The Rotation Diet and Guides for Healthy Living The Rotation Diet
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its dead. [13 Mar 2005|11:01am]

well, it looks like its about time to retire this community. i think im probably gonna delete it.
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ya know what? [06 Mar 2005|10:58am]

[ mood | cheerful ]

i know i started the rotation diet 3 days ago, but really failed to keep up with the amount of calories i am supposed to have... and since i went shopping yesterday, it seems very likely for me to be able to stay under 600... so i think i shall start over. starting today. i already excercised off more than i've eaten, lol. i ddr'ed 400 calories on workout mode... and here's the rundown of what i've eaten:


  • Florida Navel Orange - [not counted towards calories]
  • Sugar free jello - 10 calories
  • My diet ice-cream sandwhich - 70 calories
total - 80 calories

  • Diet ice-cream sandwich - 70 calories
  • Energy drink - 30 calories
  • Sugar free jello - 10 calories
total - 110 calories

which makes a grand total of - 190 calories so far today.

this seems like its gonna be really easy today. all i really had to do was go shopping, and it becomes a sinch!

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i realized. [05 Mar 2005|02:12pm]

[ mood | content ]

i realized no new people joined this community because i never posted INTERSTS in the profile! okay... so now that i've started the rotation diet over again, hopefully i can get more people. i should work on the layout to make this place more appetizing to people, and put in a buddy icon.

anyways... the last two days were pretty successful. im on day 3, and though i pretty much killed it this morning. i need to remember its not all or nothing. the "its all or nothing" attitude makes for unhealthy yo-yo dieting, which i am looking to avoid this time around. i will continue my day healthily, and try to excercise off as many of the excess calories as i can.

i did really well yesterday, until my grandmother gave me a box of chocolates. i ate a few... which puts me way over... but i ate SO healthy yesterday and excercised, so it really doesn't make too much of a difference.

yesterday i had a health bar, 2 salads, a broccoli stir fry, and a banana sliced up in whipped cream, which equalled 840 calories. then chocolates. alas, i was over 1000 calories... when on day 2 i was supposed to be at 600. but oh well, i was still healthy, which is still a success for me. (this diet includes unlimited vegis and 3 fruits per day for free that dont count towards your number of calories for the day, for those of you who dont know.)

tomorrow i will continue with my 900 calorie days... which should actually be really easy, considering i was satisfied at 840 yesterday.

i went shopping today, bought myself some sugar-free jello, some oranges, a box of chocolate graham crackers and a tub of lite coolwhip. i took the box of chocolate graham crackers and the tub of coolwhip and made diet ice-cream sandwiches that i put in the freezer. (i used one graham cracker per sandwich, broken in half) and they are 70 calories apiece (one graham cracker and one tablespoon of coolwhip in each) as opposed to normal ice cream sandwiches which are 200 calories apiece. so its nice to have a chocolatey snack with only 70 calories in it, that actually has some substance! and the jello snacks are only 10 calories apiece. though i probably should have bought boxes of the stuff to make on my own... but im lazy.

i also know how to make a MEAN caesar salad from scratch at only 75 calories for the dressing! hopefully some new people will join, so new people who see this, if you want any recipes i'll be happy to give them to you!

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yes. [08 Sep 2004|07:34pm]

[ mood | determined ]

okay... so i started rotation-dieting again yesterday. yesterday was EXTREMELY successful.

today... was a little different... im not even sure whether or not it was successful.

okay. so lemme count it out and see.

  • 1/2 serving oatmeal - 100 calories
  • bowl of ice cream - 400 calories?
  • 2 sugar-free fudgecicles - 60 calories
  • lean cuisine - 130 calories

which adds up to... 690 calories. and lets just add 100 for good measure... for random snacking (soy nuts, a couple chocolate-covered espresso beans, a few sugar free candies)

so 790... under 800 which is still pretty freaking decent.

so i am on a roll for tomorrow. tomorrow should be easy. there was an ice cream social today which was killer.

i am ready to lose this weight and more.

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Yeah! [15 Jun 2004|11:48am]

[ mood | determined ]

alrighty... i am on day 3 of the rotation diet. days 1 and 2 were successful! I think i can really do this. Its actually... really easy. At least so far it has been.

i have only one day left of 600 calories... and tomorrow i start 900! yay! that'll be so much easier.

but anyways... i've kept it under 750 calories per day instead of 600... but still. the scale is back at 120, and im still on my period, and im still sick... which both equal water retention... so i should be under 120. Hopefully... in another 2 and a half weeks... i'll be 114 or less again. that'll be real nice.


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Hell Yeah [07 Jun 2004|11:08am]

[ mood | determined ]

I'm starting the rotation diet today. I put in my food log on all the foods I plan to eat for today... and it looks like im really gonna make it! With flying colors, too! In fact, as it stands, i have a spare 20 calories for today once I've eaten all the things on my list... and of the things on my list... I know I can EASILY go the rest of the day with what i have alotted for myself. Ohh, i forgot to add in the tea i had with the vanilla flavored creamer... so alright, i have 10 extra calories, instead of 20, lol... but im still doing good! I know i can do this!


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gonna start over [06 Jun 2004|05:23pm]

[ mood | determined ]

alright. this is my goal:

Get through ONE rotation of the rotation diet. I am going to start TOMORROW. Cuz i totally blew it for the last week. Every day there's been some event that had food at it, so I ate way way too much when i first started trying to do this again. So i'm gonna do it. I know i can. Its not that hard. I WILL. and i will get down to 108 pounds.

Steve says that if i go below 110 he's gonna force feed me and tie me down so i can't excercise, lol. His concern makes me happy... but regardless... i'm gonna get down to 108 pounds at LEAST by the end of the summer. And i best not put the weight back on next school year. Well, i wont have too much trouble, because i'm scheduling yoga for tuesdays and thursdays and aerobics for wednesdays. And each of those gives me one credit for the semester :) which will be awesome. I'll have at least 3 days a week where i HAVE to excercise because its one of my classes!!! YAY!

Well, thats about it. I will do this thing.


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bah humbug [09 May 2004|08:18pm]

alrighty now... friday i obviously couldn't keep the diet cuz of prom... did it successfully saturday, and today had a family party... STUPID family party... with chips and dip and crackers and cheese and a ton of food... needless to say... i couldn't do it, lol. i will start again tomorrow.


alright!!!! I WILL FUCKING DO THIS THING!!! no exceptions.

i need to get down to 110 by prom. prom is the 27th. so i have like, 17 days to lose about 7 or 8 pounds. probably 10 at the rate i've been going these last couple of days. sounds... almost... resonable?

(my dress is the kind that shows every little texture in your body. i need to be completely flat in the stumach.)

but instead of rotation dieting... im just gonna keep my calorie intake at 700 everyday. that will be more effective.

and a salad a day will make this go quicker, too.

so there we go. thats about it.

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YAY! [05 May 2004|06:44pm]

[ mood | accomplished ]

Okay... not only did i stick to my diet...




So now i have the diet AND excercise thing down.

Well, one little thing... because of the DDRing, i decided i had the right to have a little bit of an indulgance... i had 110 calories left in the day and decided to have a balance bar, which is 210... but thats alright. only over by 100! OOOH HOW I LOVE LIFE...

but now that i got my diet and excercise thing going good... i gotta get back to doing my homework... cuz thats kinda... gone downhill these past couple of days... cuz i've spent all my time DDRing.


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Last 2 Days [03 May 2004|07:33pm]

[ mood | chipper ]

so neway I didnt update for yesterday and I hav to update for today so Im gonna do both in 1 entry.

Egg McMuffin - 280 calories

Lunch -
Easy Mac - 250 calories
1/2 grapefruit - 0 calories

Turkey Wrap - 335 calories
Orange - 0 calories
Egg - 70 calories

Total - 905 hmmm ten more than I thought maybe the easy mac was 140.

Bagel/Cream Cheese - 400 calories

Turkey Sandwich - 285 calories
Orange - 0 calories
Propel - 20 calories

Oatmeal - 160 calories

Tuna Sandwich - 245 calories
Orange - 0 calories
Egg - 70 calories

Total - 1180 calories

Yay! I feel so special. Angie gave up and Julie is starting over. wow!

~ Tricia ~

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Negative Calorie Foods [03 May 2004|04:27pm]

  • asparagus
  • beet
  • broccoli
  • cabbage (green)
  • carrot
  • cauliflower
  • celeriac (celery root)
  • celery
  • chicory
  • Chile peppers (hot)
  • cucumber
  • dandelion
  • endive
  • garden cress
  • garlic
  • green beans
  • lamb's lettuce
  • lettuce
  • onion
  • radishes
  • spinach
  • turnip
  • zucchini

  • apple
  • cranberries
  • grapefruit
  • lemon
  • mango
  • orange
  • pineapple
  • raspberries
  • strawberries
  • tangerine
  • papaya
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hmm [02 May 2004|05:56pm]

[ mood | discouraged ]

well, i definitely killed the diet... but... i ddr'ed away 600 calories today... thats an equivalent of jogging 6 miles!!! how amazing is that?! well, i guess im much better at excercising than dieting...

but... a couple things i think i need to stay away from if this diet is going to work: first, hommus... though each serving has a very little amount of calories, i keep liking it more and more every time i eat it, so i eat more of it... so instead, i need to concentrate on celery as my snack instead of carrots and hommus... second, balance bars... as good and healthy as they are... they're about 200 calories each. and thats no good for the 600 days because that gets rid of one whole meal! sooo... im going to start OVER tomorrow... even if my excercise regimen definitely makes up for it... the calories i burn doesn't excuse the calories i need to take in for this diet.

the other thing is this: hunger i can deal with... CRAVINGS i cannot. if i crave something... its much much worse than hunger... hunger i can ignore... craving... are... unbearable!!! i have no will power against cravings... and if im craving chocolate... i go for the balance bar.

but, not only have i been ddr-ing everyday... i've been doing leg and butt workouts and i've been stretching everyday. so im definitely doing good with that. it almost makes up for the fact that i can't hold a diet. i will... i want to get down to 110 for senior prom!!!

and... the other thing that has been hindering me, and actually making me gain weight... is the fact that i haven't been getting enough sleep! thats the key to everything! i need more sleep to keep my metabolism good! gah! alrighty then... im gonna take some tylenol pm RIGHT NOW so i can get to sleep for 7:30 and have 10 hours of sleep. yeah. so there.


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Yesterday [02 May 2004|04:24pm]

[ mood | bouncy ]

Ok so since im a day behind in updating I hav to try to remember wut i ate.
Lets c.....

Cereal/Milk(wut a surprise!)-160 calories (the best part, it was coco puffs.)

Ham Sandwich w/mayo - 290 calories

14 cheese puffs - 50 calories

Turkey Wrap - 250 calories
Brownie - 145 calories

Total- 895! WOOT!

::sings:: I'm gonna do it! Im gonna do it! Yay!

~ Tricia ~

P.S.~ Julie, hope u dont mind my using ur way of writing them down. It was just more organized.

P.P.S.~ Today is my last day of 900. Tomorrow I can have 1200! Yippee!!

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starting over today [01 May 2004|04:49pm]

[ mood | contemplative ]

okay... so far today lets look at what i've had...

yogurt and apple - 60 calories

carrots and hommus - 100 calories
jello snack - 10 calories

balance bar - 210 calories

diet fudgecicle - 40 calories
jello snack - 10 calories
3 chocolate eggs - 60 calories

which brings me to 490 calories... which gives me 110 left to work with. I think for dinner i'll have a GIANT bowl of fruit and 2 yogurts which will be 120 calories... so i'll go over by 10 but hey, thats alright.

and i DDR'ed away 600 calories today anyways... so i'm in the clear. YAY!


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Sweetness!! [01 May 2004|01:05pm]

[ mood | cheerful ]

Yay! Im sooooo happy. I managede to stay under yesterday and have a chocolate chip cookie in the meantime.

So i had the same breakfast of cereal and milk, 160 calories.

Lunch as i said the day before was a turkey wrap, a diet coke, and an orange. That was 250 calories! So on my way into the mall I had 490 to spare.

Then being that we were at the mall I of course ate at Subway. I had the same thing Id had for lunch, turkey wrap, and I had a cookie. I was sooooo happy. I have been craving sweets since i started the diet and I finally had sum yesterday. SO my dinner total was 460 calories. Can u believe that a single chocolate chip cookie has 210 calories!! Damn!

So the total for the day ended up being 870. I did it again. Yay! I think I might actually do it the first try!

~ Tricia ~h

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DEMOLISHED [30 Apr 2004|09:55pm]

[ mood | determined ]

i more than napalmed the diet... i DEMOLISHED it.

yeah. starting over. i dont know when im gonna start it over. i probably shouldn't wait. i've always learned that you should say "im gonna start the diet in a week" because it gives you more of a reason to pig out before the diet, therefore making it harder TO diet. so yeah. i should start over tomorrow. i'll start it over.

will power, julie.

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Go me! [29 Apr 2004|08:31pm]

[ mood | ecstatic ]

Wow im soo freakin surprised at how well Im doing with this diet. I was sooo happy today because i got to eat a sandwich at lunch today. Egg salad, yummm.

well my same breakfast for this morning. The usual 150 calories.

So, like i said i had an egg salad sandwich for lunch. I had some applesause too. Best lunch this week. It was 305 calories, the most ive had at lunch.

Then for dinner we went to Subway and i got a turkey sandwich. So withthe cheese that was 310 calories. I got lunch for tomorrow too. A turkey wrap, with american cheese. Thatll run me a bit over 200 calories but thats tomorrow.

So for today Ive had about 805 calories, which is 95 less than the limit for today. WOOT!! Go me!

~ Tricia ~

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NAPALMED [29 Apr 2004|08:37pm]

[ mood | aggravated ]

yeah... i more than just BLEW my diet... i BLEW iT UP.

was doing alright... i went over my calories... but then ddr'ed away more than enough. i ddred 300 calories today.... and then bobbo's confirmation... and refreshments... and i've been craving chocolate all day. needless to say... i screwed up.

but im not gonna start over, im just going to go from where i left off... and tomorrow is 900 calories... so that should be a bit easier. so yeah. i'll do this thing. i want to get down to 110 for senior prom. 107 or 105 would be nicer tho... :) but oh well... 110'll be good... even like... 113 or 114 will suffice. so yeah... thats about it.


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well... [28 Apr 2004|09:21pm]

[ mood | tired ]

diet went good... i ate a total of 610 calories...

(breakfast- balance bar, 200 calories
lunch- carrots & hommus, and peanut butter crackers, 300 calories
dinner- wheat wrap w/ vegi's and a little dressing, 100 calories... 10 calorie chocolate for desert.)

but then... ::scary music starts:: i went to the rehersal thing for bobbo's confirmation... and they decided to get ice cream afterwards.

so i'm gonna take the liberty to cancel out the 260 calories i burned on ddr and the fat free vanilla frozen yogurt i had at friendly's... 260 calories should probably be enough for fat free frozen yogurt, right? well, if not, too bad. so i kinda messed up... but... pfft. im not starting over now... besides... it still keeps me at a good caloric intake. (it does say in the book that if you can't do 600 calories, as long as you stay under 1200 you're fine...) wait... so in that case i should have started this diet the day before i did, cuz the day before i did, i only had like... 750 calories... but oh well... bah humbug... it seems tricia has a little more will power than i do, lol. oh well. im still doin alright.

so yeah... thats about it.


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Diet Day 3 [28 Apr 2004|06:30pm]

[ mood | impressed ]

As of right now my diet is going great. Today I had my usual cereal and milk which was 160 calories.

Then for lunch i had a salad. Since i dont really like veggies it consisted of lettuce, and carrots, with the fat free Italian dressing. I also had a Diet Coke which thank god contains 0 calories. So my lunch was a grand total of ...... 25 whole calories!!!

Dinner. Thats the best part. Since salads dont really fill me up I decided to go to Subway. Since no 1 was home i biked down which was great exercise, and while i was there i picked up 1 of their dietary guides. Those things have everything. They have the calorie count of everything they sell. It was totally perfect. So anyway since I managed to save 415 calories to have for dinner I got a turkey wrap and a turkey and ham salad. I ate the wrap at bout 5. Since it was early enough I'm gonna save the sald til I get hungry later cuz i will. Neways. The wrap had 250 calories. So as of now Ive consumed a total of 435 calories. Once I eat the salad I will have eaten 590.

Im doing better on this than i thought I would. Ive got more will power/self control than i thought. Im sooooooo happy!!!

~ Tricia ~

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