Papers by Nimal C N
Bulletin for Technology and History Journal, 2023
Ancient India was known to have a very robust system of education. But its very structure and pro... more Ancient India was known to have a very robust system of education. But its very structure and processes remains a mystery to many in the present era. In this study an attempt is made to explore the content, pedagogy and systems of education prevalent in Ancient India. The paper analyses the early, formal and higher education of the times, the levels of learning and evaluation both continuous and final. It also tries to connect it to the present day context and thereby find out if there is anything that can be replicated. The paper also has come out with a model structuring the educational architecture of the ancient times which will make it easy for the reader to understand its entire construct.

Sadvidya: Journal of Research in Sanskrit, 2020
Ancient Vedic Civilisation researched, analysed and interpreted the questions of who we are and ... more Ancient Vedic Civilisation researched, analysed and interpreted the questions of who we are and what the world is made up of. Over the years the Ćshis moved from contemplating on the fascinating aspects of nature to empirical studies, which we now call rituals. But finally they came to the ultimate realisation in the deep and amazing philosophical musings of the UpaniĆads. Similarly the Western world is now going through the empirical phase of cosmic studies and the Large Hydrogen Colliders and Particle Accelerators. Modern scientists through Quantum Physics have reached certain findings which are remarkably close to the teachings of our ancient Ćshis and Advaita. This paper takes a look at the routes taken. And contemplates the question whether modern physics and the ancient Vedic philosophy will converge and merge at some point in time in the future?
Turkish Journal of Mathematics & Computer Education, 2021
This paper examined the factors influenced the effectiveness of learning during COVID 19 pandemic... more This paper examined the factors influenced the effectiveness of learning during COVID 19 pandemic. It is based on an empirical survey conducted during Nov-Dec, 2020. Students from Ernakulam district, state of Kerala was issued with online questionnaire. Response rate was satisfactory. Factor analysis was conducted and five prominent factors influencing learning effectiveness were used for further model building and inferences. We found factors like Instructor-Learner Connect, Course Coherence, Interactive Learning were more statistically significant than Proactive & Appropriate Pedagogy and Prompt Feedback.
GIM Journal, 2010
How to manage the impression people have about them is a matter of importance to executives. The ... more How to manage the impression people have about them is a matter of importance to executives. The way people dress, the way they speak all have a major impact on how others perceive them. But more important is their body language. Bharata Muni centuries back have discussed these in his Natyasastra. Albeit for performing artists.In this paper we look at how these aspects of the stage are applicable to the ordinary executive in his day to day working existence.

Journal of Science & Technology, 2021
The Kardashev Scale is a method of measuring a civilization's level of technological advancement ... more The Kardashev Scale is a method of measuring a civilization's level of technological advancement based on the amount of energy they are able to use.Kardashev's idea of classifying civilizations according to their ability to harness energy came up when he analysed how powerful an extra-terrestrial radio signal would have to be in order to be detected by conventional radio astronomical techniques. The numbers he came up with were quite high, and this furnished the basis of his tripartite division of civilizations into Type I, II, and III. Further scientists like Carl Sagan worked on finding out where exactly the earth stood in terms of usage of energy on the Kardashev Scale and came up with a formula for calculating the same. Physicist and futurist Michio Kaku suggested the number of years it would take the humans to attain Type I, II and III status if they consistently increased their energy consumption.Taking his study further, in this paper, based on time series algorithm, using such statistical tools as linear regression we try to calculate the year in which earth will attain Type I status. It was found that earth would reach Kardashev's Type 1 status in 327 years' time. Formulated around 50 years ago by the Russian radio astronomer Nikolai Kardashev his analysis of usage of energy by civilisations in the universe is still the gold standard. In this paper we discuss the Kardashev Scale, where our mother earth currently is on the Kardashev Scale, how it is progressing and when it will achieve the next level. Sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), stories of aliens, extra-terrestrial life and communication with them have always fascinated scientists and common man alike. While the common man watched reels of films filled with the improbable, maybe even impossible accounts of humans becoming friends or bitter enemies with these aliens and poorly animated intergalactic wars, scientists silently went about understanding whether life was possible in other planets, how advanced were life in other planets and whether inter galactic travel and communication were possible. 1.1 Kardashev Scale One such person was Nikolai Kardashev. The Kardashev Scale is a method of measuring a civilization's level of technological advancement based on the amount of energy they are able to use.He was one among the pioneers of the Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) and his idea of classifying civilizations according to their ability to harness energy was directly related to his experience in radio telescopy. While Kardashev 1 (1964) was conducting his studies he came across the question of how powerful an extra-terrestrial radio signal would have to be in order to be detected, by conventional radio astronomical techniques. The numbers he came up with were quite high, and this formed the basis of his division of civilizations into Type I, Type II, and Type III.
Conference Presentations by Nimal C N

ISTD Conference, Kolkotta, 2011
Human resources are considered as assets by modern organizations. The performance of human resour... more Human resources are considered as assets by modern organizations. The performance of human resources is a major factor in leading an organization to excellence in business performance. Astrology is a science of predictions. And forecasting is one thing that is very essential in planning and decision making in an organisation. The study was initiated based on a discussion as to why people are unhappy in their respective jobs, why the job turnover in organizations is not only on a high presently but on the increase and whether astrology can in anyway help in improving the situation. One of the main reasons for the problems cited was found to be a lack of systems in evaluation and matching of the competency and potential of new candidates as well as old employees in the process of being promoted or transferred to posts requiring new or improved skills. Astrology is renowned for finding out the behavioural pattern of people. The findings bear out the fact that Astrology is very much useful in staffing including selection, placement and even in training. This brought us to the realms of Human Resource Planning and from there to a new model called an Astropsychomatrix. In this model candidate undergoes a psychometric test besides the regular job interview and then with this information as well as that from astrology a two-by-two potential-competency matrix is prepared. Through this process we can find out the aptitude of the candidate and give him/her a suitable position. For example, through this process we can find out whether a person is suitable for sales, marketing, accounting and finance etc. This study is intended as a base for further research and has to be validated by carrying it out in an organisation and scientific evaluation of the process undergone and results thereof studied and verified.
Papers by Nimal C N
Conference Presentations by Nimal C N