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Human Cargo 0.95 Now Available

Human Cargo Version 0.95 is now available!

With this version, all of the background artwork is now complete. We also have a new "Love Theme" in the soundtrack. We only have one more track ("Border Station") until the soundtrack is complete!

Doc and Yoshi's final love scene now has two CG events, which completes the Chapter 10 love scenes for each path. Next, we're going to start working on artwork for some of the major events that occur in each path.

There is an additional alternate ending, which branches off from Kol's path. If you've found the "Yoshi's Demise" path, there's now have an additional branch option depending on your choices....

And FINALLY, we now have a version for iOS (iPad and iPhone), which is currently available to Patreon subscribers.

What's New

  • Med Bay Bathroom - final background artwork
  • Border Station Market - final background artwork
  • Doc and Yoshi #1 - final CG artwork
  • Doc and Yoshi #2 - final CG artwork
  • Soundtrack - final music for the Love Theme
  • Added an Alternate Ending
  • Updated crew biographies
  • Updated censored artwork variations
  • Enable/Hide Censored option for iOS builds
  • Added Beta test release for iOS
  • Misc bug fixes

Files 309 MB
Dec 31, 2019
HumanCargo-0.95-mac.dmg 288 MB
Dec 31, 2019
HumanCargo-0.95-android.apk 319 MB
Dec 31, 2019
HumanCargo-0.95-linux.tar.bz2 292 MB
Dec 31, 2019

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Do you need to jailbreak for the iOS build? How does the iOS build work?

You don’t need to jailbreak. It’s currently in beta, and delivered via the Apple TestFlight app, so you will need to download TeatFlight from the App Store. The URL will automatically open TestFlight and redeem the code to add you to the beta test group.

But I thought apple didn't allow nudity (or general NSFW material) in the appstore O.o

The iOS version has the censored option in Settings permanently turned on, so there is no nudity.

Deleted 4 years ago

Yes, I will be adding more artwork to the game!

How do i update the game?

Wow, it's so perfect the altertanite ending¡¡¡¡ thanks¡¡¡¡


Where can I find the alternate ending? What chapter or what do I need to do?


The new alternate ending can be found by playing Kol’s route and then avoiding intimacy with him (don’t kiss him and don’t shower with him). When Nasir confronts you in the galley, you’ll have a choice menu that will lead to two of the alternate endings or continue on with Kol’s ending. One of them is a bad ending previously added and the other is this new one.


Love that alternate ending, oh my gods!! I'm stuck trying to get the slave ending though D: 

How you get the alt ending? 

Wait what a sex slave ending?! o___o

geez, what have i missed these past months @__@



The alternate “happy for now” ending can be found By playing Kol’s route and then avoiding intimacy with him (don’t kiss him and don’t shower with him). When Nasir confronts you in the galley, you’ll have a choice menu that will lead to two of the endings or continue on with Kol’s ending. One of them is a bad ending and the other is this new one  

The Slave ending is a bad ending that happens in chapter one if you are passive with the pirate choices and the don’t run out of the airlock.