Ilyas Yildirim
2004 yılında Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Rize İlahiyat Fakültesi’nden mezun oldu. 2008 yılında Rize Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü’nde “Fıkıh Usûlünde elBâkıllânî’nin el-Gazzâlî’ye Tesiri (Hüküm Çıkarma Metodları Çerçevesinde)” adlı teziyle Yüksek Lisans eğitimini tamamladı. 2008 yılında Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü’nde doktora eğitimine başladı. “Fıkıh Usûlü Mantık İlişkisi –Molla Fenârî Örneği–” adlı doktora çalışmasını 2014 yılında tamamladı. 2014 yılından itibaren Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi İslam Hukuku Anabilim Dalı’na öğretim üyesi olarak çalışmaktadır. Ağırlık noktasını fıkıh tarihi ve usûlünün oluşturduğu makale ve tebliğ türü çalışmaları mevcuttur.
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Papers by Ilyas Yildirim
undoubtedly Usūl al-Fiqh. When the works of the Ottoman scholars of that period on Usul
al-Fiqh are considered, it is seen that there are too many works inspired by the books
named al-Tanqīh and al-Tawdīh by Sadr al-Shari‘ah. In this context, the annotate named
al-Talwīh written by al-Taftāzānī on the aforementioned works has become the subject
of much annotates due to being a text in which scholars have the possibility to express
themselves and to prove their scientific maturity. Hasan Çelebi was a scholar who had
studied almost all of the basic texts taught in the madrasas. Ḥāshiyah ‘alā al-Talwı̄h, one of
these texts, was completed in 885/1480 and presented to Sultan Bayezid II. This work was
carefully analyzed and appreciated by some scholars of the period. The related work and
its author has been determined to be the main subject of the study because it is thought to
provide important findings related to the thought of Ottoman principles.
article provides an analysis of his works on fiqh and his place in the history of the
Ottoman jurisprudence. In this context, a brief biography of Fenârî is followed by a
list of factors that affected his scholarly personality. Then his works related to fiqh,
their manuscript copies as well as secondary studies conducted on this material
are introduced.
jurisprudence and law in Turkish. The article begins with a brief section providing
general historical information about the field of the history of law, followed by a
description of the historical process of the discipline of the history of Islamic law.
We have explained the terms in the title of this paper. Then, twenty-three works
have been briefly introduced. Insight gained from this data has been evaluated in
the conclusion.
ሺtahqiqሻ according to methodology of Islamic Jurisprudence and how he
evaluated the former scholars’ views based on his references to al‐Bâqillânî, a
scholar who lived about a century before him. At the beginning of our article,
we have presented information about these two scholars’ positions within
methodology of Islamic Jurisprudence. Then, we have dealt with how al‐
Bâqillânî’s views were transmitted to al‐Ghazzâlî. Finally, we have evaluated
al‐Ghazzâlî’s references to al‐Bâqillânî under three separate sub‐sections as
“al‐Bâqillânî’s views agreed by al‐Ghazzâlî, his views disagreed by al‐Ghazzâlî,
and his views that are fundamentally agreed by al‐Ghazzâlî but have some dif‐
ferences in details.”
and logic. In this context, firstly the early encounter of the two disciplines will be exarnined. Later, the histoncal course of the subject will be evaluated focusing on Gazzili.
Finally reflectioos of the relationship between these two disciplines on practice will be
undoubtedly Usūl al-Fiqh. When the works of the Ottoman scholars of that period on Usul
al-Fiqh are considered, it is seen that there are too many works inspired by the books
named al-Tanqīh and al-Tawdīh by Sadr al-Shari‘ah. In this context, the annotate named
al-Talwīh written by al-Taftāzānī on the aforementioned works has become the subject
of much annotates due to being a text in which scholars have the possibility to express
themselves and to prove their scientific maturity. Hasan Çelebi was a scholar who had
studied almost all of the basic texts taught in the madrasas. Ḥāshiyah ‘alā al-Talwı̄h, one of
these texts, was completed in 885/1480 and presented to Sultan Bayezid II. This work was
carefully analyzed and appreciated by some scholars of the period. The related work and
its author has been determined to be the main subject of the study because it is thought to
provide important findings related to the thought of Ottoman principles.
article provides an analysis of his works on fiqh and his place in the history of the
Ottoman jurisprudence. In this context, a brief biography of Fenârî is followed by a
list of factors that affected his scholarly personality. Then his works related to fiqh,
their manuscript copies as well as secondary studies conducted on this material
are introduced.
jurisprudence and law in Turkish. The article begins with a brief section providing
general historical information about the field of the history of law, followed by a
description of the historical process of the discipline of the history of Islamic law.
We have explained the terms in the title of this paper. Then, twenty-three works
have been briefly introduced. Insight gained from this data has been evaluated in
the conclusion.
ሺtahqiqሻ according to methodology of Islamic Jurisprudence and how he
evaluated the former scholars’ views based on his references to al‐Bâqillânî, a
scholar who lived about a century before him. At the beginning of our article,
we have presented information about these two scholars’ positions within
methodology of Islamic Jurisprudence. Then, we have dealt with how al‐
Bâqillânî’s views were transmitted to al‐Ghazzâlî. Finally, we have evaluated
al‐Ghazzâlî’s references to al‐Bâqillânî under three separate sub‐sections as
“al‐Bâqillânî’s views agreed by al‐Ghazzâlî, his views disagreed by al‐Ghazzâlî,
and his views that are fundamentally agreed by al‐Ghazzâlî but have some dif‐
ferences in details.”
and logic. In this context, firstly the early encounter of the two disciplines will be exarnined. Later, the histoncal course of the subject will be evaluated focusing on Gazzili.
Finally reflectioos of the relationship between these two disciplines on practice will be