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This conference paper explores the relationship between the grassroots movement to spread Juneteenth and the politicians who adopt it as a state holiday.
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      African American StudiesHolidaysJuneteenth
Slavery in New Jersey offers scholars a rich, untapped source for new scholarship about the meaning of freedom and liberty from the Founding Era to the Civil War. Kean University recently sponsored a panel discussion featuring three... more
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      Political ScienceNew Jersey History
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      SociologyHistorical Studies
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      Political ScienceHistorical Studies
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      African StudiesHistory of Medicine
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    • Colonialism and Imperialism
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      African HistoryChildren and YouthYouth
This is a syllabus for an undergraduate course on the history of imperialism and colonialism. The course introduces students to important concepts and terms, offers a broad historical survey of empires (beginning with ancient Rome), and... more
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      ColonialismHistory of ImperialismImperialismColonialism and Imperialism
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      African HistoryColonialismHistory of Childhood and YouthHistory of Childhood
ABSTRACTThis article explores the politics of race and education in early twentieth-century urban Senegal, focusing on the exclusion of African students from certain schools and on the political controversy that grew out of a 1909... more
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      History of EducationRace and RacismAfrican HistoryPolitical Science
Tous droits réservés © Association pour l'Étude des Littératures africaines (APELA), 2016 Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y compris la reproduction) est assujettie à sa... more
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      History EducationHistorical StudiesElite
Evolution has driven genetic diversity of life on Earth, but also created highly complex genomes that are difficult to sequence. Current draft genomes can have thousands to hundreds of thousands of contigs rather than chromosomes,... more
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    • Routledge
This article focuses on interracial families in early twentieth-century Senegal, exploring how relationships between French fathers and their racially mixed children simultaneously challenged and reflected colonial racism. Relying on... more
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      SociologyColonialismFamily historyHistorical Studies
The eighteenth-century Georgian mansion holds a special fascination in both Britain and America. Beginning in the late seventeenth century, small classical houses developed as a distinct architectural type. From small country estates... more
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      Cultural HistoryArchitectureCultural HeritageBritish History
In this ground-breaking study, thirteen leading scholars explore the idea of a shared British Atlantic world through the lens of architecture, built spaces, and landscapes. By studying the interplay between physical construction and... more
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      ArchaeologyBritish HistoryCanadian HistoryMaterial Culture Studies
In this ground-breaking study, thirteen leading scholars explore the idea of a shared British Atlantic world through the lens of architecture, built spaces, and landscapes. By studying the interplay between physical construction and... more
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      ArchitectureBritish HistoryMaterial Culture StudiesEighteenth Century History
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The eighteenth-century home was a site of transformation – of spaces, identities, and practices. Although the eighteenth century in the common imagination is often associated with taking tea on polished mahogany tables, a far wider world... more
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      Cultural StudiesArchitectureCultural HeritageInterior Design
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