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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Rock Share's LiveJournal:

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Sunday, November 27th, 2005
5:47 am
Heyps, My name's Santiago and I have a classic rock band, anyhooters, joined to see what cool stuff I can come accross.,
So most of the stuff I am seeing here is promotions for gigs, but I hope I may eventually find fun musicians from here and there, and if I'm lucky get to enjoy some nice music.
Wednesday, October 27th, 2004
2:05 pm
Now, I doubt I will be able to find anyone who would be willing to help start a band with me here, simply because there is so few members. But, Im going to try anyways. I play guitar, and was wondering if anyone who lived in the Georgia/Atlanta area would be willing to help start a metal band.
Also, I suppose this is my introduction post, because I never made one. If you want to know about me, its all in my profile, and my actual journal. If you have AIM, feel free to IM me.
Wednesday, June 23rd, 2004
1:48 am
Please help book our summer tour!

--We have MP3's from our new record "This Scavenger Low" available at

Any and all help would be wonderful! Please e-mail: [email protected] Thank you soo much and take care.

*Sorry for cross-posting in communities if we have!

Tuesday, April 13th, 2004
5:43 pm

This is a grunge/punk influenced underground band from my area... they're really good... check them out here


Click on "music" in the menu to the right. I highly recommend "Trampoline Girl" and "Disruptor"


Tuesday, April 6th, 2004
1:23 pm
The Numb Ones
hey, everyone should go here: The Numb Ones
buy their cd. $5.00 or email them or something and get it. it's awesome :)

Their next gig:
Surf Cafe
Boca Raton
561 392-1965
they're on at 10:45 pm.

What's It All For
The Blanket
Arm's Length

so listen to those and then buy the cd. that's an order if u wanna stay on my friends list ;) hehe. just kidding...

The Numb Ones

Also, they just got signed onto Cleopatra, and their album should be out sometime next fall. *WOOHOO* :)
Friday, April 2nd, 2004
12:33 pm
a serious matter for those possessed by the spirit of Rock n Roll

this will be the last Riots show in the Detroit area for a while. There are many reasons for this, but the main one has to do with your moms...I don't want to go into it.

But...I will say that I would like to see every one of your smiling faces there whoopin' and hollerin'...and partying like it's Spring Break...etc.

cc riot
Tuesday, March 9th, 2004
1:52 pm
Wednesday, March 3rd, 2004
12:02 pm

go check out The!
We're having a sale on our t-shirts and CDs!

$6 for a shirt, $3 for a CD((S&H included, US only)).
that shouldn't break anybody's wallet!

anyrate.. thanx for looking.:)

anyone have any new stuff up and about???
Sunday, February 29th, 2004
9:45 pm
Sunday, February 8th, 2004
9:55 pm
Hi all!

I have a few mp3s and a poll regarding a band our label, Zurich Chainsaw Massacre Records, is currently working with. The band is called Tarakany! and they're a punk band out of Moscow, Russia.

If you have the time, can you pop by my journal and take a listen to the songs and fill out the poll?

Tarakany! songs and poll


Friday, February 6th, 2004
1:59 pm
Tonight @ The Belmont!

$5 after 10pm
10215 Joseph Campau
Hamtramck - (313) 871-1966
Saturday, January 10th, 2004
12:55 am
New Malice in Leatherland tunes UPLOADED
These tracks are going to be a part of our "[u]NOT[/u] a tribute to Depeche Mode" EP, and you can DL them here:

From Under the Floorboards is our reaction to having close friends, and once-loves turning on you. There's alot of cannibalism, and off kilter spunk. Not to say that spunk isn't on kilter or anything. Eh, the spunk is definetly on your face!

Send More Paramedics is our tribute to Return of the Living Dead and Emerson... It's about murdering puritanical yuppy twats!

Anyhow, I must get ready to sleep soon.... I haven't since I started recording these!!

~ Basim
Sunday, January 4th, 2004
1:31 am
Please. Stop promoting your gigs here. That's not the purpose of this community. Please read the community info for the objective of this community.
Monday, December 22nd, 2003
2:40 pm
Ditch the family this weekend.
you can't stand the smell of grandma's house anyways...
Friday 26th@the Magic Stick
and you'll want more...
Sat 27th@the belmont
Wednesday, December 17th, 2003
10:16 am
Monday, December 15th, 2003
3:35 pm
Just in time for Christmas!!
The FourMinuteMile SuperRockFriends UltraHoliday Rock Extravaganzathon!!!

...bring the rock...Collapse )
Tuesday, December 9th, 2003
10:11 am
The Kite Eating Tree
The Valley Arena
plus more

This Saturday, December 13th @ KOO'S CAFE
540 E. Broadway
Long Beach, CA
all rages.
Saturday, December 6th, 2003
4:43 pm
New Deep Six MP3!!
Hey everyone. I just wanted to say the recording is going awesome & to listen to our brand new song "Revelation", go to the link below. We'll be releasing the 3 song EP @ The Engine Room, Saturday, January 3rd w/ Abasia & TBA. If you like what you hear, please spread the word & don't forget to comment. Thanks for your time & support! =o)

.matt/[1/3 of deep 6]
Tuesday, November 25th, 2003
3:37 am
New Splatter-FUNK band!! (From Boston)
Allright, rock 'n roll!!
Hey there, some introduction is in order. My name is Basim, and I'm completely obsessed with Bauhaus, Black Sabbath, Siouxsie, and Iron Maiden!!

I am in a band called "Malice in Leatherland", which I assure you consists entirely of reanimated cadavers!! We're from Boston, and our site with mp3s, photos and the like is here:
People compare us to Bauhaus, Misfits, Primus and Oingo Boingo alot.. hopefully you'll dig us...

do let me know what you think!!
Stay ghoul,
Tuesday, November 11th, 2003
11:17 am
The MidNovember Humpday UltraRock Extravaganzathon!!!

Houston (MN)
Sunday Afternoon (AZ)
at The Red Devil Lounge, 1695 Polk St, San Francisco
Wednesday, 12 November, 2003
21+, 8pm

...there is no other option. you will move to the groove.
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