Ricerche di Pedagogia e Didattica. Journal of Theories and Research in Education is an open access international scientific journal dedicated to study and research on education. It was first published in 2006 and it is online only since 2014. It uses a double-blind peer review process and publishes articles in Italian and English. The Journal takes an interdisciplinary and pluri-methodological approach. It offers a place of dialogue for researchers and professionals coming from diverse theoretical and empirical backgrounds, involved in the study of educational phenomena. It is an intellectual forum of excellence for the circulation of scientific knowledge regarding education. It welcomes critical papers, research reports, historical and literary research inspired by diverse theoretical frameworks and empirical approaches. It is committed to facilitating international dialogue between researchers and professionals in education and ensuring that scientific knowledge can make a contribution to educational policies and everyday educational practices.

Immagine di Michele Pedrolli.
Founders: Antonio Genovese, Luigi Guerra and Franco Frabboni
Editors in Chief: Letizia Caronia, Maria Chiara Bove and Paolo Sorzio
ISSN 1970-2221
The Journal also welcomes book reviews. The editors of each section will also accept submissions and proposals for special issues. The journal accepts articles and original contributions that have not been published and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere. For further details and constraints, please see the Author Guidelines.
Peer Review: all submissions will undergo double blind peer review.