Эта тема не обновлялась больше двух лет. Скорее всего, она уже не поддерживается и может быть несовместима с текущими версиями WordPress.

Coop is optimized for blogs and web pages. The layout options and overall look and feel of the theme are ideal for news, magazine, and other content publishing sites. It’s clean design and strong support for Page Builder layouts also makes it a great choice for building landing pages. If you are an agency, this theme is for you. Coop layouts and designs are optimized to work with any screen size making your content look good and be accessible on everything from smart phones to tablets and desktops to flat screen televisions and retina devices. There are plenty of options for placing widgets and Coop automatically calculates the layout giving you virtually unlimited layout options without writing any code. Also, Coop templates are optimized for maximum search engine and screen reader device accessibility and provides full support for YoastSEO and NavXT breadcrumbs. The theme supports non-standard post formats, is translation ready, and provides support for high resolution post thumbnails, HD multimedia, site branding, and much much more.
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