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Great urban transformations are diffusing across the Global South, removing the original landscape of urban margins to make of them a new urban frontier. These processes raise questions of both validity and legitimacy for ethnographic... more
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      Urban PeripheryUrban ChinaUrban EthnographySpatial Ontology
通过塑造一种全新的空间和尺度想象,资本及其权力便可经过“二手空间”的中介而实现全球范围的流动,最终改变(甚至摧毁)各个地方每条街道的日常生活。为了避免这样的状况及其恶化,我们应当首先反思类似《宣言》这样的二手空间观,然后从我们的身边和脚下出发去构想自己的空间观念。只有当我们认识到地方本质上就是种种全球/全局性过程的交错所在(a global sense of... more
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    • Architecture and Public Spaces
We often hear the frustrations of villagers whose lands are violently taken away against their will with no or poor compensations (e.g. Hoffman 2014; Johnson 2013; Pomfret 2013). Sargeson (2013) argues that violence is an integral element... more
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Compressed development experiences, especially in Asia, have translated into expectations for 'fast cities' where time and space are compressed to materialise 'real' Asia experiences. However, what does 'fast urbanism' mean for those who... more
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      Urban GeographySoutheast Asian StudiesEast Asian StudiesGenerational Differences
A new trend is emerging in China that categorises cities according to economic conditions and political statuses and that formulates a new urban hierarchical system. This urban hierarchy has historical echoes from several decades ago,... more
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      Comparative UrbanismUrban Hierarchy