Papers by Klaus Steigleder

CLIMATE, ENERGY, ETHICS - working papers, 2024
Climate related energy ethics is still an underdeveloped field of normative ethics. While it is u... more Climate related energy ethics is still an underdeveloped field of normative ethics. While it is urgent to achieve truly decarbonized and otherwise climate friendly global energy systems as fast as possible, contrary to what is often assumed in current climate ethics we do not yet know in sufficient detail how this can be achieved. Thus, there is a need for Climate Ethics 2.0 which focuses more on the solution side of the required energy transition and the involved problem of the needed knowledge base. It is important and difficult to develop realistic scenarios of net-zero global energy systems and to develop expedient national climate policies and climate related energy policies. All this involves plenty of normative problems and normatively relevant tasks. We especially focus on the problem that for economic development energy and power dense energy sources are needed, so that poor countries have every incentive to overcome their poverty with the help of fossil fuels. This, combined with the recognition that immense amounts of climate friendly electricity are needed for climate neutral global energy systems, raises the question of the role of nuclear energy in climate change mitigation. To answer this question may be considered to be one of the most important tasks of current climate related energy ethics.

CLIMATE, ENERGY, ETHICS-working papers, 2024
The problem of climate change arguably constitutes the greatest challenge to humankind. However, ... more The problem of climate change arguably constitutes the greatest challenge to humankind. However, climate ethics has so far been better on the side of the diagnosis rather than of the solution or therapy of that problem. We attempt to show why this is the case and we outline what is needed for helpful ethical contributions to overcoming the climate problem. For this we focus on what may be called the argument from catastrophe in climate ethics, assessing the standard use of a catastrophic precautionary principle by Henry Shue and the non-standard use of the principle by Eugen Pissarskoi. That argument focuses on the single catastrophe of climate change and treats the problem of taking the necessary means to avoid the catastrophe mainly as a motivation problem. What is overlooked is that the solutions are not at hand, that fighting climate change involves intricate normative conflicts of goals, and that potential measures may themselves be riddled with (catastrophic) risks.
De Gruyter eBooks, Feb 4, 2013
Edward Elgar Publishing eBooks, Feb 23, 2023

ABSTRACT Hitherto, the focus of financial ethics has been mainly on questions concerning the micr... more ABSTRACT Hitherto, the focus of financial ethics has been mainly on questions concerning the micro- and meso-level of economic interaction, questions that are predominantly discussed in the field of "business ethics". The business ethicist discusses normative issues arising from commercial activities from a microethical viewpoint. This chapter, on the contrary, intends to stress the importance of financial macroethics. It will be argued that the guiding principle of financial macroethics ought to be that it is of the utmost moral importance to ensure the sustainable efficiency of the financial market. From this perspective, the criterion for the normative analysis of global finance - as well as of each financial market, institution, and instrument - has to be whether it is compatible with the efficiency of the financial market of each national economy. All fundamental normative orientations and tasks of the macroethics of financial markets derive from this principle, some of which will be discussed in this essay.
Zeitschrift für didaktik der philosophie und ethik, 2018

In diesem Beitrag soll es nur um die Produktion und die Ernährung von Tieren gehen, die der Gewin... more In diesem Beitrag soll es nur um die Produktion und die Ernährung von Tieren gehen, die der Gewinnung von Nahrungsmitteln dienen. Ich beginne mit Vorklärungen (2.) zur Eigenart moralischer Fragestellungen und Normen (2.1), zum Begriff des moralischen Status (2.2) und zur Bestimmung des moralischen Status von Tieren (2.3). Das häufig vorgebrachte Argument, dass die Tierproduktion zum Zwecke des Fleischkonsums moralisch ungerechtfertigt sei, weil sie der Welt Nahrungsmittel entzieht, wird dann zum Anlass genommen, inhaltliche und methodische Aufgaben und Probleme der moralischen Beurteilung der Nutztierernährung herauszustellen (3.). Im Rahmen einer solchen Beurteilung (4.) soll dann erstens kurz dargelegt werden, warum das Argument, die Gewinnung von Nahrungsmitteln tierischer Herkunft sei eine nicht zu rechtfertigende Vergeudung von Ressourcen in dieser pauschalen Form zurückzuweisen ist (4.1). Denn nur wenn dieses Argument sich entkräften lässt, gibt es überhaupt noch weitere moralische Fragen hinsichtlich der Ernährung von Tieren zum Zwecke der Nahrungsmittelproduktion zu bedenken.
Ethical Perspectives, 2018
J.B. Metzler eBooks, 2002
J.B. Metzler eBooks, 2002
Dieses Werk einschließlich aller seiner Teile ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Jede Verwertung auß... more Dieses Werk einschließlich aller seiner Teile ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Jede Verwertung außerhalb der engen Grenzen des Urheberrechtsgesetzes ist ohne Zustimmung des Verlages unzulässig und strafbar. Das gilt insbesondere für Vervielfältigungen, Übersetzungen, Mikroverfilmungen und die Einspeicherung und Verarbeitung in elektronischen Systemen.
J. Schweitzer eBooks, 1987
Bochumer Studien zur Philosophie, Nov 30, 2005
... Dr. Klaus Ethik in Medizin und Biowissenschaften, Institut fur Philosophie, Ruhr-Universität ... more ... Dr. Klaus Ethik in Medizin und Biowissenschaften, Institut fur Philosophie, Ruhr-Universität Bochum X Page 15. ... Es war eine Zeit da ich glaubte dieses allein könnte die Ehre der Menschheit machen und ich verachtete den Pöbel der von nichts weis. ...

energyo, 2019
In this article I try to show that climate ethics must be to a great extent risk and energy ethic... more In this article I try to show that climate ethics must be to a great extent risk and energy ethics. As the emissions of carbon dioxide have to be stopped completely in a relatively short period of time a massive change of global energy systems is needed. Scenarios of how this can realistically be achieved must be developed and evaluated. The required transformations potentially conflict with the important aims of energy security, economic development and overcoming energy poverty. Proposed measures may involve unacceptable risks or be counterproductive. Criteria, principles and guidelines are proposed which are needed to deal with these problems. Finally, the difficulties and tasks of climate related energy ethics are critically exemplified on the strategy of comprehensive carbon capture and storage, a strategy which is part of almost all scenarios which aim at restricting the increase of the average global temperature to 2° C.
J.B. Metzler eBooks, 2002
Concilium: Revista internacional de teología, 1989
De Gruyter eBooks, Jan 31, 2001

Journal of Human Rights, Apr 2, 2016
ABSTRACT In this article, I argue that climate ethics must basically be risk ethics. But risk eth... more ABSTRACT In this article, I argue that climate ethics must basically be risk ethics. But risk ethics is still an underdeveloped field of normative ethics. For example, rights-based ethical theories, the attractive features of which are outlined in this article, tend to prohibit all risk impositions. Such inability of rights-based theories to deal convincingly with risks could be a reason why the standard approach of climate economics, which as I try to show is based on questionable normative presuppositions, is still as influential as it is. I propose a solution to the problems rights-based moral theories have with risks and outline the basic criteria of permissible and impermissible risk impositions. Finally, I indicate that this will enable us to tackle climate risks in a promising way. The main aim of the article, however, is not to contribute to concrete questions of climate ethics but to the improvement of its normative foundations.
Papers by Klaus Steigleder