Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Institut für Philosophie I
Personen können sich durch verschiedene Situationen und Einflüsse dazu aufgefordert oder genötigt sehen, sich nicht nur zu verändern, sondern im Hinblick auf das Selbstverständnis ihrer eigenen Identität grundlegend ‚ein anderer zu... more
One of the most threatening effects of dementia is the experience of forgetting or losing one's self. How can patients and their caregivers cope with this experience? Based on the example of Arno Geiger's narrative about his father this... more
Recently some bioethicists and neuroscientists have argued for an imperative of chemical cognitive enhancement. This imperative is usually based on consequentialist grounds. In this paper, the topic of cognitive self-enhancement is... more
Kant introduces a duty to oneself to respect oneself and to avoid servility – or not to make oneself a worm. I argue for a wider understanding of this duty: Persons ought to respect their own dignity as persons with autonomy, rationality,... more
Das Ideal individueller Authentizität von Personen ist ein ebenso verbreitetes wie umstrittenes Ideal in modernen, liberalen Gesellschaften. Wertgeschätzt wird in Bezug auf die Authentizität von Personen die Idee einer authentischen... more
There are strong expressions of hope that the experience of the COVID-19 crisis might strengthen our sense of justice and inspire activities that bring about fundamental change for the better. What may we hope for during the crisis and... more
Discussions about the dignity of human beings often focus on violations of a person's dignity that are performed by other persons. However, human beings can also violate their own dignity or at least they can expose it to a violation by... more
There are strong expressions of hope that the experience of the COVID-19 crisis might strengthen our sense of justice and inspire activities that bring about fundamental change for the better. What may we hope for during the crisis and... more
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Kant introduces a duty to oneself to respect oneself and to avoid servility – or not to make oneself a worm. I argue for a wider understanding of this duty: Persons ought to respect their own dignity as persons with autonomy, rationality,... more
There are strong expressions of hope that the experience of the COVID-19 crisis might strengthen our sense of justice and inspire activities that bring about fundamental change for the better. What may we hope for during the crisis and... more
Recently some bioethicists and neuroscientists have argued for an imperative of chemical cognitive enhancement. This imperative is usually based on consequentialist grounds. In this paper, the topic of cognitive self-enhancement is... more
Düsseldorf, 02. Januar 2013
Günther Anders ist dem fachkundigen Publikum vor allem durch sein aus den 1950er Jahren stammendes, zentrales Werk „Die Antiquiertheit des Menschen – Über die Seele im Zeitalter der zweiten industriellen Revolution“ bekannt. Dem... more
Der Text stellt einen ersten Ansatz zur phänomenologischen Analyse der Auswirkungen der Moderne auf den Menschen dar, aufbauend auf Günther Anders‘ Untersuchung der Seele des Menschen in der zweiten und dritten industriellen Revolution,... more