Lazy load WordPress default commenting system without any complex configurations. Get rid of unwanted HTTP requests and get your page speed back.
Lazy Load for Comments — Features & Advantages
- Load comments only when required.
- Improve page loading speed.
- Reduce no. of HTTP requests!
- Lazy loading comments gravaters.
- Поддержка Genesis.
- Поддержка Divi.
- Перевод готов!
- No complex configurations (Just one setting).
- Developer friendly (Hooks available for altering).
- Follows best WordPress coding standards.
- Of course, available on GitHub
Отчеты об ошибках
Bug reports are always welcome. Report here.
Installing the plugin — Simple
- In your WordPress admin panel, go to Plugins > New Plugin, search for Lazy Load for Comments and click «Install now«
- Alternatively, download the plugin and upload the contents of
to your plugins directory, which usually is/wp-content/plugins/
. - Activate the plugin
- Go to Discussion settings.
- Select the lazy load method (Scroll or Click).
Нужна дополнительная помощь?
Feel free to open a support request.
Что-то пропустил?
Если вы хотите получить дополнительную функцию для этого плагина, дайте мне знать.
Часто задаваемые вопросы
What is the use of this plugin?
Plugin name says everything. This plugin prevents the comments from loading automatically when page/post is loaded. Instead, this plugin will lazy load the comments when user scroll down to comments section or clicking on comment button.
I don’t need loader gif image, can I disable it?
Yes, you can!. Just add following line to your theme’s functions.php or in your custom plugin.
add_filter( 'llc_enable_loader_element', '__return_false' );
Just add following line to your theme’s functions.php or in your custom plugin.
add_filter( 'llc_button_text', function () { return 'My Custom Button Text'; });
Add following line to your theme’s functions.php or in your custom plugin.
add_filter( 'llc_button_class', function () { return 'custom-class-1 custom-class-2'; });
Can I use something else instead of loader image?
Yes! There is a filter for this too! Add following line to your theme’s functions.php or in your custom plugin.
add_filter( 'llc_loader_element_content', function () { // Use any html element. return '<p class="custom-loader">Loading... Please wait.</p>'; });
How to lazy load only only when there specific (or more) no. of comments?
Вы можете просто использовать приведенный ниже фильтр, чтобы установить минимальное количество комментариев для отложенной загрузки.
add_filter( 'llc_can_lazy_load_minimum_count', function () { // Lazy load only if there are 10 or more comments. return 10; });
Мне нужны подробности
Please open a support request.
Участники и разработчики
«Lazy Load for Comments» — проект с открытым исходным кодом. В развитие плагина внесли свой вклад следующие участники:
Участники«Lazy Load for Comments» переведён на 6 языков. Благодарим переводчиков за их работу.
Перевести «Lazy Load for Comments» на ваш язык.
Заинтересованы в разработке?
Посмотрите код, проверьте SVN репозиторий, или подпишитесь на журнал разработки по RSS.
Журнал изменений
1.0.10 (24/07/2019)
- Добавлена поддержка Divi.
1.0.9 (16/03/2019)
- 🐛 Fixed issues with scroll load in Woo reviews.
1.0.8 (14/03/2019)
- 📦 Added Woo reviews support.
1.0.7 (14/03/2019)
- 🐛 Fixed issues with WP 5.1.
- 🐛 Fixed issues with Woo reviews.
1.0.6 (27/01/2019)
- 📦 Added Genesis support.
1.0.5 (19/01/2019)
- 📦 Added new filter to set minimum no. of comments to lazy load.
- 👌 Lazy load only when there are comments.
- 🐛 Fixed empty comments when comments are closed.
1.0.4 (22/12/2018)
- 👌 Removed nonce (nonce is not required for frontend get requests.).
- 👌 Changed to GET ajax request.
- 🐛 Fixed comments respond link.
1.0.3 (03/04/2017)
- Fixed wrong value return in bot checking function.
1.0.2 (08/02/2017)
- Added custom filters.
- Added loader while comments are being loaded.
- Disabled lazy load for Search Engine crawlers.
- Scroll to comment if #comment id found in url.
- Готовность к переводу — 100%. (19/11/2016)
- Bug fix on PHP v5.3 — Parse error.
1.0.0 (18/11/2016)
- Первая версия.