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Build 0.0.3b is here :)

Hi guys! v0.0.3b is finally out.

In this update, The shopping street location is basically completed, you can now explore the different shop (Four types of shop currently).

I added a new mechanism that there will be a chance (~40% - 50%) to spawn monster nearby when you walk to a specific point.
Also, the underwear will only be damaged when they are exposed. The equipment you wearing will also shown in the sex or struggle animation now! Some equipment will also be throw to the ground during animations (Decrease 5 durability of that equipment, might lead to instant break).

For the android platform, i also increase the scale of most of the UI such as backpack and equipment by twice, they should be much more clear now.  The method to trigger tool tip is also changed, now the tool tip will auto-show when you selected an item, you can deselected item to close that tool tip.

The next update would be v0.0.4, which aims to give the game a save function and add some items, so you can save your current progross. It will release once it's done.

Thanks for your continued support <3, see you next time ~


New content:

- Complete shop street with the inner structure

- Now the equipment will shown and be affected in the struggle or sex animation

- Add 4 items (Money and 3 types of coins)


- Improved the UI scale for android

- Now the durability of underwear will reduce only if no relative clothing are wearing when taking damage (etc. T-shirt and pant)

- Reduced the durability of T-shirt, jean and underwear

- Very slightly changed the struggle and sex animation for goat-man

- Slightly changed the struggle and sex animation for slime

- Increased the attack and grap trigger distance of Slime

- Change the on-ground item sprite to show behind the player

- Changed the tree spites in home location

- Changed description for some items

- Slightly changed the light

Bug Fix:

- The character's neck turns blue when Goat-man grabs the player in his third stage blowjob animation

- Missorted weapon spite in various attack animations

- Try to fix the buggy background issue

- Monster attacking the player who is already laying on ground or trying to get up.

- Monster laggy movement when in air


Global Mutation Buildv0.0.3b (Window 64bit).rar 60 MB
Sep 01, 2023
Global Mutation Buildv0.0.3b (Window 32bit).rar 57 MB
Sep 01, 2023
Global Mutation v0.0.3b.apk 69 MB
Sep 01, 2023

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Looking great!


Cool ^_^


Cool build, finally I can check out all those buildings :) I have found one bigger issue. Sometimes, when you get downed from damage, enemies, especially the goat monsters, just push you around, instead of starting the animation.