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Martin Luther's sharp distinction between human (inherent) and divine (forensic) righteousness necessitates a division of two levels of virtue within 'two Kingdoms': civic virtue acquired through action and proper motivation in the... more
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      PhilosophyEthicsArt HistoryTheology
Peter Martyr Vermigli's elevation of faith over charity displays similarities and differences with Aquinas and other medieval authors. For Aquinas, faith does not perceive its object and thus denotes an uncertain assent to imperfectly... more
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      ReligionPhilosophyEthicsMedieval Studies
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      ReligionHistoryReformation StudiesNeoplatonism
Convegno internazionale in occasione dell’uscita del volume
Nicholas of Cusa and the Making of the Early Modern World
ed. by S.J. Burton, J. Hollmann, E.M. Parker, Brill 2019
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      HistoryPhilosophyNicholas of Cusa
This volume sheds new light on Cusanus’ relationship to early modernity by focusing on the reform of church, the reform of theology, the reform of perspective, and the reform of method – which together aim to encompass the breadth and... more
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    • Nicholas of Cusa
Scholarly treatments of Peter Sterry and the Cambridge Platonists often view their reception of Platonism as radically different from their Puritan or Calvinist contemporaries. This essay focuses on three individuals, John Sherman,... more
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      Plato and PlatonismNeoplatonismNicholas of CusaChristian Platonism
Reformed philosophers utilized, across the board, a participatory ontology, that is to say, they promoted a philosophy that centered on the idea that created being participates in the divine Being. From John Calvin’s use of philosophy to... more
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    • Plato and Platonism
Romans and the Corinthians have helped theologians over the centuries develop theological thought and dialogue. However, in his writings Paul, like other Biblical authors never used the term "trinity", this is no real surprise as the term... more
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      Trinitarian TheologyPauline Theology
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      SoteriologyGnostic Gospels
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      New TestamentEschatology
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      Systematic TheologyCovenant TheologyBiblical TheologySacraments
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      Systematic TheologyCovenant TheologyBiblical TheologyPsalms
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      Biblical TheologyPauline TheologyBiblical ExegesisPauline Letters (Philemon)
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      Covenant TheologyBiblical TheologyEucharistSacrament of the Lord's Supper
Genesis 1, the creation story, and this is where the triune God speaks man into existence. It is a common theme in Christian circles and traditions to affirm that all of mankind is created in the image of our heavenly Father, it is an... more
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    • Systematic Theology
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      Systematic TheologyApostles' Creed
The essay delves into the theological implications of the Day of the Lord as portrayed in the book of Amos. Set against the backdrop of social injustice, economic exploitation, and religious corruption in the Northern Kingdom of Israel... more
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      Systematic TheologyCovenant TheologyBiblical TheologyMinor Prophets
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      ChristianityNew TestamentTheological EthicsEarly Christianity
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      LiturgyBook of PsalmsChristian liturgical musicPsalms studies