Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University
Different phenomena related to humour and laughter, such as humour styles, gelotophobia, gelotophilia and katagelasticism, were investigated in a series of psychological studies in Russia. As far as the samples were rather heterogeneous... more
The editorial article for the special issue of EJHR "Laughter and Humour in Communication" provides an overview of all the presented articles and highlights the general idea of the issue.
associated with self-stigmatisation, whereas in the group of neurological patients it was not. Thus, in this study gelotophobia was examined for the first time in patients with non-psychotic mental disorders, as well as in those with... more
EN The article below presents psychological syndromic analysis, traditional for Russian clinical psychology, as a useful methodology to study sense of humour disorders in mental patients. The sense of humour, like other mental functions,... more
The article below presents psychological syndromic analysis, traditional for Russian clinical psychology, as a useful methodology to study sense of humour disorders in mental patients. The sense of humour, like other mental functions,... more
associated with self-stigmatisation, whereas in the group of neurological patients it was not. Thus, in this study gelotophobia was examined for the first time in patients with non-psychotic mental disorders, as well as in those with... more
Introduction. Investigating early changes in the emotional sphere within the schizophrenia course is a perspective direction in clinical psychology and psychiatry. Intactness of positive emotions, in particular, humour perception, may be... more
The editorial article for the special issue of EJHR “Laughter and Humour in Communication” provides an overview of all the presented articles and highlights the general idea of the issue.
Gelotophobia, or the fear of being laughed at, has been described as an inability to enjoy humour and laughter in social interaction. A number of studies have shown its increased levels under various mental disorders. Gelotophobia in... more
Приводятся результаты русскоязычной адаптации опросника гелотофобии, гелотофилии и катагеластицизма PhoPhiKat на выборке российских подростков (N=392), которые свидетельствуют о хороших психометрических свойствах опросника, адекватности... more
Imagination, fantasies, dreams, and hallucinations are contiguous mental processes that reflect various forms of image processing at the internal level. The ability to maintain boundaries between them, reflecting as they do either... more