Either you have a computer repair business, a mobile repair business, drone repair, television repair, bike repair, home appliance repair, watch repair, or car repair business. RepairBuddy WordPress plugin is capable of providing you with an amazing repairing business CRM. Which makes it really simple for you to manage estimates, jobs, technicians, payments, customers, and job reviews.
RepairBuddy helps you define device types, brands, and devices you operate with. Also, you can add services, parts, or WooCommerce products you offer so customers can easily book their device for repair. Where you can also set service prices by types, brands, or devices.
After repair booking, you can modify the quote and send an estimate to the customer so they can approve or reject it. On estimate approval, a job is started, and technicians work on it after getting the work order signed by the customer. A repair ticket can be provided to the customer so they can easily check their device repair status online. Which will improve the customer’s involvement in the repair process, and they can add feedback in the process by messages or attachments. Once a job is completed, an invoice can be printed and provided to the customer.
Online or on-site payments, full or partial, can be taken, and payment receipts can be sent or printed for customers.
SMS and email notifications are just another part that improves the confidence and reliability for your customers. You can send manual or auto notifications to customers on each step of the repairing process.
Feedback or reviews on your repair jobs are very important, which can let you know how your customers feel about your service. Auto- or manual-feedback requests can be sent to the customer’s email or via SMS notifications.
The maintenance reminder is a magical module within RepairBuddy to bring customers back to your business.
These are just some main parts; however, the RepairBuddy WordPress plugin includes several more features with it.
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Гораздо больше функций доступно в премиум-версии. Найдите другие подробности о премиум-версии.
🔥 Device types, brands and devices
Either you provide repairing services for mobile phones, tablets, computers, or cars, trucks, and bikes, or you offer repairing services for TVs, air conditioners, watches, or anything. It’s very easy to add the device types and the brands you operate with and some devices. So customers can easily book their service for the device type and device they want. Additional fields can help you get the IMEI, serial number, registration number, pin code, or model number, whatever your requirements are. If you haven’t already listed the device, «other option» is a great feature for customers to add their own devices and brands.
🔥 Services, parts, extras or WooCommerce products
When you are working on a job, you add some services, parts, and extras of products in it. If you have parts in WooCommerce products or you want to use our plugin’s parts feature, both are possible. Extras is a great option that you can use to add items that are not already added in parts or products, for example, a used power cable. The services you define with their service types allow customers to choose them while booking their devices for repair.
🔥 Device Booking single or multiple devices
Customers can easily book their devices for repair by selecting their device type, brand, and then device. If their device isn’t listed already, they can click “other option” to add their device manually.
Customers can add multiple devices in a single booking form. After adding devices, they can select services for each device they need. If their required service isn’t listed, they can manually enter it. At last they fill out their information, and if anything is to be attached, the booking is complete. Customers receive their case number to later check their repairing status online. They also receive email notification about the booking.
🔥 Estimates with approval and rejection feature
After booking, the technician reviews the request and evaluates the required services and parts depending on the customer’s requirements. The technician modifies or adds new services, parts, and extras, then sends the estimate to the customer for approval.
The customer can approve or reject the estimate; if they approve the estimate, the job starts, and they get the further information through their email or SMS.
🔥 Jobs managed by technicians
After a technician has been assigned a job, they can work the job by adding services, parts, and extras they are using in the repair. They can also attach files and extra fields of information in the job.
Technicians can also add manual logs, which can be seen by staff or by customers as well. The email about the manual log and SMS can be sent to the customer if it’s for the customer as well.
Working on multiple devices each service, part or extra can be assigned to related device.
🔥 Print repair ticket and work order
You can easily print a work order so you can get it signed by the customer for permission to operate their device. The same work order can be used as the proof of pickup by the customer. Where the customer agrees with your terms and conditions and signs the work order.
Repair Ticket you can provide to customers so they can easily scan the QR code and check their device status anytime they want.
🔥 Status check for jobs online
Customers get a case # through a ticket provided to them or through their SMS or email. Using that case number, customers can always check the status of their device online and stay in the loop of the process. Which doesn’t only increase their confidence but also gives them answers to several questions they may have.
🔥 SMS and email notifications
We support various SMS gateways so you can easily send repair statuses to your customers during the repair process.
Professional email notification templates are already available to increase your brand’s worth and reliability with your customers. Customers can get SMS and email notifications whenever the job status changes or whenever you send them a manual message.
🔥 Attach files and messages by customer or technicians
Customers can easily add messages or attach files to their ongoing jobs from the online status check page or from their accounts.
Technicians can also add manual messages, files, logs, and extra fields to jobs for customers to see or only for staff to be seen.
🔥 Job history logs public and private
Every time there is an activity in a job, its log is created to keep a record of the job’s history.
Manual logs can be added, private only for staff or public, which customers can also view. The manual log’s email can also be sent to the customer.
🔥 Customer account to manage jobs, estimates and devices
Customers can have an account area with RepairBuddy or WooCommerce to view job history or current jobs; also, customers can view estimates, modify them, and also can manage their devices easily. Customers can also book a new job from their account section.
🔥 Payments online and on-site full or partial
On-site payments can be accepted via various channels, including cash, check, bank transfer, or swipe transaction. On-site payment can be taken in full or partial just deposit.
Online payment links can be sent to customers via email and SMS using WooCommerce and utilizing any payment gateway through WooCommerce.
🔥 Print or email payment receipts
A payment receipt can be printed or sent in an email to the customer for both online and on-site payments.
A professional and beautiful payment receipt template is available to impress customers.
🔥 Print job invoice and repair label
Invoices can be printed or sent via email to customers. You have two invoice templates: the default just lists services, parts, products, and extras, while the device-based template separates particulars of each device under it.
Repair labels can help you to paste a label on a device for checking its history easily or for warranty and verification purposes.
🔥 Reviews request for jobs
Our reviews module is an amazing addition to RepairBuddy, which can let you send manual feedback requests as well as auto review requests. As reviews can help you understand how are you doing for your customers and what you can improve or continue.
Once a review request has been sent to the customer’s email or SMS, they can click the link and land on a page of your website that embeds our review shortcode so customers can leave feedback on your repair jobs. So it’s really amazing and easy to get reviews on your repair jobs.
🔥 Customer feedback on jobs
You can also set up a page on your website to get reviews from customers where they can enter their case # and provide ratings and feedback about the service.
This gives an awesome feeling to customers that they are being heard.
🔥 Maintenance reminders to bring customers back
The maintenance reminder module is another great addition to the RepairBuddy repairing CRM WordPress plugin. Which can help you bring your old customers back to your business premises and get more business. Reminders can be sent based on the interval of older jobs than a selected time. Maintenance reminders are not only sent via emails but can also be sent via SMS.
While maintenance reminders can be activated for all types of devices and all types of brands, they can also work for specific devices and specific brands.
🔥 Reports for daily sales, technician and customer summary
The reports section is powerful for getting statistics about sales with various filters. Like you can filter jobs that have been paid or not paid. You can filter reports on the basis of job status as well. You can also generate various reports for technicians and customers so you can see the performance and history of customers and technicians.
Repair shop CRM is a great tool to make the right decisions about your business with the reports. If you want to analyze if your business growth is positive or not good to take the right decisions, the reports, which can have various filters, are very helpful in the Repair Shop CRM WordPress plugin.
🔥 Warranty booking
The new warranty booking shortcode will help you let your customers book their device for a warranty claim by uploading receipts and other items related to the device in the warranty. The technician can check the details and either approve the warranty or reject it. There are several possibilities to manage warranty claims through RepairBuddy.
🔥 Store manager, technician and customers management
The store manager can assign jobs to technicians and can view all jobs in the store they have access to in case of using the multistore RepairBuddy addon. In the case of a single store, they have access to all technicians and jobs in a store.
Technicians can only work with the jobs they are assigned or can create new jobs themselves. They cannot view jobs that aren’t created by them or aren’t assigned to them.
Customers have their own account area where they can view a history of repair jobs, estimates, devices, and bookings. They can also provide feedback to their jobs and check online status about their device repair easily.
🔥 Currency, tax, payment methods, job statuses and SMS management
RepairBuddy lets you select any currency you want; there are all types of currencies available.
You can add multiple or single tax; primary tax will always be used, but you can change tax for services, parts, and extras as well.
The tax-inclusive option helps you add tax within the total price; tax exclusive calculates tax separate from the total of parts, services, and extras and adds up in a grand total.
You can have multiple job statuses; each status can have its own email and SMS message. also each status can help you define the label of invoice like quote, invoice, estimate whatever.
RepairBuddy supports various SMS gateways. if you have interest in some other gateway you can reach our customer support so they can guide you about possibilities.
🔥 Email templates for booking and estimates
RepairBuddy gives you complete freedom about what to send to your customers when they request an estimate or when they book a job. So you know what’s being sent after each status update or what should be sent. We have wide range of keywords range which you can use in email templates to design and say what you want to say to your customers.
We have tried to explain a little about our Repair shop CRM plugin but the plugin includes several more features. The truth you can know only after using the plugin yourself!
Использование вызовов третьей стороны
1) Plugin generates QR code with help of Quick Chart Code API. So customer can easily scan the QR code and get the terms of service loaded in their device.
For which plugin uses https://quickchart.io/documentation/qr-codes/. By Quick Chart which is only used in Repair Order which is to sign by customer.
2) Также, когда вы пытаетесь активировать свой плагин до версии pro, в этом случае код покупки и адрес электронной почты отправляются в нашу систему по адресу https://www.webfulcreations.com/members / для подтверждения покупки и активации плагина.
Мы действительно берем любую информацию с вашего веб-сайта и храним ее в любом месте.
Отличная новость: мы создали сообщество для ремонтных мастерских. Зарегистрируйтесь сегодня и укажите свою мастерскую, чтобы привлечь больше клиентов. RepairBuddy
Установите плагин на свой wordpress, затем выполните описанные ниже действия.
- Чтобы добавить форму статуса проверки обращения, создайте страницу и вставьте шорткод [wc_order_status_form].
- Закажите услугу, выбрав марку, устройство и проводимые работы. Не включает тип устройства или группы услуг, шорткод: [wc_book_my_service].
- Группы проводимых работ по обслуживанию на основе заказов выбранных устройств, шорткод: [wc_book_type_grouped_service]
- Выбор нескольких услуг на основе устройства, шорткод: [wc_book_devices_and_services]
- Гарантийный ремонт без выбора сервисного обслуживания, шорткод: [wc_book_my_warranty]
- Страница моей учетной записи с потрясающей панелью контроля, шорткод: [wc_cr_my_account]
- Список услуг на интерфейсной странице, шорткод: [wc_list_services]
- Отображать детали на главной странице, шорткод: [wc_list_products]
- Перейдите в админ-панель Computer repair shop и установите основные настройки.
- Перейдите в раздел запчасти и добавьте новые запчасти, доступные в вашем магазине, сделайте то же самое для услуг.
Часто задаваемые вопросы
Можем ли мы перевести этот плагин?
Да, этот плагин может быть переведен на любой язык.
Могу ли я использовать более 1 налога?
Да, нет ограничений на использование налогов, каждый продукт, деталь, услуга и дополнительные расходы могут облагаться отдельным налогом.
Могу ли я менять запчасти с помощью продуктов WooCommerce?
Да, всего одним нажатием кнопки вы можете осуществить это переключение.
Есть ли какой-либо заказ на ремонт, который должен быть подписан заказчиком?
Да, это отличное дополнение к распечатке заказа на выполнение работ и получению подписи для получения и доставки от вашего клиента.
Могу ли я добавить больше статусов ремонтов?
Да, можно добавить еще несколько новых статусов ремонта.
Существуют ли ограничения на запчасти/модули и услуги?
Нет, вы можете добавлять неограниченное количество деталей / модулей и услуг.
Участники и разработчики
«Плагин CRM WordPress — RepairBuddy» — проект с открытым исходным кодом. В развитие плагина внесли свой вклад следующие участники:
Участники«Плагин CRM WordPress — RepairBuddy» переведён на 4 языка. Благодарим переводчиков за их работу.
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Журнал изменений
- Send update to technician when job is assigned to him through email
- Parts and variations with parts prices by devices
- PDF Maker
- Appointments calendar module
- Repair Ticket Feature
- Search customers in clients screen
- Print or view Payment Receipt
- Email Payment Receipt to customer
- Repair Estimats in my account sections
- Reports date filters fixed
- wcrb_display_reviews shortcode to display customer reviews
- Security fix in update customers
- Check status by serial and job id
- Other service part in booking form
- Check status by device serial number
- Customers can add files from their account to jobs or from status check page
- Customers can post messages from their account on their jobs
- Attachment File security resolved
- Billing address and shipping address for WooCommerce
- Fixed reviews star issues
- Booking services have ability to add service for each device separately
- Invoice label in job status each job status can have different invoice label
- QR Code problem fixed on repair order
- Ability to delete extra fields and files
- Fix email message of status to remove back slashes
- Attachments to show the image view if the type is image
- Duplicate existing job option
- International phone formatting
- Improvement to estimate and job emails to customers and administrators
- Post a message on check job status by customer
- Feedback on job module
- Fix estimate attachments
- New payments section
- Ability to deactivate a payment
- Customer fields compatibility with WooCommerce billing data
- Accepts zero decimal option
- Tax ID in customer data everywhere.
- Estimate — Send repair estimate
- Estimate — Approval or Rejection email
- Estimate — Convert to repair job
- Fix triggered fatal error problem on activation
- Improved reports option selection ability
- Technician Jobs Summary — Report
- Jobs Summary by Technician — Report
- Customer Jobs Summary — Report
- Jobs Summary by Customer — Report
- Shortcodes in Email and Status messages
- Customer devices in my account
- Change colors options
- Register user account option
- Add serial number to devices in jobs
- Add device to service, extras, parts and products
- Send email to customer on booking
- Tax Inclusive option
- Tax Exclusive option
- Single device page with services
- Single service page with device prices
- Single service page with booking feature
- Действия в списке заданий для печати, редактирования, добавления платежа
- E-mail клиента (необязательно)
- Улучшенные шаблоны e-mail
- Добавляйте запчасти на лету
- Добавлять услуги на лету
- Редактирование устройств
- Отправить напоминание по тестовому e-mail
- Модуль напоминания о техническом обслуживании
- Отправляйте напоминания о техническом обслуживании по e-mail
- Отправляйте напоминания о техническом обслуживании по SMS
- Модуль гарантийного ремонта
- Модуль дополнительных полей
- Вложения файлов в заявку
- ФИЛЬТР — wc_rb_myaccount_tab_menu_item — ARGUMENT USER ROLE
- ФИЛЬТР — wc_rb_myaccount_tab_body — ARGUMENT USER ROLE
- Несколько устройств в модуле заявок
- Добавьте серийный номер устройства при заявке
- Добавьте pin-код устройства и отметку при заявке клиентом
- Действие, добавленное перед проверкой состояния >> wc_rb_before_status_check_result
- Добавить устройство со страницы ремонта
- Отключать услуги в зависимости от типа устройства
- Отключать услуги в зависимости от бренда
- Отключите услуги для устройств
- Группа шорткодов заявок
- Улучшенный дизайн программы
- Возможность замены устройств продуктами woo
- Оплата на месте (наличными, свайпом, чеком, банковским переводом)
- Онлайн-платежи через заказы WooCommerce
- Интеграция способов оплаты
- Фильтр — wc_rb_jobs_action_payments — Param JOBID — Return
- Функция интеграции SMS-сообщений
- Настройки раздела «Способы оплаты»
- URL-адрес для доступа к статусу ремонта
- Настройка страниц по умолчанию для шорткодов
- Настройки формата денег
- Опция разделителя тысяч, опция десятичного оператора, десятичные числа
- Регистрируйте действия для различной поддержки
- Действие — wc_rb_settings_tab_menu_item — Echo
- Действие — wc_rb_settings_tab_body — Echo
- Фильтр — rb_carregistration_inside_device_wrap_jobs -Return
- Исправление формата числа
- j Исправлены проблемы с jQuery во внешнем интерфейсе
- Исправлены проблемы с «моя учетная запись» и согласованием заявок
- Исправлена функциональность внутренней печати
- Функция печати в интерфейсе для заказов
- Функция печати в окне проверки состояния
- Принятие GDPR в форме предложения и форме заказа
- Добавить адрес в квитанцию ремонта
- Добавить адрес в заявку на ремонт
- Информация о клиентах в заказах на ремонт
- Пользовательское сообщение с благодарностью в наряде на ремонт и заказ-наряде
- Фильтр работ по устройствам
- Исправлены проблемы с дизайном, конфликтующие с классами CSS
- Исправлено уведомление PHP на странице отчета
- Исправьте до округления десятичные дроби
- Исправлена проблема с десятичной дробью в кол-ве услуг и цене
- Используйте формат А4 ИЛИ А5 для квитанции
- Добавьте логотип бренда устройства или изображение
- Функциональность «Заказать мой сервис» основана на выборе бренда, устройства, сервиса и запчастей
- Автоматическое обновление списка клиентов при добавлении нового
- Меню моего аккаунта WooCommerce — Запросить расценки
- Меню «Мой аккаунт» в WooCommerce — Заказы на ремонт
- Исправлен процесс активации
- Сделайте этикетку устройства изменяемой
- Сделайте этикетку ID/IMEI изменяемой
- Поддержка добавления нескольких устройств
- Поиск по ID устройства
- Поле примечания к устройству
- Несколько устройств в заданиях, отчетах, электронных письмах, заказах на ремонт и этикетках также сообщают
- Отключение уведомления по E-mail при добавлении нового пользователя
- Генератор префикса номера регистра
- Управление длиной номера регистра для строки
- Отправляйте клиентам E-mail с информацией об ID установленного вручную
- Исправлены проблемы с безопасностью
- Исправлены незначительные проблемы
- Удаление коротких тегов PHP
- Очистка пользовательских данных
- Экранирование выводов
- Исправлена проблема с запросом перенаправлений
- Раздел отчетов
- Улучшенный адрес для клиента
- Улучшенный адрес для технического специалиста
- Поддержка языка RTL
- Поддержка языка иврит
- Исправлена сортировка базы данных
- Публичная история ремонтов при проверке статуса ремонта
- Улучшенный дизайн статуса
- Добавьте компанию в заказ-наряд.
- Распродажа в Черную пятницу заканчивается
- Распродажа в черную пятницу
- Раздел истории работ
- Добавлен бренд устройства на боковую панель(sidebar)
- Улучшенный дизайн E-mail
- Pin-код /Пароль устройства
- Решена проблема с возможностями и разрешениями пользователя
- Поиск товаров WooCommerce с автозаполнением Ajax для больших# количеств товаров
- Исправлена проблема с добавлением десятичных знаков в поля цены.
- Включил идентификатор в выпадающий список клиентов для улучшения поиска
- Включить столбец «Устройство» на странице списка заданий
- Укажите ID устройства вместе с именем устройства на странице списка ремонта
- Поиск ремонта по ID
- Фильтр ремонтов по названию устройства
- Столбец базы данных сообщений E-mail о состоянии
- Обновить статус ремонта с
- Сообщение E-mail добавить новый статус от
- Отправьте E-mail о изменённом статусе с новым полем из базы данных.
- Изменение статуса по E-mail, если статус изменился со страницы списка вакансий
- Исправлены проблемы с возможностями для техников и менеджеров
- Исправлены проблемы с переводом
- Новая функция логотип мастерской
- Новая роль пользователя-менеджера
- Фиксированный доступ технического специалиста
- Изменить налоговый статус активный/неактивный
- Изменить статус работы- Статус активный/неактивный
- Управление запасами с помощью WooCommerce
- Создайте новое ремонт из интерфейса.
- Изменение статуса через страницу списка заданий
- Исправлена проблема с отсутствующими файлами и фатальной ошибкой.
- Добавить кнопку отключения запчастей и включения продуктов WooCommerce
- Пункт типа устройства
- Возможность переключения запчастей с помощью продуктов WooCommerce
- Особенности наряда на ремонт
- Выставить счёт
- Кнопка печати в наряде на ремонт
- Улучшенный стиль заказ-наряда
- Добавить ID / IMEI в ремонт
- Выберите устройство в ремонте
- Возможность вложения файла
- Стартовый выпуск