Last updated on February 29, 2024
This page contains the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Rublon MFA for Outlook Web App (OWA).
What can I do if my installation fails?
First, note that you need administrator privileges to install Rublon MFA for OWA successfully.
In addition, if an installation error occurs, the ExtendedLogs.log file is created in the directory where you have launched the installer. The ExtendedLogs.log file contains additional information that may be helpful when debugging your issue.
Analyzing the ExtendedLogs.log file might help you troubleshoot your issue. If you cannot solve your problem, contact us at Rublon Support. Do not forget to attach the two aforementioned log files generated by the installer!
Where can I find Rublon MFA for Outlook Web App (OWA) logs?
In case of any issues, we recommend you look up your log files in C:\Rublon\OWA\ by default. Send the files to Rublon Support. Attach the description of your issue and the estimated time the error occurred.
Note that a log file that exceeds 100 KB is archived, and a new log file is created, hence the possibility of more than one file.
How to generate a new value of secretSessionKey?
The Rublon MFA for OWA connector uses the secretSessionKey to sign cookies. You should treat this value like a password and not reveal it to anybody. If the value leaks (e.g., is shown on a screenshot), you must regenerate it.
To generate a new value of secretSessionKey, open the Command Prompt or PowerShell and execute one of the following commands (InstallTools is an application located in the directory where the OWA connector has been installed).
To generate a new value of secretSessionKey:InstallTools secretSessionKey -o generate -r SOFTWARE\Rublon\OWA\ -n secretSessionKey
The preceding command generates a new key and adds it to Windows Registry. After executing the preceding command, all ongoing Rublon sessions will end, and users will have to re-authenticate with Rublon.