WS Contact Form


Simple contact form what will allow to send message to desired email. Simple to use web page own styles, default form is almoust without styles what need to be overwrited. Fill some fields in the plugin settings page and then just paste plugin shortcode to your post/page or text widget and form is working. Form data is sent through ajax query.

To ensure that emails will be delivered 100% probability it is important that sender email will be with same domain as the web page ( >, thats why sender email is useful to enter manually into sender email field from settings in admin panel, can be your own email also. Replay email will be what is inserted through public contact form by webpage visitor.

Plugin supports translations and WPML string translation functionality for both admin and public form.

English and Estonian translations included.



  1. Upload the plugin files to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/plugin-name’ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. Fill settings fields on WordPress Admin Settings > WS Contact Form page
  4. Paste plugin shortcode to your post/page in Text view activated or into text widget


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Журнал изменений


  • Updated code according to WordPress security and standards guidelines
  • Tested with WordPress 6.6.1
  • Updated version number


  • Tested with WordPress 6.0.0
  • Updated version number


  • Tested with WordPress 5.4.1
  • Updated version number
  • Now possible to put to page/post multiple contact forms


  • Tested with WordPress 5.1.1
  • Updated version number


Removed Estonian translation, translation is automatically coming through WordPress Language Packs


Tested up to WordPress 4.8 version


WordPress 4.7 tested
Admin shortcode explanation improvement


WordPress 4.6.1 tested


Bug fix what was related with that form was shown always at the top of post/page even when shortcode was placed after any other content


Added widget support for shortcode


Added translations support and Estonian translation


Minor update for handling better way error states styles


Javascript function fix what caused problems when page use cache and minified javascript


First version