Papers by Francisco R . Arteaga-Sierra
济南长清区老年大学创办于1986年,作为县级老年大学起步较早,是全省第一家。目前,校舍面积达600余平方米,设有老年保健、花卉盆景、音乐等十几个专业,是老年人向往的精神家园。在27年的办学历程中... more 济南长清区老年大学创办于1986年,作为县级老年大学起步较早,是全省第一家。目前,校舍面积达600余平方米,设有老年保健、花卉盆景、音乐等十几个专业,是老年人向往的精神家园。在27年的办学历程中,学校始终坚持政治建校的理念,走与实践相结合的路子,充分发挥老年大学的阵地作用,坚持寓教于乐、寓教于学,有力促进了学员队伍的政治坚定、思想常新、理想永存。我们的具体做法是:
Optics Express, 2019
We present a novel long-range surface plasmon polariton (LRSPP) device consisting of a suspended ... more We present a novel long-range surface plasmon polariton (LRSPP) device consisting of a suspended dielectric matrix in which an electrically active, millimeter-long metallic waveguide is embedded. We show that, by opening an air gap under the lower cladding, the influence of the substrate is suppressed and the symmetry of the thermo-optical distribution around the LRSPP waveguide is preserved over extended ranges of applied electrical current with minimal optical losses. Experimental results show that, compared to a standard nonsuspended structure, our device allows either the induction of a phase change that is three times larger, for a fixed electrical power, or, equivalently, a scaling down of the device to one-tenth of its original length, for a fixed phase change.
Frontiers in Optics 2016, 2016
We demonstrate extension of supercontinuum bandwidth through dual-pumping and longitudinally vary... more We demonstrate extension of supercontinuum bandwidth through dual-pumping and longitudinally varying dispersion in photonic crystal fiber and explain the spectral features in terms of accelerated soliton self-frequency shift and temporal reflections.
Frontiers in Optics 2016, 2016
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2008
In recent years, the development of metal material structures has brought a new horizon on the de... more In recent years, the development of metal material structures has brought a new horizon on the development of Metal Dielectric or Plasmonic Photonic Crystals. They involve the use of metals with very small dimensions, often nanodimensions, where metals exhibit a very distinctive behavior as compared to their bulk counterpart. In this paper we study the physical and optical properties of
Frontiers in Optics 2007/Laser Science XXIII/Organic Materials and Devices for Displays and Energy Conversion, 2007
ABSTRACT We report results of chemical synthesis for silver particles of 2-10 nm size obtained by... more ABSTRACT We report results of chemical synthesis for silver particles of 2-10 nm size obtained by reduction of Ag+. The material morphology was examined by electron microscopy (TEM) and physical properties were studied by photoluminescence.
2nd Workshop on Specialty Optical Fibers and Their Applications (WSOF-2), 2010
We present the temperature response of a mechanically-induced long-period fiber grating (MLPFG) m... more We present the temperature response of a mechanically-induced long-period fiber grating (MLPFG) made in photonic crystal fiber (PCF) with and without the coating polymer. In both cases, we found a wavelength shift to shorter wavelengths and a critical decrease of the attenuation peaks. A maximum wavelength shift of 6 nm at 1060 nm was obtained when the temperature changed from
Optics Express, 2014
We propose, by means of numerical simulations, a simple method to design a non-uniform standard s... more We propose, by means of numerical simulations, a simple method to design a non-uniform standard single mode fiber to generate spectral broadening in the form of "ad-hoc" chosen peaks from dispersive waves. The controlled multi-peak generation is possible by an on/off switch of Cherenkov radiation, achieved by tailoring the fiber dispersion when decreasing the cladding diameter by segments. The interplay between the fiber dispersion and the soliton self-frequency shift results in discrete peaks of efficiently emitted Cherenkov radiation from low order solitons, despite the small amount of energy contained in a pulse. These spectra are useful for applications that demand low power bell-shaped pulses at specific carrier wavelengths.
Optics letters, Jan 15, 2016
We study numerically the formation of cascading solitons when femtosecond optical pulses are laun... more We study numerically the formation of cascading solitons when femtosecond optical pulses are launched into a fiber amplifier with less energy than required to form a soliton of equal duration. As the pulse is amplified, cascaded fundamental solitons are created at different distances, without soliton fission, as each fundamental soliton moves outside the gain bandwidth through the Raman-induced spectral shifts. As a result, each input pulse creates multiple, temporally separated, ultrashort pulses of different wavelengths at the amplifier output. The number of pulses depends not only on the total gain of the amplifier but also on the width of the input pulse.
Optics Express, 2014
We present a numerical strategy to design fiber based dual pulse light sources exhibiting two pre... more We present a numerical strategy to design fiber based dual pulse light sources exhibiting two predefined spectral peaks in the anomalous group velocity dispersion regime. The frequency conversion is based on the soliton fission and soliton self-frequency shift occurring during supercontinuum generation. The optimization process is carried out by a genetic algorithm that provides the optimum input pulse parameters: wavelength, temporal width and peak power. This algorithm is implemented in a Grid platform in order to take advantage of distributed computing. These results are useful for optical coherence tomography applications where bell-shaped pulses located in the second near-infrared window are needed.
This dataset contains figure data for the publication "Dissipative solitons in photonic mole... more This dataset contains figure data for the publication "Dissipative solitons in photonic molecules".

Revista Mexicana De Fisica, 2017
A frequency convertor based on the soliton self-frequency shift by the supercontinuum generation ... more A frequency convertor based on the soliton self-frequency shift by the supercontinuum generation is obtained by optimization of only three parameters of a Ti:Sapphire laser pulse, namely, carrier wavelength, peak power and time duration. The frequency conversion is performed and calculated by simulating the propagation of the pulse in a simple piece of $25$ cm long commercial photonic crystal fiber pumped by the femtosecond Ti:Sapphire laser, whose only pre-requisite is to exhibit the standard supercontinuum. The resulting spectral broadening has a maximum spectral conversion in the anomalous region just by playing with the three realistic controllable parameters. Optimization is performed using pre-defined functions of genetic algorithms. Our results indicate that the efficiencies of Raman conversion achieved by merely optimizing the pulse parameters in a commercial fiber are comparable with those obtained in more elaborated Raman convertor devices.
2018 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 2018
We propose a novel technique to design light sources producing multiple frequency channels potent... more We propose a novel technique to design light sources producing multiple frequency channels potentially applicable in wavelength-division multiplexing networks. The sources are based on spectral interference of solitons generated in non-uniform fiber amplifiers.
Frontiers in Optics, 2016
We demonstrate extension of supercontinuum bandwidth through dual-pumping and longitudinally vary... more We demonstrate extension of supercontinuum bandwidth through dual-pumping and longitudinally varying dispersion in photonic crystal fiber and explain the spectral features in terms of accelerated soliton self-frequency shift and temporal reflections.
2017 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 2017
We demonstrate numerically the cancellation of soliton self-frequency shift in photonic crystal f... more We demonstrate numerically the cancellation of soliton self-frequency shift in photonic crystal fibers having nonlinear dispersion and positive linear dispersion slope. Fundamental soliton fission across the zero-nonlinearity wavelength is also observed.
arXiv: Optics, 2017
Soliton self-frequency shifts (SSFS) can be suppressed in optical fibers through spectral recoil,... more Soliton self-frequency shifts (SSFS) can be suppressed in optical fibers through spectral recoil, but this process leads to losses through continuous transfer of energy to a dispersive wave. We demonstrate a novel way to alter the strength of SSFS in photonic crystal fibers through a frequency-dependent nonlinear parameter $\gamma(\omega)$. Our numerical simulations show both suppression and enhancement of SSFS depending on the sign of nonlinear slope. A large enough positive value of this slope can lead to total suppression of SSFS, without spectral recoil and without energy transfer to a resonant dispersive wave. Numerical simulations are supported by mathematical predictions based on the moment method.

Laser Applications in Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Manufacturing (LAMOM) XXIV, 2019
In recent years, femtosecond-laser writing has recently emerged as one of the most versatile tech... more In recent years, femtosecond-laser writing has recently emerged as one of the most versatile techniques for direct waveguide microfabrication of transparent optical materials. Femtosecond-laser-based fabrication of three-dimensional silicon waveguide enables compact silicon photonics and their integration as large third-order nonlinearity and the high refractive index of silicon allows for tightly confining optical waves to a sub-micron region. The writing process is however challenging because the unique features exhibited by the semiconductor crystal, such as two-photon absorption, free-carrier absorption / dispersion, anisotropic and dispersive third-order nonlinearity, which may drastically influence the writing process at high intensities required for the femtosecond-laser writing. In this work, we provide a detailed description of the underlying physics behind nonlinear optical dynamics in femtosecond laser processing of silicon waveguides, considering the generation of free c...

2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC), 2019
Direct laser writing has been applied to the fabrication of complex three-dimensional structures ... more Direct laser writing has been applied to the fabrication of complex three-dimensional structures inside optical materials such as SiO2, SU-8, and Silicon [1,2]. Neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet (Nd: YAG) is one of the most favourable gain media for solid-state lasers owing to its excellent spectroscopic, physical and thermal properties. Although some works have reported experimental DLW for fabrication of waveguides in Nd:YAG [3], there is currently no detailed explanation of the nonlinear optical mechanisms and impact of phenomena such as generation of free carriers induced by multi-photon ionization and plasma formation. In this work, we study for the first time the underlying physics behind nonlinear optical dynamics in ultrafast laser beam propagation during the femtosecond laser processing of Nd: YAG.
Frontiers in Optics, 2017

Many physical systems display quantized energy states. In optics, interacting resonant cavities s... more Many physical systems display quantized energy states. In optics, interacting resonant cavities show a transmission spectrum with split eigenfrequencies, similar to the split energy levels that result from interacting states in bonded multi-atomic, i.e. molecular, systems. Here, we study the nonlinear dynamics of photonic diatomic molecules in linearly coupled microresonators and demonstrate that the system supports the formation of self-enforcing solitary waves when a laser is tuned across a split energy level. The output corresponds to a frequency comb (microcomb) whose characteristics in terms of power spectral distribution are unattainable in single-mode (atomic) systems. Photonic molecule microcombs are coherent, reproducible, and reach high conversion efficiency and spectral flatness whilst operated with a laser power of a few milliwatts. These properties can favor the heterogeneous integration of microcombs with semiconductor laser technology and facilitate applications in op...
Papers by Francisco R . Arteaga-Sierra