Julie (chevauxdebois) wrote in rotation_diet,

  • Mood:

ya know what?

i know i started the rotation diet 3 days ago, but really failed to keep up with the amount of calories i am supposed to have... and since i went shopping yesterday, it seems very likely for me to be able to stay under 600... so i think i shall start over. starting today. i already excercised off more than i've eaten, lol. i ddr'ed 400 calories on workout mode... and here's the rundown of what i've eaten:

  • Florida Navel Orange - [not counted towards calories]
  • Sugar free jello - 10 calories
  • My diet ice-cream sandwhich - 70 calories
total - 80 calories

  • Diet ice-cream sandwich - 70 calories
  • Energy drink - 30 calories
  • Sugar free jello - 10 calories
total - 110 calories

which makes a grand total of - 190 calories so far today.

this seems like its gonna be really easy today. all i really had to do was go shopping, and it becomes a sinch!


  • its dead.

    well, it looks like its about time to retire this community. i think im probably gonna delete it.

  • i realized.

    i realized no new people joined this community because i never posted INTERSTS in the profile! okay... so now that i've started the rotation diet…

  • yes.

    okay... so i started rotation-dieting again yesterday. yesterday was EXTREMELY successful. today... was a little different... im not even sure…

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