Эта тема не обновлялась больше двух лет. Скорее всего, она уже не поддерживается и может быть несовместима с текущими версиями WordPress.

Journalism is a simple and professional theme with loads of customization options that do not require special web experience. It manages to display everything in a readable and clear manner. If you have been searching for a Magazine-style and feature-rich theme for your website, then look no further! If you are a blogger looking to give your visitors a fun new way to browse your latest posts or you are an artist looking to showcase your latest work, then Journalism is a great choice for you! It is easy to use and configure, and offers integration options with all plugins developed by BestWebSoft IT company. Among others, Facebook Like Button ( and Twitter ( plugins will grasp the idea behind your website most precisely, and improve the functionality accordingly. The demo version of this theme can be found at
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