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Best FREE abandoned cart WooCommerce plugin
According to experts, the average cart abandonment rate is around 70% to 75%. The reason for cart abandonment is different for each industry. If you want a rock-solid WooCommerce cart abandonment plugin that ticks all boxes in your cart abandonment strategy, the Abandoned Cart Lite for WooCommerce is the one for you.
The FREE Abandoned Cart Lite for WooCommerce is bundled with all the essential features you need for abandoned cart recovery.
Abandoned Cart Lite for WooCommerce Features
- Check if the cart is abandoned by the guest client or logged in user
- Tracking percentage of recovery done
- Send a reminder email within a few minutes after the cart gets abandoned
- Abandoned cart templates for quick setup
- Copiază HTML de oriunde și creează șabloane folosind editorul puternic pentru text îmbogățit
- A handy report showing the number of times a product was abandoned and recovered
- Seven merge codes are available to help you send PERSONALIZED reminder emails
Acest modul funcționează așa cum este descris: versiunea lite nu reduce funcționalitatea. Poți recupera comenzile și să faci economii la vânzări. În funcție de ceea ce vinzi, acestea pot fi câteva comenzi pentru a justifica comandarea pachetului complet – sunt doar la câțiva pași distanță!
Recomandat insistent!
– jaysnl
The FREE WooCommerce abandoned cart plugin gives you the essential options to recover the customers. But if you want more powerful Abandoned cart plugin options for WooCommerce cart abandonment recovery, the Abandoned Cart Pro for WooCommerce will be the best option for you.
Abandoned Cart Pro for WooCommerce Features
The Abandoned Cart Pro for WooCommerce gives 25+ features to have a better insight on cart abandonment and options to bring in the customers.
Experience how the Abandoned Cart WooCommerce recovery plugin works – Live Demo
Experience the user-friendly WordPress admin dashboard feature of the plugin – Admin Demo
- Capture emails when Add to Cart is clicked
- Neat Dashboard to have a quick overview of the number of abandoned and recovered orders
- Automatically delete abandoned orders after a particular number of days
- Generating and assigning coupon codes to abandoned cart reminder emails
- Tracking Coupon Code Used & Coupon Status
- Exit-Intent popup to prevent customers from abandoning the cart before they leave the site
- Send automated abandoned cart notifications via Messenger, SMS, and Email in a set time interval for better results.
Take a look at our complete Abandoned cart Lite Vs Abandoned Cart Pro comparison to get a clear idea of which version best suits your needs. The pro version of the Abandoned cart WooCommerce plugin is equipped with all cart abandonment solutions to make it a perfect plugin that you all need
I’m using the plugin on my shop. Installation is very easy and it works great. I’ve already recovered some orders, it doesn’t cost any effort.
Suportul este rapid și extins.
Abandoned Cart for WooCommerce Team Promise.
Whether you are an Abandoned Cart free version user or a pro user, our support team is always there to help you. Feel free to contact us, and also, please share your review & rate us a FIVE STAR rating to help fellow WordPress users try our plugins.
About Us
We build WordPress plugins for WooCommerce that help store owners increase their sales. We have a portfolio of 12+ Premium WooCommerce plugins with a highly focused niche. We are committed to providing top-notch services to our customers through our products & team.
Documentație pentru dezvoltatori
External Services
This plugin communicates with our tracking server to send usage data only if the user has explicitly opted in to usage tracking. For detailed information about what is tracked, please refer to our usage tracking documentation.
Capturi ecran
Acest modul oferă 1 bloc.
- GDPR Email Compliance
Prima metodă:
- Mergi la Panou control WordPress->Module->Adaugă modul nou
- Caută modulul Abandoned Cart Lite for WooCommerce folosind opțiunea de căutare
- Găsește modulul și dă clic pe butonul Instalează acum
- După instalare, dă clic pe legătura Activează modulul pentru a activa modulul.
A doua metodă:
- Descarcă modulul
- Despachetează fișierul și extrage dosarul woocommerce-abandon-cart
- Încarcă dosarul modulului în directorul tău /wp-content/plugins/
- Mergi la panoul de control WordPress, dă clic pe Module în meniu
- Localizează modulul Abandoned Cart Lite for WooCommerce și dă clic pe legătura Activează pentru a activa modulul.
Metoda 3:
- Descarcă modulul
- Mergi la Panou control WordPress – Module – Adaugă modul nou
- Dă clic pe legătura Încarcă modulul din partea e sus
- Încarcă fișierul descărcat și dă clic pe Instalează acum
- După instalare, dă clic pe legătura Activează modulul pentru a activa modulul.
Întrebări frecvente
What is the difference between Lite and Pro version of the plugin?
To see how the PRO version can help you recover more abandoned carts compared to Lite, you can refer here
Cum sunt stocate adresele de email ale clienților?
Modulul nostru stochează emailurile vizitatorilor în timp real, în timp ce sunt scrise în câmpul adresă de email din pagina de finalizare, deci nu trebuie să-ți faci griji dacă cumpărătorii se răzgândesc în ultima secundă.
Când utilizatorul autentificat adaugă produsul în coș, stocăm adresa de email din profilul utilizatorului.
Modulul poate urmări coșurile abandonate de vizitatori?
Da, surprinde coșurile vizitatorilor din pagina de finalizare. Capturăm coșul abandonat al clientului numai după ce clientul introduce „Adresa de email” în pagina de finalizare.
De asemenea, modulul captează coșul de pe pagina acestuia, iar aceste coșuri nu au informații personale ale clienților. Va conține doar detaliile coșului. Pentru a capta aceste informații, vizitatorul trebuie să ajungă la pagina coșului site-ului web.
De ce nu sunt trimise emailurile de notificare pentru coșurile abandonate?
Te rog să te asiguri că ai cel puțin un șablon de email „Activ”. Sunt trimise doar șabloane de email active pentru a recupera coșurile abandonate.
Pentru a trimite automat emailurile de notificare a coșurilor abandonate, folosim WP-Cron. Dacă ai șabloane de email activate și încă nu sunt trimise notificări, atunci poți depana problema urmărind acest articol.
Când este considerat coșul drept coș abandonat?
Atunci când produsele din coș nu sunt achiziționate în cadrul „timpului limită al coșului abandonat” atunci coșul este considerat ca un coș abandonat.
Cum să te dezabonezi la emailurile de notificare pentru coșuri abandonate?
Administratorul poate folosi codul de îmbinare `{{cart.unsubscribe}}` în șabloanele de email. Acesta va fi înlocuit cu o adresă URL în notificarea prin email a coșului abandonat, trimisă clientului. Când se dă clic, notificarea de reamintire prin email pentru emailul particular va fi dezabonată.
Contributori și dezvoltatori
„Abandoned Cart Lite for WooCommerce” este un software open-source. La acest modul au contribuit următoarele persoane.
Contributori„Abandoned Cart Lite for WooCommerce” a fost tradus în 37 de locale. Mulțumim traducătorilor pentru contribuția lor.
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Istoric modificări
= 6.3.0 (14.01.2025)
* Fix – Updated the FAQs under the „FAQ & Support” tab.
* Fix – Resolved fatal error occurring on the Abandoned Orders tab when clicking the „Abandoned Date” column title.
6.2.0 ( 10.12.2024 )
- Tweak: Removed the call to our tracking server to fetch the deactivation reasons and added them in the plugin itself.
- Fix: Resolved a critical error encountered by users during the registration process.
- Fix: Addressed an error occurring when loading the abandoned orders table.
- Fix: Fixed an error where a file was not loading properly.
6.1.1 ( 31.10.2024 )
- Fix: Added a condition to display the Upgrade to Pro Trial notice only on the plugin’s settings pages within the admin area.
6.1.0 ( 29.10.2024 )
- Fix – Guest carts were not being captured.
- Supporting code changes for the Trial Version of Abandoned Cart Pro for WooCommerce.
6.0.1 ( 22.10.2024 )
- Fix – Deactivation survey request was being sent even though ‘Skip & deactivate’ was selected while deactivating the plugin.
6.0.0 ( 10.10.2024 )
- Fix – The test email was not displayed correctly on iPhone 12 Pro devices.
- Fix – Resolved issues when creating new email templates.
- Fix – Addressed PHP 8.x deprecated message to ensure compatibility.
- Fix – Added a filter to restrict capturing abandoned carts from a specific email address.
5.20.0 ( 03.04.2024 )
- Tweak – Updated tracking of non sensitive diagnostic data code to v2.
- Tweak – Added filter toc hange the number of carts displayed in the Abandoned Orders page.
5.19.0 ( 06.02.2024 )
- Fix – The image in the default email template was broken. This has been fixed for fresh installations.
- Fix – Added nonce check for the dismiss action in the tracking notification.
- Tweak – Modified the support email address to connect to.
5.18.0 ( 16.01.2024 )
- Tweak – Introduced compatibility with WooCommerce Checkout Blocks.
- Fix – Incorrect stats are displayed in the plugin dashboard for number of emails sent & number of email addresses captured.
- Fix – Preview reminder emails show WooCommerce standard header/footer hook data which is not the same as the actual reminder email.
5.17.0 ( 19.12.2023 )
- Tweak – The reminder email will display taxes based on WooCommerce tax settings.
- Fix – Users with Shop Manager role will now be able to perform admin operations on the plugin page.
- Fix – For non-english sites, when users access the site via reminder email links, they are not redirected to the My Account page.
- Fix – Users are redirected to the Cart page after they login from the My Account page when the settings to auto login users is disabled.
- Fix – Email sent notification is displayed in the cart details popup when all reminders are inactive and no reminder has been sent.
5.16.2 ( 30.11.2023 )
- Fix – Add nonce checks in ajax calls.
- Tweak – Bumped up minimum supported PHP version to match WooCommerce.
5.16.1 ( 21.11.2023 )
- Fix – Fixed some errors from the plugin with PHP 8.1
- Fix – Fixed a vulnerability issue that allows users with lower access to run calls.
- Tweak – Made the confirmation message for coupon deletion available for translation.
5.16.0 ( 05.09.2023 )
- Fix – Coupon merge tags not working when testing email templates.
- Fix – Cross site scripting (XSS) vulnerability.
- Fix – Fixed Compatibility with Kadence WooCommerce Email Designer plugin.
- Fix – Added filters so that the mail tag replacements can be overridden with code, which allows better customization of the mail contents.
- Tweak – Added a new setting to allow the site admin to choose whether a user should be auto logged in when a link in the reminder email is clicked.
5.15.2 ( 21.06.2023 )
- Fix – Fixed an issue where coupons are not being added to test emails.
- Fix – Enhanced encryption key check.
5.15.1 ( 13.06.2023 )
- Fix – Removed backward compatibility for old reminder email links.
5.15.0 ( 06.06.2023 )
- Fix – A fatal error received when clicked on checkout link from webhook.
- Fix – Vulnerability fix for hardcoded encryption key.
- Enhancement – Introduced compatibility with WooCommerce High Performance Order Storage.
5.14.2 ( 23.05.2023 )
- Fix – Customers are receiving abandoned cart emails even after they purchased.
- Fix – An error is displaying on cart page with PHP 8.1.
- Fix – Cross-Site Request Forgery vulnerability in the plugin.
- Tweak – Modified the Action Scheduler setting description to remove references to manual cron jobs. This has been done as the plugin now uses the Action Scheduler library.
5.14.1 ( 28.03.2023 )
- Fix – Added a fix which corrects the notice display for guest tables when the plugin is successful in fixing the table ID.
5.14.0 ( 21.02.2023 )
- Tweak – Added a filter to allow the user to add CSS styles to product table in reminder email.
- Tweak – Added the ability to auto fix the guest cart history table auto_increment ID.
5.13.0 ( 23.08.2022 )
- Tweak – The plugin will now delete carts older than 365 days to ensure performance is not affected.
- Tweak – Added a email type column in email templates database table. This will not result in any frontend changes for reminder email templates.
- Tweak – Added hooks to change the sender and recipient email address for order recovery notifications.
- Tweak – Added a hook to allow the site admin to change the cart recovery URL in reminder emails.
- Tweak – Added hooks to modify the cart table in reminder emails.
- Tweak – Performance improvements have been added in the action scheduler code run every 15 mins.
- Tweak – Added a hook to change the URL the user is redirected to when unsubscribing from reminder emails.
- Tweak – Updated the data tracked and sent from user sites for better data analysis and user behaviour.
- Fix – From email address and user name is taken from WP Settings instead of plugin when WC template style headers are enabled.
- Fix – WP Multisite installation compatibility.
- Fix – An extra was being added to cart recovery links in reminder emails occassionaly.
- Fix – A fatal error was observed on rare occassions on the plugin dashboard.
- Fix – A fatal error was observed on the Product Report tab.
- Fix – Orphan record were being left by the plugin in the options table on uninstalling.
5.12.0 ( 08.02.2022 )
- Enhancement – Introduced 2 new webhooks that allows the admin to send cart abandonment and recovery data to delivery URLs.
- Tweak – Introduced the ability to enable/disable GDPR consent.
- Tweak – Introduced new Pro version features & settings.
- Fix – Fixed compatibility with WP Better Emails plugin.
- Fix – Made the default email template responsive.