? ?
06 August 2010 @ 01:55 pm

today is Robin's 27th birthday. I wish I prepared something special for this special day but boo RL.

Plus fuchsiabella posted a bloody wicked birthday spam over here at ontd_football
Go spam more ;)
19 July 2010 @ 08:35 pm

about 2.14 of this vid, Damian and Shaqueel hug *cue the awww* and then start to fight each other, lol
06 July 2010 @ 09:52 pm

If you have or are going to place an order for him we will keep your orders until the number change has been approved then print the correct number with his name. In doing this we will not be able to guarantee delivery for kit launch day.

If you have already placed your order and would like to amend the name and number please call us on 0207 619 5000 option 3 and quote your order number. [source]

personally for me, RvP11 sounds so much better than RvP10. But maybe that’s because I am so attached to Robin in that number…
03 July 2010 @ 09:04 pm

Netherlands striker Robin van Persie was taken to hospital on Saturday for a scan on an arm injury three days before their semi-final with Uruguay in Cape Town, coach Bert van Marwijk said.

Van Marwijk told reporters in Johannesburg that defender Joris Mathijsen was also in hospital for a scan on a knee injury.

"Robin van Persie is in hospital at this moment for a scan and Joris Mathijsen is the same. Robin has an arm problem and Joris a knee problem," he said at a press briefing after a training session.

He did not think the van Persie injury was serious but wanted to see the scan first to be sure.


and this just tweeted by Andy Dunn, chief sports writer at the News of the World

@AndyDunn_NOTW Back from the #ned camp. RVP having scan on arm but should be ok. Joris Mathijsen scan on knee. More doubtful. #WorldCup

*prayer circle mode is on*


@Daansmundo: NOS tv reports: Mathijssen & v Persie are cleared to play v #uru Uruguay #worldcup

YAY! (though I hope he'll get rested instead... Hunter could start, ya know? (hehe)
29 June 2010 @ 01:05 pm
one of these days, those van Persies will be the death of me. And I'm not talking about Robin only!


about 0:55 of this vid, Robin & bb Shaq appear. I love the talent tag under Shaqueel, and how they put ARSENAL van Persie 11 shirt next to him. Awwwwww~ I hope we retire that number when Robin retires, and only use it again when bb Shaq plays professionally for us :D


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gif fails to load properly


ETA : the vid (translation by the awesome sky_magenta)

EEEKKK! One more day till World Cup to kick off. Are you excited????


* a cute ads that Robin did with the Oranje squad. I love the bit when a Beesie run/crawl towards Robin while screaming "Robin, don't leaaaveee meeee~" with our man covers in toilet papers confetti. Hahaha. And Robin, hands down, gets the best scene in this ads :]

08 June 2010 @ 10:48 am
Alriiight, in order to wish you all a great day, I thought I should share these goddamn cute pictures of our dear bby Shaqueel!

I couldnt find them untagged, but if any of gais can find it, please share the love :D

So here it goes!

PS: Bby Damian van der Vaart, we love you too <3

*crossposted at arsenalbbs
Current Mood: cheerfulcheerful
08 June 2010 @ 06:40 pm
As you can noticed, the comm has just undergo a major layout makeover. So what do you think?

In other note, with the World Cup so close (and our man is on fiyah lately) I was thinking maybe this is the great time to re-promote this comm to others. nolwe made some kick-ass banners over here that you could use to spread the love. And below is another banner that I made.

Spread the love, you gais :)

Also, I'm pretty sure everyone are looking forward to news/videos/epic picspams/gifs/icons/graphics/etc. So don't be shy and do contribute as much as you can, as long as it relates to our Flying Dutchman.

And aaannndd I think this is the perfect time to start an introduction thread so we can get to know each other better. Please feel free to introduce yourselves in the comments, we love to get to know you.

Have fun and enjoy your time at this comm. Cheers ;)