a content analysis of two leading publications in India and Georgia: the English-language newspaper “The Times of India” and the Russian-language news agency “Sputnik Georgia”, during which had studied 30 materials from the Indian media and 43 articles from the Georgian news agency published over the period January, 2013 - February, 2019. The authors concluded that the mediatization of political and economic processes in bilateral relations had required close interaction between government and the media, since a lack of information led to a distorted perception of media communications.

The paper considers the Media Legislation of India in its historical and modern aspects; analyzes... more The paper considers the Media Legislation of India in its historical and modern aspects; analyzes the main normative legal acts regulating media activity; shows the attempts of the Indian government to liberalize the media; demonstrates the role and place of female journalists in the country, the problem of their safety and social security. The paper particularly highlights the specific problem of access to media content for adult audience within the Indian media legal framework. The uniqueness of the Media Legislation in India is that it is based on the legislation accepted during the British expansion. Audiovisual mass media fall within the Indian Telegraph Act when there was neither radio, nor television. The laws concerning the intellectual property in India are constantly revised. According to the World Press Freedom Index, India takes the 136 th place among 180 countries, which confirms unfavorable situation regarding the independence of media, quality of the legislation and security of journalists. Today many Indian editions still have certain prejudices against women. Legally, the study of the problem of access to media content for adult audience presents a particular interest. There were serious public battles in India concerning the Internet access to materials with sexual content. On the one hand, through relevant legislative regulators the government of India imposed restrictions on the access to adult content, and on the other hand, the Supreme Court of the country has not conclusively decided whether this ban violates the civil rights.

Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 2021
The speed with which interactive platforms are being modernized is increasing every year. The num... more The speed with which interactive platforms are being modernized is increasing every year. The number of their users and consequently, the demand in such platforms are also rising. Quarantine restrictions and regulations related to COVID-19 revealed the problems of organizing both communication and leisure activities online. Since the advent of instant messengers in the 1990s, people have learned to communicate in a hybrid mode and to find friends over the Internet. Online communication, however, has always been occasional and could easily be switched to offline interaction. In view of the imposed restrictions during the pandemic, people were forced to stay isolated. The impact of the restrictions on organized leisure activities for children was also damaging. Online leisure activities were presented at best by online team games. Such online games, however, cannot replace the educational goals and learning outcomes of offline activities. From spring to summer 2020, all Russian school...

Revista on line de Política e Gestão Educacional
Nowadays, one of the educational strategies is to strengthen international cooperation and attrac... more Nowadays, one of the educational strategies is to strengthen international cooperation and attract international students to study in Russian universities. Migration issues currently remain relevant, and of a sensitive debatable nature, and for newsmakers, they are attractive. The study aims to investigate and analyze the presence of a stereotypical image of a migrant student, its content, nature, and orientation in the mass media. As a research method, a questionnaire survey was used to effectively investigate an international student's image studying at a Russian university with residents created by the mass media. The article examines the prevalence and features of stereotypes’ transmission about migrant students, the features of the formation of a migrant’s image in the media, identify the main problems of adaptation, difficulties faced by migrant students. The study's novelty and originality lie in the fact that the importance of the media environment for the management...
The article determines that religious discourse in modern journalism is based on the formation of... more The article determines that religious discourse in modern journalism is based on the formation of an image and adaptation to the main trends of the international semantic image. The paper defines the main criteria for the integration of religious discourse into English-language discourse, determines the degree of inclusion at various historical stages.

International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 2018
The pace of transformation in the electric power industry around the world is gaining momentum du... more The pace of transformation in the electric power industry around the world is gaining momentum due to the rapid development of technology. The possibilities for choosing the electric power company, as well as consumers of their products, are increasing. The role of the distributed energy is enhancing, which contributes to the development of supply and demand in this market. In this regard, approaches to management in the energy markets are changing to address the problems of cross-subsidization. The introduction of new technologies in the management of generating and network facilities makes it possible to become ‘active consumers’ in the energy market. The purpose of our study is to assess the impact of cross-subsidies on changing the active consumers’ behavior in the energy market. We propose a mathematical model of the behavior of ‘active consumers’ of the energy market, which allows the participants of the energy market to make decisions to ‘buy’ or to ‘produce their own’ electr...

The relevance of this article is to understand the ecology of the Internet space as a communicati... more The relevance of this article is to understand the ecology of the Internet space as a communication environment, which has many little-studied aspects, in which various processes are constantly taking place, new trends and phenomena are occurring that represent a rich field for research. Internet meme can be attributed to this new phenomenon. The aim of the study is to analyze the nature and communicative capabilities of the Internet meme, to determine the main approaches to the study of this phenomenon and its impact on the ecology of social networks; identifying the specifics of the Internet meme in different spheres of public life. The leading method for the study of this problem is the method of the questionnaire, which identifies units arranged in a logical sequence, which contributes to the effective identification of socio-psychological phenomena that affect the ecology of social networks. The article analyzes the concept of Internet meme. The influence of the Internet meme o...

Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal, 2020
Aim of the Study: The business models of foreign TV channels that actively entered the Russian ma... more Aim of the Study: The business models of foreign TV channels that actively entered the Russian market at first meant only generating revenue from subscription fees. This was the basis of the cable operators ' business. Mostly TV channels used the services of distribution companies. Only a few of them, such as Nickelodeon, BBC Prime, TV XXI, have long represented themselves. Cooperation with one of the Russian partners, which they eventually agreed to, doubled their business in Russia in less than a year. But the operators wanted more diverse and unique content, on the basis of which they could form package offers. After all, the vast majority of broadcasters sought to get only in the basic packages. This limited the ability to segment the operator's offer. In addition, there are several difficult moments in relations with foreign TV companies. First, payments had to be made in foreign currency, while Russian partners would prefer to stay in the ruble zone due to the inconven...
RUDN Journal of Economics
В данной статье рассмотрены основные статистические показатели развития ИИМР в 2016-2017 гг. в ан... more В данной статье рассмотрены основные статистические показатели развития ИИМР в 2016-2017 гг. в аналитическом сравнении; выявлена динамика развития индийской медиаиндустрии в азиатском и мировом медиапространстве; показаны инициативы, предпринимаемые правительством Индии в сфере развития национальной системы коммуникаций.

International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET)
The aim of this study is to determine the latest trends in mobile technologies used in the educat... more The aim of this study is to determine the latest trends in mobile technologies used in the education of the hearing impaired. Technology integration studies in the literature generally focus on visual dictionaries, sign language, word exercises or story books. In addition, it is seen that the studies report the results, not the process. However, there are few studies that describe the holistic technology integration process with a holistic approach. The study was conducted using qualitative research methodology, document analysis and related content analysis. Working with the keywords "mobile technology and hearing impaired" in Web of Science database is based on the analysis of published documents. All articles published in Web of Science have been examined. Affiliated universities of the distribution, subject areas, document types, country / regions and author themes by years were examined. Various findings reveal in terms of determining the importance of the analysis of...

Кафедра теории и истории журналистики Российский университет дружбы народов Ул. Миклухо-Маклая, 6... more Кафедра теории и истории журналистики Российский университет дружбы народов Ул. Миклухо-Маклая, 6, Москва, Россия, 117198 В статье рассматривается проблема роли и места английского языка в средствах массовой информации Индии на фоне существующей полиязычности, показана политика государства в от-ношении решения языкового вопроса в стране, представлены и проанализированы каналы СМИ Индии с позиции их языковой принадлежности. Английский язык, ставший средством общения между европейцами и ин-дийцами, а также своеобразным языком интеллектуалов Индии, дал жизнь ново-му и уникальному явлению-англоязычной индийской публицистике. После Второй мировой войны, на волне освобождения колониальных наро-дов, в 1947 году Индия обрела долгожданную независимость от Британской им-перии. Молодое правительство Индии столкнулось с проблемой языковой поли-тики. Новая администрация сделала хинди государственным языком, на котором говорили 40% всех жителей страны. Но, учитывая тот факт, что английский язык был официальным языком колониальной эпохи, общепонятным для представите-лей многих национальностей страны, равно как и престижным языком общения социальных верхов, индийские власти провозгласили также и английский язык государственным языком на переходный период в 15 лет. Таким образом, Индия превратилась в страну с двумя государственными языками. По данным переписи 1961 г., на территории Индии существовало как мини-мум 1652 языка, включая самые разные языки и местные наречия [1. С. 18]. Мно-гие из этих языков оказались нежизнеспособны и сегодня не существуют. В то же время некоторые языки и наречия (например, тамильский или бенгальский язы-ки) благополучно сохранили свою актуальность и в какой-то мере престиж. Эти константные языки бросают вызов хинди как государственному языку. Многие носители полагают, что их родной язык ничем не уступает хинди. И если уж их собственные языки и наречия не могут стать государственным языком, то опти-мальным выходом стало присвоение «нейтральному» английскому языку данно-го статуса. Поначалу в Конституции Индии было прописано наличие 15 «главных язы-ков», приобретших статус официальных языков отдельных провинций (сейчас их уже 22) [2]. Использование английского языка как государственного было поли-тическим решением бессрочно продлено. Поэтому можно однозначно утверж-дать, что язык средств массовой информации Индии-английский, бесспорно являющийся конкурентоспособным преимуществом для вовлечения Индии в об-щемировой информационный процесс.
Papers by Valentin Matvienko