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Português * Dansk * English Este mestrado utiliza uma abordagem de medicina social como subcategoria de economia política em analisar a pandemia da SIDA e obstáculos ao aumento do acesso à terapia anti-retroviral no sector da saúde... more
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In Mozambique, the current legal framework institutionalizes a rural–urban differentiation of local governance, allowing for elected representation in thirty-three urban settings and the recognition of ‘community authorities’ in rural... more
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    • Economics
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      EconomicsDevelopment Studies
This article argues that the rehabilitation of the sugar industry in Mozambique cannot be understood without including the active role played by the state and government. It focuses on key aspects of why and how the Mozambican sugar... more
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      EconomicsIndustrial policyAfrican political economy
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    • Southern African Studies
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This article argues that due to the particular position of crime in South Africa, the resurgence of vigilantism needs to be re-evaluated in light of the country's attempt at institutionalising human rights as the new society's founding... more
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      EconomicsAfrican political economy
In this essay I will outline the contours of the attempt by the ANC government to reorder state-civil society relations. This will be done by delineating the form of civil society participation that the government has promulgated in the... more
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      EconomicsAfrican political economy
In 2000 the Mozambican government initiated a process of formally recognizing traditional leaders both as representatives of local community interests and as assistants of local state organs. Twenty-five years after the FRELIMO government... more
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Economic transformation is driven by successfully implemented industrial policy, but industrial policy is inherently political. We cannot understand why some governments pursue and implement industrial policy better than others without... more
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The DFID-ESRC Growth Research Programme (DEGRP) produces a range of knowledge products aimed at linking the research of DEGRP to a number of research and policy debates on the following themes: agriculture; financial markets; and... more
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and Sida (Swedish Development Agency), and undertaken by a number of institutions including UNU-WIDER and DIIS. For more information on the programme, please see ABSTRACT This paper explores linkage creation in Mozambique related to... more
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The essays in this collection in honour of Ole Therkildsen analyse attempts to create development in Africa over the last half century. They have been written by specialists in development and African politics who have all interacted with... more
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Extractive foreign direct investment (FDI) is heralded as the new development opportunity in Africa. A key precondition for FDI’s contribution, however, is that foreign investors create ‘local content’ by linking up to the local economy.... more
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      Political EconomyExtractives Industries
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