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Background: Visual attention is known as a critical base for learning. The purpose of the present study was to design, develop and evaluate the test-retest and internal consistency reliability as well as face, content and convergent... more
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Background: The Intentional Relationship Model is specifically focused on the relational aspect of therapy. The model describes six therapeutic modes; these represent different types of interaction for the therapist. However, preferences... more
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      Occupational TherapyHigher EducationTherapeutic RelationshipIntentional Relationship Model
Background and Aim: The role of parents in children's development is very important. Good understanding of this role and its tasks is helpful in all aspect of children's life. The purpose of this research was to construct and validate a... more
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Objectives: Cerebral palsy is the most common type of permanent movement and posture disorder in children leading to activity limitations. Children's participation is influenced by their functional ability, skills, interests, and... more
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The role of selective attention in promote of learning and memory particularly in academic success is very important. Computerized assessment of attention recently, due to the high precision and attractive are looking more by researchers.... more
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). Parents and therapists classified 100 children (4-18 years, mean age of 8.13 years, SD=3.40, 63 boys, 37 girls) with various types of CP using MACS. Additional data on the Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS), and... more
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      Sports Therapy and RehabilitationReliabilityValidityClinical Sciences
Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Society of the Hand & Microsurgeons of India. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be selfarchived in electronic repositories. If you wish to... more
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Objectives: Cerebral palsy is the most common type of permanent movement and posture disorder in children leading to activity limitations. Children's participation is influenced by their functional ability, skills, interests, and... more
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Background and Aim: The role of parents in children's development is very important. Good understanding of this role and its tasks is helpful in all aspect of children's life. The purpose of this research was to construct and validate a... more
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Background. The Intentional Relationship Model (IRM) proposes six therapeutic modes as ways of relating to clients. The Norwegian self-efficacy for therapeutic mode use (N-SETMU) was found to have a one-component structure. However, its... more
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      Therapeutic RelationshipSelf-EfficacyIntentional Relationship Model
Background: The intentional relationship model (IRM) proposes six distinct ways of relating to clients. A new instrument for measuring self-efficacy for using the therapeutic modes in occupational therapy practice was recently found to... more
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      Occupational TherapySelf-EfficacyStudents
Background: Occupational therapy has long emphasized the concepts doing, being, becoming and belonging, and a notion of balance between them. Measures of these concepts are in a developing stage. Aim: This study aimed to develop and... more
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      Occupational TherapyPsychometricsFactor analysisOccupational Science
Background: The Intentional Relationship Model conceptualizes the therapeutic use of self in occupational therapy. To increase motivation for and success in establishing therapeutic relationships, therapists need self-efficacy for using... more
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      Interpersonal CommunicationPsychometricsSelf-EfficacyInterpersonal Relationships
Background. Occupational therapy students need to develop self-efficacy for managing the therapeutic relationship in practice. This study examined the 10-month trajectories of Norwegian students’ self-efficacy for use of self. Methods.... more
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      Higher EducationTherapeutic RelationshipSelf-EfficacyLongitudinal Research
Stoke patients experience of weekend days spent on a stroke unit: A Descriptive phenomenological analysis. 08/2016; 5(5):89-93., Tore Bonsaksen: Therapeutic mode preferences and associated factors among Norwegian undergraduate... more
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Background: Research suggested combining modern test theory with classical test theory to achieve comprehensive evaluation of an assessment tool. However, the Norwegian Self-Efficacy for Therapeutic Use of Self questionnaire has not yet... more
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      Therapeutic RelationshipRasch AnalysisMeasurement and EvaluationSelf-Efficacy
Previous research has shown that occupational therapists have increased their self-efficacy for using self intentionally in therapeutic encounters. However, experiences related to such changes have not yet been explored. The authors... more
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      Reflective PracticeOccupational TherapyTherapeutic RelationshipIntentional Relationship Model
Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to investigate psychometric properties of the Self-Efficacy for Therapeutic Use of Self (SETUS) scales, a questionnaire based on the Intentional Relationship model, and to investigate the factor... more
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      Occupational TherapyTherapeutic RelationshipFactor analysis