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Defense styles refer to the characteristic employment of automatic psychological processes to maintain and enhance self-esteem. On the basis of clinical literature pertaining to defense styles, it was hypothesized that the maturity of an... more
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePersonalityInstability
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceViolenceHomicide
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      Mental HealthDepressionCultureSuicide
Defense styles refer to the characteristic employment of automatic psychological processes to maintain and enhance self-esteem. On the basis of clinical literature pertaining to defense styles, it was hypothesized that the maturity of an... more
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePersonalitySelf Esteem
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      Virgin Marypope benedict XVITHEOTOKOSPope Benedict XVI/Josef Ratzinger
The churches Ignatius of Antioch addressed must have understood that obedience to the bishop was not only an activity that made for good organization, but one that both glorified God and marked an encounter with him in the person of the... more
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      Early ChurchEarly ChristianityEcclesiologyEarly Church Fathers
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      Biblical TheologyKoine Greek languageBiblical GreekNew Testament Greek Grammar
In certain manuscripts of Sirach, wisdom proclaims herself the “mother of fair love” (Sir 24:18: ἐγὼ μήτηρ τῆς ἀγαπήσεως τῆς καλῆς), a title often attributed to Mary. This paper will explore the beauty of the Mother of God for the various... more
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      PatristicsBonaventureMariologyJohn Paul II/Karol Wojtyla
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      MariologyPope Benedict XVI/Josef Ratzinger
This handout accompanies a lecture on the theological orations.
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      Early ChristianityCappadociansChristologyGregory of Nazianzus
In the works of Maximus the Confessor, one clearly sees what could be termed the “book of creation,” which is inscribed with divine meaning. The essay proceeds along several lines: first, it considers the development of the doctrine of... more
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      PatristicsEcologyMaximus the ConfessorNature
While Augustine seems to predate the articulation of the doctrine of the capital vices, in book II of his Confessions, Augustine provides a profound examination of the various vices as he examines himself after having stolen some fruit... more
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      PatristicsAugustineAugustine of HippoSeven Deadly Sins
This essay explores the antecedent mystical tradition of the Church in the era of the Fathers regarding divine darkness, not to be confused with the dark night of the soul. In particular, the rich mystical theology of Maximus the... more
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      TheologyPatristicsSpiritual TheologyPseudo-Dionysius
This paper examines Maximus the Confessor’s thought concerning the pressing urgency of his day, namely, the threat posed by monothelitism and monenergism. What were the theological stakes, as he saw them, for orthodoxy that prompted such... more
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      Thomas AquinasPseudo-DionysiusMaximus the ConfessorDionysius the Areopagite
The Seven Deadly Sins: Sayings of the Fathers of the Church is the inaugural volume in a new series from The Catholic University of America Press. This series will feature a wide range of scholars compiling material from the Fathers of... more
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      Thomas AquinasMoral TheologyAugustine of HippoMaximus the Confessor
Course Description: This course aims to examine the sayings of the Fathers of the Church on the capital vices/evil thoughts and the virtues that heal the soul of those vices. The course will primarily use a collection of quotes of the... more
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      TheologyPatristicsEarly ChristianityVirtues and Vices
A comparison in the capital vices/evil thoughts tradition, along with some healing remedies.
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      AugustineThomas AquinasAugustine of HippoMaximus the Confessor
Handout to accompany NAPS 2018 presentation. (Pardon the rough translations.)
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    • Maximus the Confessor
Karl Rahner and Hans Urs von Balthasar pushed back in various ways against the tide of historical criticism in the twentieth century. On the one hand Rahner wished to distance theology from biblical revelation in his turn towards the... more
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      New TestamentHermeneuticsTruthKarl Rahner
An exegetical survey of the Johannine Corpus (Gospel, Epistles and Revelation) using historical and literary-rhetorical methods with the goal of equipping students with the necessary tools to exegete these Scriptures for use in preaching,... more
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      New TestamentJohannine LiteratureBook of RevelationGospel of John