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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Rod's LiveJournal:

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Saturday, October 19th, 2024
2:46 pm

Whats new! News flash!!
New bombs in use by a friendly group of people can now only kill the bad people! New technology can spot the evil in the human mind. also it can predict that those children will become terrorists! While falling at 500 mph, the bombs warhead can scan the brains of all humans in the danger zone, then plots the future of each kid and teenage girl! Bomb operators then can steer the bomb into the children that have the most evil ambitions, saving the precious lives of those innocent kids. The patented technology works on young kids and even the elderly! Elderly women with evil ambitions are easily spotted! Even those with mental issues and physically disabled can be scanned! And new version released last week can scan through metal and houses. Teamwork from several industries have made this scanning capability to be shared with every friendly nation.

Military tacticians can save valuable weapon inventory!! Generals will be able to bomb more of the population at less expense to the mother country! The war planners can't believe how much they will be able to extend the war. Analysts can plan more bombing operations with the same amount of money, saving precious cash for more bombing raids! Analysts are debating exactly what to do with all the spare bombs? Some think they will have so many more bombs that they might be able to double bomb the bad guys/kids/widows, just to make sure they do not survive! This is an amazing addition to each warfighter.
"The future evil mind detection works wonders" says an anonymous general, who declined to be named.
Can you believe what they will think of next!!

2:19 pm

Middle east conflict. WTF. A fucking sickness, and not so proud that the US is there supporting one side. In the LA times crap paper it said oddly that the "US Is IN SYNC with Israel plans to bomb (another country)" Fu** you LA times and anyone who was part of publishing such garbage,  including the US State Department.  Fuck you all.   I am not in sync with any of this USA supported middle east blood fest. Fuck em all - sure, but not with my money or bombs. This is war, or is this terrorism? It does not matter to the parents and the widows. That is my point. We don't need to concentrate on labels for things like war and terrorism. You don't need new labels for evil, war or terror. Those don't matter to the widows or orphans.

Copyright 2024 Rod Deluhery

2:02 pm
crypto addiction

gambling addiction,  drug addiction,  crypto addiction.  Same same.

Crypto addiction defined by making 8-20% profit in one week and getting so excited about it that you keep pumping money into crypto,  with almost never taking any profits.  Are you crypto addicted?   BTC did 8% this week.  If you have 100k in bitcoin,  that means you made 8k paper profit this week.  And the crypto addicts wont sell,  they will hold HDL as they dream of continious 8k profit every week. . .when it happens more than not.   The price increases lock in your crypto addiction and soon you will need therapy.  Have empathy for the crypto addicts.  You don't have to embrace them,  just have empathy for them.  And someday they may buy you a ticket with them on the 10k Europe super cruise on the premium cruise ship that has free massages and free movies every day.  

10:36 am

wow thanks for the facts. Interesting a surface officer switched back to submarines. and why are the dive planes retracted? looks like to me? I was station in long beach naval base in 1990. good times. I am unsure but I may have seen the long beach at some time either there or in the Persian gulf. amazing ship with lots of new technology. I was a radar guy in the Navy. Phased array radars and nuclear power, oh man that was the pinnacle of high tech and new things for the Navy. wow

10:21 am

why?  1.  because its better than housework chores

2. bragging rights.

3.  Because you can.

Collapse )
7:53 am
so tired.

too much driving to the CS squad out in the desert,  turn around trips I rarely do.  Makes for very tired   Slept till 7:46 and dont feel good about it.   no drugs or anything,  just super tired from driving and yet it makes me feel like I am a lazy person sleeping in.  dreams alot and dreams working with Tim Peck . . Hector Beltran was my supervisor in the dream!  And a odd woodcut carving the size of a house trying to repair.  then playing with kids riding bikes and Nate was happy to get a new bike but really he doesnt like bikes. . .its a dream do whatever you want, right.   but rarely works that way.  

yesterday talked to a guy who worked both navy and air froce.  had some good points about the differences.  

switched to typing on older PS2 keyboard with click.  . . .better.  

finish the big 4runner project today I believe so. 

Friday, October 11th, 2024
8:40 am

looking at some text that I wrote about my dreams.  wow,  wtf.  Do you still dream when you are old?  I have a feeling you dream less.  Another joy of getting old.  

8:33 am
early morning

woke Mason up at 6am,  "Ya gotta help me fix the car!" I said.  He looks like a zombie and can't believe he has to get up that early and work on a car.  yeah.   I do a few chores and then on to the 4runner fixing.  Mason helps and gets some things.  then we search for bricks to support the suspension.  find a perfect one!   but a black widow spider.

i rid the spider from the brick. . . its big and heavy.  mason you carry it or want to help me? "we can carry together" he says.  we carry to the house,  then I make sure I have a firm hold on my side of the brick. . . and then bring on the fun.  "oh. . there is a black widow spider crawling on your hand!" I say.   Oh my he starts jumping around and fliping his hands in the air like boogey 2000.  so awesome.  I got him so good.  there was no spider,  oh my gosh I havent laughed that hard,  that early in the morning in a LONG  LONG time.  great laugh.  

hope to have the car fixed by Monday.  the fuck bolt won't move and I'm pounding it with the biggest sledge that I got.  fucking fuck but I am making progress.  patience.  let the oil soak in and try in a hour.  

Sunday, September 22nd, 2024
4:02 pm
2:31 pm
Family taxes and inheritance
Family taxes and inheritance is a real pain. Almost done with it and that's all behind me here shortly. The fucked tax system in America does not help. Family members can claim different tax brackets and make things complicated.

Family taxes and inheritance make this a nightmare. Live in one of these states to simplify.
There are nine states that levy no state capital gains tax: Alaska, Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington and Wyoming. However, Federal capital gains tax still applies.
Friday, September 20th, 2024
7:36 am
China attacks islands
Open a discussion about China stealing islands, or let's just intervene? Wtf is the world nations doing to stop this? Everyone is afraid of the big bully China. Strong words will do nothing. Let's get real and setup a blockade. What the fuck is our Navy for?

Rod Deluhery 2024 copyright

Second Thomas Shoal, locally called Ayungin Shoal
Photo: AP
MANILA, Philippines (AP) — The United States renewed a warning Monday that it would defend the Philippines in case of an armed attack under a 1951 treaty, after Chinese ships blocked and collided with two Filipino vessels off a contested shoal in the South China Sea.

Philippine diplomats summoned a Chinese Embassy official in Manila on Monday for a strongly worded protest following Sunday’s collisions off Second Thomas Shoal. No injuries were reported but the encounters damaged a Philippine coast guard ship and a wooden-hulled supply boat operated by navy personnel, officials said.

President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. called an emergency meeting with the defense secretary and other top military and security officials to discuss the latest hostilities in the disputed waters. The Philippines and other neighbors of China have resisted Beijing’s sweeping territorial claims over virtually the entire South China Sea, and some, like Manila, have sought U.S. military support as incidents multiply.

After the meeting, Defense Secretary Gilberto Teodoro blasted China in a news conference for resorting to “brute force” that he said endangered Filipino crew members and for twisting the facts to conceal its aggression.

“The Philippine government views the latest aggression by China as a blatant violation of international law,” Teodoro said. “China has no legal right or authority to conduct law enforcement operations in our territorial waters and in our exclusive economic zone.”

Marcos ordered an investigation of the high-sea collisions, Teodoro said, but he refused to disclose what steps the Philippine government would take.

“We are taking these incidents seriously at the highest levels of government,” he said, adding that the government called for a news conference to provide accurate facts. “The Chinese government is deliberately obfuscating the truth,” the defense chief said.

The Philippines also plans to raise its alarm over the Chinese ships’ dangerous maneuvers in talks between China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations on a proposed nonaggression pact — a “code of conduct” — to prevent a major armed conflict in the South China Sea. Beijing is hosting the three-day negotiations starting Monday, two Philippine officials told The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because of a lack of authority to publicly discuss details of the talks.

Teodoro said it was “very ironic” that China was hosting the talks that aim to prevent major conflicts at sea when they just committed “a blatant disregard of international law.”

The territorial conflicts involving China, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Taiwan and Brunei have long been regarded as a flashpoint in a delicate fault line in the U.S.-China rivalry.

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About five Chinese coast guard ships, eight accompanying vessels and two navy ships formed a blockade on Sunday to prevent two Philippine coast guard ships and two boats from delivering food and other supplies to Filipino forces stationed at Second Thomas Shoal aboard a marooned navy ship, Philippine coast guard Commodore Jay Tarriela said.

During the standoff, one of the Philippine coast guard ships and a supply boat were separately hit by a Chinese coast guard ship and a vessel. Only one of the two Filipino boats managed to deliver supplies to Philippine forces, Tarriela said.
Sunday, September 15th, 2024
11:06 am
nice EV

A swappable battery for 2 minute refuel.  No waiting for a charge.   I want to see something like this here in America.  ET7 car with 621 mile range!  Obvious they stole some of Tesla ideas,  but they add some neat tricks.  More and better cameras?  The Autodrive cameras appear to have better view than in a Tesla.  

I'm happy to see more battery swapping overseas. Very few in the United states, why? If I buy a EV car it needs to have battery swap stations like this. I'm not waiting for a charge to my car. There is no magic fast charge, you get less efficiency. Meaning you will pay more money to fast charge because it is less efficient. There is a point where faster charging = more waste. I see LION can charge with high efficiency,  but there is waste involved.  There are distribution losses getting the electricity to the charging station.  That will always be there.  How often do you see massive solar panels right next to the EV charger?  It's rare.  That electricity often travels miles and you get about 25% loss of power just getting the electricity to your house or charging station.   Yet EVs are here to stay and people love them.

 I would like to pay for the electricity to recharge the car battery and for someone to maintain it. Meaning I never would have to worry about the battery needing replaced. The battery swap company does that part and add that price into the cost of battery swap.

10:34 am

Twenty years ago I would enjoy the thick magazine "wired".  some issues had so much content,  amazing.   it could take weeks for me to read it, depending on the subject.

It seems like magazines like 2000 year edition of Wired,  just antiques and never to be seen again.?

I'm happy to see more battery swapping overseas.   If I buy a EV car it needs to have battery swap stations like this.  I'm not waiting for a charge to my car.  

10:16 am
Monday, September 9th, 2024
6:45 pm
ai on microsoft (copilot)

If you do IT, you have to do AI, right?  I did about 30 minutes reading about Copilot.

I asked copilot,  how to get ipv6 on a azure vm.  It said use an application gateway.  So I tried creating a default application gateway with ipv6 and bridge it to my VM. 


  1. Create app gateway. Used az800 resource group,  used region "West US 3"

  2. Created and configured frontend and back end.  This is similar to a load balancer config.  If you have done Netscaler load balancers,  it should be familiar. . . for me it was simple enough.  I only allowed port 80.  So I have to run some port 80 service like a web server to test this.

  3. Wait for application gateway to get created.  Seems to take a while?

  4. Click on "Frontend IP configurations" to see the ipv4 and ipv6.  See snip picture below.

  5. There must be another step I am missing?  My vm did not have an ipv6 address. . .how would outside ipv6 route to the inside host with no ipv6 address?   I think I need to make a azure network with ipv6 associated to this host to make this work?i

  6. Clicking again into the app gateway and it tells me backend error and that I will have problems.  Neat,  Azure checked connectity (ipv4 and ipv6?) and found my server not responding to port 80.  Good stuff.  Once fixed server and routing. . . go to next.

  7. See if I can connect with ipv6 to the website.

copyright 2024 Rod Deluhery

Sunday, September 8th, 2024
2:55 pm
9:35 am
Investigation leads to screenplay

Looking at my comprehensive notes,  years ago from an investigation I did.  Must turn this into a screenplay.  Voice dictation is such a savior.    I will post some it here:

Gina had spent the day at school just like every other day.    She came home and turned on the TV,  sitting on the couch.  The news flash showed a local murder.  

Girl stares into the tv and has a slight gasp.  Tv image shows her Dad as one of the people murdered.  

9:19 am

slums of India.  The picture of the man peeing in the street reminds me of Washington DC.  Nice area around the air and space museum,  but no where to pee outside.  No public restrooms hardly at Washington DC.  Kolkata and Washington DC,  both places are lame.  Make a mental note to not visit either place.   In both countries,  you will find people peeing and pooping in public because there are no public bathrooms.

Sunday, May 5th, 2024
4:12 pm

another sidewalk find that took a few hours to fix.

Thursday, April 25th, 2024
3:17 pm
Nerve damage from statins
Neuropathy is a chronic thing. As time passes you do not realize you are losing nerve conduction. For me, I am having less feeling on my feet also. It is not just my right arm. I read that often there are no clinical symptoms that people notice with neuropathy, but when tested, they are losing nerve conduction when tests are done. I can only guess why that is, perhaps the body has many extra nerves? so many nerves that you don't notice until the majority of them are damaged? I do not know.
Therefore if you think you are getting neuropathy or nerve damage, do not wait! Have a nerve conduction test done, to establish a baseline. The test will tell you that nerve damage is there before you even notice it! They test the nerve conduction velocity, which is a good indicator of your nerve health.

Found this bit about statins:
Instead, our findings are in line with results of previous studies that found that the intake of statins and a decrease of serum cholesterol level are associated with neuropathic symptoms, microvascular damage, and an accelerated deterioration of peripheral nerve fibers

Must read if you take statins. I have nerve damage that is getting worse and I am now stopping statins to see if it could be related. Statins are not safe!

Looks like it takes a long time for the statin damage to go away. Hopefully you can recover nerve damage from statins? I wish that I would have known this sooner.

In 2005, Australian researchers reported that (Australian Adverse Drug Reactions Bulletin, April 2005):
“Statin-associated peripheral neuropathy may persist for months or years after withdrawal of the statin”

Risk of statin? See here another study.
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