alright then. hi.
spring break is going pretty alright, not nearly as bad as i thought.
i have currently put in 11 job applications for summer. (i really hope i get hired this year).
suprisingly, no real fight with my dad this week, though I came close today. he's got drill tomorrow, though, so i won't see him except maybe on sunday.
moved down the hall into the ex-sewing room with tarynn. still arranging our stuff. that room is a good 10 degrees colder (not exaggerating at all.. we have a thermometer up there) than the rest of the house if we keep the door shut, 5 degrees if we keep it open. i have about 4 inches of blanket on me at night. austynn has my room now. i've had that room (with one year exception) since 5th grade. it's so weird to not walk into it now. thankfully, he's considering keeping the orange color on the walls. i loooove that color.
i put up like 4 new albums on facebook, haha. i am awful. i'm so excited about having a reliable camera again, though.
we're selling the red car, because my parents think it's cursed. but apparently they are going to get another one so i can use it during the summer. and dad promised to help me buy a car of my own after sophomore year, provided i stay in the honors college.
did i ever mention that we bought a cottage? yep. up in hesperia i think it is. it's on a lake and i think i'm allowed to have people up there whenever. so yep, we can have camping parties or something.
i got to go with lafe to the rooster again last night for his little brother's birthday party. i love going to the rooster and hanging out with his family. his little cousin jaycee played horses with me a lot of the time and i love talking with his mom and dad and cousins and uncles and everyone. i got some good pictures of him playing guitar and some recordings, too, if anyone wants to hear them at all. :)
i have been super stressed out the past few weeks, and it really hit me last night, and i have been letting it out on lafe and feel really terrible about that. and it kind of broke last night and we almost got in a horrible argument, but we figured it out and now i'm feeling really really good again.
my dad agreed to give me money to buy new clothes (which i desperately need.. i've been wearing the same 3 pairs of jeans for like 5 months, and i have no nice pants anymore), so i was really glad for that.
wow, i really have a boring life. man.
well, i can't really think of anything else to say, i guess.
OH. um. lafe has been bugging me about this. anytime you search something online, use, and make sure you select reeths-puffer bands as the charity. they earn 1 cent per search, and if everyone does it, they earn a lot of money. so yep.
it is late. i am sleepy. goodnight.
Current Mood: 