? ?
11 March 2009 @ 12:00 am
1. anyone who obsesses over their weight, be it in poundage, or just generally obsessing over carbs/sugar/whatever the hell it may be. seriously. especially when they absolutely have nothing to worry about (ie: are not obese). enjoy life!
2. people who feel the need to tan all the time, who complain hardcore about being pale. not the end of the world.

it has been a long time.
i'm so happy right now, i feel like writing, and i don't know what's going to come out. so here goes, i suppose.

just spent like 4 hours at the rooster tonight with lafe and family (mostly the family, as he was with cannonball and they were just being geeked about rothbury the whole time). but i talked with his mom and i talked with kate and i talked with all the rest of his family and in-laws and i taught jaycee how to use a mechanical pencil and i wondered in awe at his family's musical ability and i talked with people about learning violin and how i'm taking lessons in the fall. i was told again that if i got a ticket to LA, i'd totally have a place to stay. i talked with a guy about how awkward it is when people do strange handshakes and we did one anyways. i talked about work and life goals and how lynn did on the stats class i helped her with (she got a B+!!) and fretted about the spanish final i took today (hopefully my last spanish thing EVER). i hugged lots of people, sang along whenever i knew the words (not very often), listened to fountains of wayne songs played by two guitars, an upright bass, and a mandolin. jokingly talked about getting wasted before i got home, resolved again to go home and practice like crazy on my violin. decided that you don't have to make a huge difference in the world to be happy, that having your family around, playing music and singing along is probably the best thing in the world to aspire for.

i also went to a new doctor today (i don't remember the last time i saw the same doctor twice), and while i was super nervous about it (just a checkup), everything turned out fine and she's really nice (even if she has a slight moustache), and made me feel super happy and comfortable talking to her. she suggested i take a scuba diving class and went on and told me how much fun it is and how it's expensive to start but after that it's real cheap to continue. and i'm so glad it went well because lately i've been really anxious about doctors because i'm scared of going in and they find something and it leads to tests and surgeries and treatments and all sorts of awful things. i think its because of my mom, where going to a new doctor (or a doctor at all), just meant finding something new that had to be taken care of.

i think i'm relaxing a lot about a lot of stuff. maybe it's part of feeling more grown up, but i'm slowly becoming more accepting of a lot of stuff i guess. either way.

i really want to get some talking heads music and also some django reinhardt to listen to.

i watched lars and the real girl (again) and the charlie bartlett movie today, both of which i thought were great. charlie bartlett is ridiculously cute, and honestly the plot reminded me of stargirl.

i applied to volunteer at the spca today, and hopefully they'll let me come in. it would be so awesome for me to do that, since they have a couple exotic animals like kinkajous and coatimundis and servals that would look just awesome on a resume. i really need to get some sort of animal handling experience soon, i really need it.

and i'm going to try to take this weekend and just chill out about things that i've been overthinking and try not to freak out and get all mad and angry like i have and just let everything slide this weekend. overall, i just really need to relax.

right now i have a headache and i notice that happens a lot when i do things like parties around a lot of people that i like and am trying to pay attention to and maybe this isn't normal but it happens to me.

i love me and i love life and i love driving and singing in the dark and i'm just generally really happy tonight
Current Mood: happyhappy
Current Music: talking heads - this must be the place (naive melody)
22 May 2008 @ 11:57 pm


i KNEW it couldn't last.

(nothing to do with lafe and i)
Current Mood: bitchybitter
20 April 2008 @ 05:28 pm
agh. not a good weekend. i'm crazy. i'm not crazy. i feel like i did a big thing and stood up for myself, which i really haven't done as much as i should.

i just feel like a huge idiot all over. and i think i just made a huge mistake, but it could turn out really really well.

i'm just generally tired of life right now, and kind of glad to get back to school.

i tried to text someone but i know what they were doing and with who at 4:19.

i'm just an idiot.
Current Mood: listlesslistless
06 April 2008 @ 12:25 am
I can hear chanting. And roaring. And occasionally what I kind of hope is firecrackers.

i don't even know what i want right now haha. i want it to riot, but i don't want to go out there to see them, because i am SO afraid of being caught in a mob. and since i'm not much of a party person anyways, there isn't much allure in that. i just wish i could find out what was going on, or at least know what's being chanted. i think next year, i'll stop by early on to see what's going down. maybe i won't be so chicken then. either way, at some point or another, i really do want to see what's going on.

to be updated as i see fit, since no one is online to talk to about it haha.
Current Mood: curiouscurious
Current Music: the dull roar of the crowd
05 April 2008 @ 04:27 pm
I really really really really love MSU. I started doubting it in the last few months, I couldn't remember what it was I saw here. I hate walking 20 minutes in the snow to get to class, and usually in the dark. But then today was wonderful. I didn't need a sweatshirt. I took lots of pictures. I had a lot of fun hanging out with Ryan and Ashley and Paul and right now people are outside playing and someone is playing really good music out the windows right now and I am going to eat with my dad and I am so happy!

I really do think I have some sort of SAD, because winter just makes me hole up inside all day and not care at all if I've wasted the day on the computer. But when the sun's out and it's not such a huge deal to go outside, I love going out and feel like every single minute counts and I should be doing things with people at every given moment. i love how today was like a university-wide holiday. i also love how i need to keep my window closed in case of tear gas.

i will probably post the pictures i took today soon.. my camera is in my room and i am in laura and tricia's room pretending i'm working on a scholarship, haha. but i really should go do that.
Current Music: breakfast at tiffany's that i heard outside
alright then. hi.

spring break is going pretty alright, not nearly as bad as i thought.
i have currently put in 11 job applications for summer. (i really hope i get hired this year).

suprisingly, no real fight with my dad this week, though I came close today. he's got drill tomorrow, though, so i won't see him except maybe on sunday.

moved down the hall into the ex-sewing room with tarynn. still arranging our stuff. that room is a good 10 degrees colder (not exaggerating at all.. we have a thermometer up there) than the rest of the house if we keep the door shut, 5 degrees if we keep it open. i have about 4 inches of blanket on me at night. austynn has my room now. i've had that room (with one year exception) since 5th grade. it's so weird to not walk into it now. thankfully, he's considering keeping the orange color on the walls. i loooove that color.

i put up like 4 new albums on facebook, haha. i am awful. i'm so excited about having a reliable camera again, though.

we're selling the red car, because my parents think it's cursed. but apparently they are going to get another one so i can use it during the summer. and dad promised to help me buy a car of my own after sophomore year, provided i stay in the honors college.

did i ever mention that we bought a cottage? yep. up in hesperia i think it is. it's on a lake and i think i'm allowed to have people up there whenever. so yep, we can have camping parties or something.

i got to go with lafe to the rooster again last night for his little brother's birthday party. i love going to the rooster and hanging out with his family. his little cousin jaycee played horses with me a lot of the time and i love talking with his mom and dad and cousins and uncles and everyone. i got some good pictures of him playing guitar and some recordings, too, if anyone wants to hear them at all. :)

i have been super stressed out the past few weeks, and it really hit me last night, and i have been letting it out on lafe and feel really terrible about that. and it kind of broke last night and we almost got in a horrible argument, but we figured it out and now i'm feeling really really good again.

my dad agreed to give me money to buy new clothes (which i desperately need.. i've been wearing the same 3 pairs of jeans for like 5 months, and i have no nice pants anymore), so i was really glad for that.

wow, i really have a boring life. man.


well, i can't really think of anything else to say, i guess.

OH. um. lafe has been bugging me about this. anytime you search something online, use, and make sure you select reeths-puffer bands as the charity. they earn 1 cent per search, and if everyone does it, they earn a lot of money. so yep.

it is late. i am sleepy. goodnight.
Current Mood: contentcontent
I finally finished My Ishmael, and I'm starting on Don Quixote.
I have yet to finish Jurassic Park.
I also have a stack of books from the Curious Book Shop that one day I will read.

I saw geese flying back north this morning.

Lafe was here this past weekend! :) We went to the honors college ball, which wasn't that great, it was kind of awkward all over. Music was way better than RPs ever was, though, lol.

Lafe and I went to downtown Lansing to that museum we go to in 4th grade, which is literally like across the street from my grandparent's house (where my aunt Kris lives). When it's warmer out I want to go visit the house. I almost got us lost (according to Lafe), but really I knew where we were and where we were going the whole time.

We watched the Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. I bawled all over the end (as expected). I also read out poems from my copy of the Christopher Robin Story Book. I love Pooh and everything Pooh means. I wish more stories were written with the good intentions and sheer storytelling power and imagination the original Pooh stories were written with.

Spring break is almost here.

Us Two

Wherever I am, there's always Pooh,
There's always Pooh and Me.
Whatever I do, he wants to do,
"Where are you going to-day?" says Pooh:
"Well, that's very odd 'cos I was too.
Let's go together," says Pooh, says he.
"Let's go together," says Pooh.


So wherever I am, there's always Pooh,
There's always Pooh and Me.
"What would I do?" I said to Pooh,
"If it wasn't for you," and Pooh said: "True,
It isn't much fun for One, but Two
Can stick together," says Pooh, says he.
"That's how it is," says Pooh.
Current Mood: nostalgicnostalgic
08 February 2008 @ 10:26 am
okay. i am going to start writing more now. (vive la revolucion!)

SO. what is new with me? still working on violin. i don't practice as much as i should because it's a pain to go down in the cold basement, and i practice with music i look at on my laptop anyways. but i know like 3 scales now and getting better all the time.

just had a bio exam the other day. punnet squares and dna. stuff we learned in 7th grade. so many people in that class are incredibly stupid and i just imagine them all as aspiring to be doctors. it makes me so scared.

as much as i hate snow, the past couple days have been really really pretty here, if you know where to look.

anyways. the honors college has a "ball" on the 16th, which i don't know will be fun or lame, but i know a couple people going and lafe is supposed to be coming up here that weekend (provided the weather is okay), and even if it's lame, the tickets were only $10 each. WOW runon sentence, katie.

jenn is going home for the night, which is sad because i will be lonely, but i can live. i'm going to see a movie tonight in spanish to get extra credit, i think. i should find someone who speaks it so i won't be alone. lol.

i am looking into getting a new camera, also, seeing as mine is slowly falling apart. it's missing screws, there's sand in it, the batteries last like 4 minutes, etc.

I SAW WILL FERRELL. yes. i did. and demitri martin, and zach galifiankis. amazing. best thing ever. i took pictures. ron burgundy interviewed tom izzo. ahhhhhh
25 December 2007 @ 12:10 am
happy everything, everybody. :)
Current Mood: happyhappy