Videos by Henderite L Ohee
Kegiatan pngebadian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kepedulian warga Kampung Yoboi, khususnya an... more Kegiatan pngebadian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kepedulian warga Kampung Yoboi, khususnya anak-anak terhadap kebersihan kampunnya sebagai salah satu Kampung Wisata tahun 2021, agar kampung ini tetap bersih dan nyaman sebagai tempat wisata. Papers by Henderite L Ohee

Our community service activities were focused on increasing the villager's awareness on cleanline... more Our community service activities were focused on increasing the villager's awareness on cleanliness. The program was conducted on February to November 2022, which consists of three main activities namely waste and waste management class, decorating rubbish bin and cleaning up trash. It was done by engaging children of Sunday School of Maranatha Church of the village. Waste and waste management class along with decorating rubbish bin was conducted on April 16, 2022. Meanwhile cleaning up trash in the village was conducted on April 23, 2022. The program was started with a pre test and closed with a post test. Children knowledge on waste and waste management was low (N-Gain = 0.11). Mostly, rubbish of the village contains of plastics. It is important to raise awareness and increase villagers' knowledge on the importance of maintaining a clean and beautiful spot in the village to attract more tourist to this destination.

Jurnal Biologi Papua, May 14, 2018
One of zoogeographic provinces of freshwater fish in New Guinea is Southern Province, which almos... more One of zoogeographic provinces of freshwater fish in New Guinea is Southern Province, which almost the same size as Northern Province. This region has high diversity of freshwater fish and also shared 33 species with northern Australia due to land connection in the past. Some endemicity areas with high conservation value are found in this region. The research aims is documenting freshwater fish diversity and its distribution in Southern Papua regencies: Boven Digoel, Mappi, Merauke and Timika. It had been conducted from July to November 2016. Purposive sampling method was used on this research. The fish samples were collected with active method using seine net and those collected with passive method was using gill netts. Fifty species, which consist of 44 natives and 6 introduced species that are part of 29 families and 39 genera were recorded in Timika, Asmat, Boven Digoel, Mappi and Merauke. There was no any dominant fish family found in the survey. Most species found during the survey (60%) has distributed in South New Guinea and Northern Australia. Six (6) introduced species were found spreading in several locations in Southern Papua. Freshwater fish richness in South of Papua and its restricted distribution in the area have showed high conservation value of the area, which should be well managed to avoid fish extinction.

Jurnal Biologi Papua, Jul 28, 2018
Geologically southern part of New Guinea Island is the oldest part of the mainland and have most ... more Geologically southern part of New Guinea Island is the oldest part of the mainland and have most speciose of freshwater fish. Asmat is one area in Southern New Guinea where has some large river systems such as Siret and Vriendschap Rivers. There is not much information on freshwater fish diversity of the area. This study aim to know freshwater fish species of both river systems, in order to manage the area as conservation area by local government. Active fish collection method was applied to sample fish of Siret and Vriendschap River Systems. One seine net, 3.6 m length, 1.23 m in height, and with a mesh size of less than 0.5 cm, and traditional scoop net were used to collect fish. The Siret and Vriendschap freshwater fish fauna consist of 22 species in 18 genera and 15 families. Cochlefelis danielsi (Ariidae), Mogurnda cingulata (Eleotridae), Zenarchopterus novaeguineae (Hemiramphidae), Melanotaenia ogilbyi (Melanotaenidae), Synaptura villosa (Soleidae) are endemic to Southern New Guinea. Spesifically, Mogurnda cingulata (Banded Gudgeon) and Melanotaenia ogilbyi (Ogilbyi's Rainbowfish) have restricted distribution in Southern New Guinea. Further research in smaller stream and its tributaries might increase freshwater fish diversity of Asmat.

Biodiversitas, Aug 16, 2016
Guinea's freshwater fish diversity may reach 400 species, twice the number of fish recorded in Au... more Guinea's freshwater fish diversity may reach 400 species, twice the number of fish recorded in Australia. However, New Guinea's freshwater fishes are facing rapid and poorly-planned social and economic developments, which have accelerated both habitat loss and degradation, impacting its unique biodiversity and threatening natural ecosystems. This study documents freshwater fish diversity and threats due to habitat conservation from oil palm development in the Timika Region, Papua. Fishes were sampled in canals, creeks, streams and rivers in the concession area of Pusaka Agro Lestari Company (PT. PAL) using seine and hand nets and a spear gun. Twenty two freshwater fish species in 15 families and 15 genera were recorded from the area. One of them is an endemic species of Timika (Glossamia timika), one rainbowfish species with a restricted Southern New Guinea distribution, and 12 other native fishes. Land clearing leads to increase water turbidity and sedimentation, water temperature, and pollution which are potential threats to native fishes and their habitats. The fact that PAL's concession is part of distribution area of known distribution of G. timika in Timika vicinity, habitat conversion to palm oil elevates the threat to this species. Hopefully, PT. PAL will adopt necessary conservation measures to mitigate the potential impact during the land clearing, especially, if they leave riparian buffer regions intact to protect aquatic habitats when clearing land.

his help, support, and guidance throughout the entirety of my study. I would also like to thank m... more his help, support, and guidance throughout the entirety of my study. I would also like to thank my mother for her unwavering support and great patience at all times until the end of her life. My sister, brothers, and relatives have given me their unequivocal support throughout, as always, for which the mere expression of thanks likewise does not suffice. I am most grateful to Yance de Fretes, Ph.D, for his patience, encouragement, and constructive criticism. His knowledge during the writing of this dissertation was invaluable. My study would not have been possible without generous financial support from the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture, Indonesia. I also thank the Education and Culture Department of Papua Province for their financial support during our field research in Papua. I would also like to show my gratitude to the staff of the Center for Nature Conservation, Georg-

Jurnal Biologi Papua, Oct 20, 2018
This study was to investigate the endemic birds, local knowledge and the conservation efforts on ... more This study was to investigate the endemic birds, local knowledge and the conservation efforts on the bird species. The study was conducted in the period from February 2007 to May 2008. Methods used including observation, interviews, documentation, description and literature review. The results showed that there were 11 spesies of endemic birds occured in Soaib village: Cassowary (Casuarius unappendiculatus), Yellow-crested Cockatoo (Cacatua galerita), two species of Megapodes; (Aypepodius arfakianus) and (Megapodius freycinet), Papuan Hornbill (Rhyticeros plicatus), Victoria Crowned-pigeon (Goura victoria), Palm Cockatoo (Prombosciger atterimus), Parrot (Psittrichas fulgidus), Papuan crow (Cracticus cassicus) Bird of Paradise (Paradiseae sp). Local people determined the forest in three different types; primary forest, buffer zone between primary and secondary forest and secondary forest. Primary forest was being the habitat for 11 endemic birds. These birds were hunted by local people for meat consumption and cultural purposes excepted the Papuan hornbill (Rhyticeros plicatus) and Papuan crow (Cracticus cassicus). Bird of Paradise (Paradiseae sp), and yellow-crested Cockatoo (Cacatua galerita) were captured to be sold in the market. This was happened because of lack information and education about the role of the birds in forest ecosystem.

It has been hypothesized that the <i>Amphilophus labiatus</i> has impacted native fis... more It has been hypothesized that the <i>Amphilophus labiatus</i> has impacted native fish populations, so research was undertaken to describe the sex ratio and reproductive potential of <i>A. labiatus</i> in Lake Sentani through the determination of gonad maturation stages, gonadosomatic index and fecundity. The research was conducted in Lake Sentani between June and August 2019. Fish were collected using a floating gill nets at each location. Sex identification, gonads type, gonad weight and fish fecundity were observed in laboratory. Of the total 542 of <i>A. labiatus </i>collected during the survey, 345 individuals were observed for sex ratio and reproduction. The overall male : female ratio skewed toward male, 3.28 : 1. Generally, males were found in gonad maturation stage I, while females were commonly found in gonad maturation stages III and IV at all locations during the study period. The highest male GSI mean was in Yakonde (0.240.21) and for...

Jurnal biologi Papua/Jurnal Biologi Papua, Apr 5, 2024
Papua's freshwater ecosystems in the western part of New Guinea have begun to record widespread i... more Papua's freshwater ecosystems in the western part of New Guinea have begun to record widespread introductions of invasive species over the past decade. This lake's most dominant and common exotic species is Amphilophus labiatus (Günther, 1864). A study was conducted to document the length-weight relationship and condition factor of these fish in Lake Sentani. From June to August 2019, fish were caught using floating gillnets at six locations around the lake. Total length (TL) (mm), body depth (mm), and body weight (grams) were measured, and condition factor based on gender, body weight, and body length were observed in 345 fish, including 264 males and 81 males. The growth pattern of A. labiatus is positively allometric, with b values ranging from 3.19 to 3. 20 and coefficients of determination (r 2 ) ranging from 0.84 to 0.87. Although the average body length of A. labiatus males was shorter than females, condition factor (CF) values were not significantly different between the sexes and ranged from 0. 64 to 2.03 (0.97 ± 1.17, mean ± sd). For males, it went from 0.67 to 1.19 (0.94 ± 0.13 mean ± sd). However, monthly CF data show a significant decrease in CF in August, suggesting that spawning events occur in late July or early August. A. labiatus grows well and colonizes habitats throughout Lake Sentani.

Jurnal pengabdian masyarakat MIPA dan pendidikan MIPA, Aug 30, 2023
Masyarakat Sentani lama amat menjaga lingkungan mereka. Mereka tidak menebang hutan secara liar d... more Masyarakat Sentani lama amat menjaga lingkungan mereka. Mereka tidak menebang hutan secara liar dan mencemari tanah dan air. Anak-anak sebagai generasi estafet perlu tahu bagaimana cara menghormati dan menjaga alam. Masyarakat Sentani juga kaya akan folklor yang mulai ditinggalkan dan tidak dikenali oleh sebagian besar anak-anak. Inisiatif ini memanfaatkan folklor Sentani, yaitu cerita rakyat dan lantunan ehabla sebagai media pembelajaran preservasi lingkungan di Kampung Yokiwa, Kabupaten Jayapura. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah (1) mengajarkan dan memberi penyadaran kepada anak-anak Kampung Yokiwa tentang pentingnya mencintai dan merawat lingkungan hidup menggunakan folklor Sentani, (2) mengenalkan, memberi pengalaman, dan motivasi kepada anak-anak untuk mempelajari cara-cara masyarakat Sentani lama menjaga lingkungan hidup mereka. Kegiatan dilakukan di Kampung Yokiwa, Kabupaten jayapura, Papua pada bulan Agustus 2022. Kegiatan ini melibatkan anak-anak usia 9-12 tahun. Teknik yang digunakan adalah mendongeng, membaca, melantun yang diselingi dengan lagu dan permainan. Melalui kegiatan ini, anak-anak menyadari pentingnya menjaga lingkungan dan segala isinya mulai dari hal yang kecil. Mereka pun menjadi agen yang menularkan kebiasaan baik ini kepada teman-teman sebaya mereka. Kegiatan ini juga berhasil mengidupkan kembali folklor Sentani berbasis lingkungan.

Biodiversitas, Oct 9, 2018
The red devil cichlid (Amphilophus labiatus, Günther 1864) is one of ten exotic fish species inha... more The red devil cichlid (Amphilophus labiatus, Günther 1864) is one of ten exotic fish species inhabiting Lake Sentani. It is believed to be one of the most important threats to the native fish of Lake Sentani. This study aimed to document the distribution of red devil cichlids and the impacts of this species on native fish fauna. Fish were sampled in six locations in Lake Sentani using gill nets during February and March 2018. Fish species and abundance were recorded and used to calculate the relative abundance, dominance, species evenness, Shannon Wiener Index (H') and the correlation between introduced and native fish species. A total of 836 fish belonging to 12 species were recorded across Lake Sentani. Mean fish diversity (H'=0.57) and evenness (E= 0.25) were low. The red devil cichlid is the most abundant fish recorded during our surveys (87.2% of total fish collected) and is now the most dominant fish in the lake (C=0.76). Moreover, it has colonized all areas sampled within the lake because of its ability to colonize new habitat and to successfully exploit a large diversity of trophic niches. However, Amphilophus labiatus was not found to be significantly correlated to native fish between different sites in Lake Sentani. The existence of endemic and native fish in Lake Sentani is now seriously threatened by the presence of the red devil cichlid throughout this lake.

Jurnal Biologi Papua, Oct 20, 2018
Papua has a potensial marine resources both in ecology aspect as well as in economic. To keep the... more Papua has a potensial marine resources both in ecology aspect as well as in economic. To keep the richness of marine resources, conservation is needed. Tiyaitiki is a traditional conservation based on indigenous knowledge of local people of Teluk Tanah Merah Depapre Jayapura. They used their custom to conserve both the water areas and the natural resources as well. The aims of the study were to observe the diversity of plankton and fishes in Teluk Tanah Merah, and to know the quality of water based on that diversity. Research was conducted from July to August 2007. Line transect method was used in this study. Datawere collected from three station, at morning, noon, dawn and night separately.The result of the study were 38 genera of plankton, 21 genera of fithoplankton and 17 genera of zooplankton. Moreover, the result of fish diversity survey was 62 species. Those indicated that the water areas in Teluk Tanah Merah Depapre was in a good qualityfor fish life.

Jurnal Biologi Papua, May 29, 2019
Freshwater community in Lake Sentani comprise of 35 species including three endemic species, seve... more Freshwater community in Lake Sentani comprise of 35 species including three endemic species, seven native species, eight anadromous fish and 17 introduced species. Two native species are Sentani Gudgeon (Oxyeleotris heterodon) and Snakehead Gudgeon (Giuris margaritacea). The survey aims to document the ecology and fish abundance of the gudgeons in Lake Sentani. Fish sampling was done passively by using gill nets with three different mesh sizes in five locations; Puai, Enandowai, Waena, Ayapo and Yahim. Substrate type, water vegetations, habitat depth and fish abundance were recorded each locations. Substrate preferences of the gudgeons are sand, mud and gravel, while O. heterodon was more abundance in sand mud substrate type. Moreover, water vegetation preference was different between O. heterodon and G. margaritacea. Sentani Gudgeon prefer habitat with dense water vegetations, while G. margaritaceus could be found in habitat with or without water vegetation. Theses two gudgeons were found in relatively the same habitat depth, up to 7 meters depth. O. heterodon and G. margaritacea had a very low abundance in the lake. It is important to conserve lake area from the edge up to 7 meter depth that consist of sand, mud and gravel substrate types and dense water vegetation to ensure the population of these two gudgeons are abundance in Lake Sentani.

Prosiding Seminar National Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (SNPPM) LPPM Universitas Negeri Jakarta, 2022
Lake Sentani has significantly changed in the last twenty years. These changes are due to various... more Lake Sentani has significantly changed in the last twenty years. These changes are due to various human activities that cause habitat loss and changes of fish communities in the lake. It could have impact the local community knowledge on Sentani Lake, particularly for children. Therefore, it is important to equip children with enough environmental literacy about Lake Sentani so that they understand the need to protect and conserve the lake. To achieve that, the community service targetting children was carried out with children from Yokiwa Traditional Village in Jayapura regency in the library of "Snaggar Napas Danau Sentani's Studio. The activity was conducted for eight months, from May to December 2022. Five activities has been running with children in Yokiwa Traditional Village from July to October 2022, while other programs are carried out outside the village and the output is reported to partner. Information on Lake Sentani and its fish species has been shared to these children. The N-Gain test found that the children's knowledge about Lake Sentani was low. Environmental literacy about Lake Sentani needs to continually reshare to children in this village as well as to other children in villages around Lake Sentani.

Jurnal Natural, Jun 21, 2012
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menambah data spesies dan kelimpahan ikan air tawar untuk digunaka... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menambah data spesies dan kelimpahan ikan air tawar untuk digunakan dalam perencanaan konservasi di daerah Mamberamo. Survei dilaksanakan selama 18 hari dari 5 Februari sampai 24 April 2008 pada beberapa habitat, berupa sungai, kali, telaga, dan aliran-aliran air. Sejumlah 20 spesies yang tergolong ke dalam 17 genus dan 14 famili telah dikoleksi dan ditangkap menggunakan gillnet, cast net, hand net, long line dan tumbuhan beracun Deris sp. Dua catatan baru ditemukan dari Mamberamo, yaitu Chilaterina lorentzi yang sebelumnya hanya diketahui dari sungai Tawarin pada pantai utara Papua sekitar 200 km sebelah barat Jayapura dan kali Puive, anak sungai Pual dekat Vanimo, PNG; dan Monopterus albus (sejenis ikan introduksi) yang sebelumnya tidak diketahui ada di Mamberamo. Pada umumnya fauna ikan air tawar yang dikoleksi di Haya sekitar 70% mirip dengan catatan dari Dabra.

Trends in Sciences
Ellochelon vaigiensis is a monotypic, catadromous, and widespread species through... more Ellochelon vaigiensis is a monotypic, catadromous, and widespread species throughout Indo-Pacific region. Taxonomy of the species is ancient and somewhat confused by morphological resemblance. Here, we present and compare the morphological characteristics of E. vaigiensis from 3 distinct areas, respectively from the type locality (Waigeo Island, Raja Ampat), from Cendrawasih Bay (Biak Island), and Kaimana (Venu and Aiduma Islands). All the samples belong to E. vaigiensis following the species diagnosis given by Harrison and Senou (1999). No significant differentiation is found for all meristic and morphological characters between specimens caught from the type locality and Biak Island. Nevertheless, specimens from Kaimana have a slender body width compared to specimens from Waigeo Island (type locality) and Biak Island. Specimens from Kaimana also display a longer head and a larger eye diameter than specimens from Biak Island. A canonical discriminant analysis made ...

Lake Sentani is located in Jayapura, Papua. Sentani people live in 26 villages along the coast an... more Lake Sentani is located in Jayapura, Papua. Sentani people live in 26 villages along the coast and small islands around the lake. One of those islands is Yoboy Village, where a Onomi Niphi Reading House has been operating to provide library for elementary and senior high schools. The reading house is becoming center for various programs from various parties. Lake Sentani education program for students in Onomi Niphi Reading House was conducted to increase their knowledge of characteristics and fish species of Lake Sentani, as well as to develop digital education package and distributed to students in Yoboi Village and other students through social media. The program was conducted in Onomi Niphi Reading House, Jayapura at June 26 and July 3, 2021 through seminar and answer-question methods. Pretest was conducted before the class started and posttest applied after the class. Evaluation of the program was based on tests result and categorized to be distinguished, excellent, moderate, and poor. The test results showed the improvement of students' knowledge on Lake Sentani. The documentation of the lake knowledge in digital format was distributed to the students and through social media. This will help the students to be aware of the improtance of conserving Lake Sentani.

Ellochelon vaigiensis is a monotypic, catadromous, and widespread species throughout Indo-Pacific... more Ellochelon vaigiensis is a monotypic, catadromous, and widespread species throughout Indo-Pacific region. Taxonomy of the species is ancient and somewhat confused by morphological resemblance. Here, we present and compare the morphological characteristics of E. vaigiensis from 3 distinct areas, respectively from the type locality (Waigeo Island, Raja Ampat), from Cendrawasih Bay (Biak Island), and Kaimana (Venu and Aiduma Islands). All the samples belong to E. vaigiensis following the species diagnosis given by Harrison and Senou (1999). No significant differentiation is found for all meristic and morphological characters between specimens caught from the type locality and Biak Island. Nevertheless, specimens from Kaimana have a slender body width compared to specimens from Waigeo Island (type locality) and Biak Island. Specimens from Kaimana also display a longer head and a larger eye diameter than specimens from Biak Island. A canonical discriminant analysis made on all morphometric data confirms the morphological differentiation of Kaimana's specimens compared to the type locality and Biak Island. These results suggest the possibility of the presence of cryptic species in E. vaigiensis and emphasize the necessity to conduct molecular taxonomy to definitely solve the taxonomic status of Kaimana specimens.
Videos by Henderite L Ohee
Papers by Henderite L Ohee