Etichetă modul: slug
Remove Taxonomy Base Slug
(23 total aprecieri)This plugin can remove specific taxonomy base slug from your permalinks (e.g. "/genre/fiction/" to "/fiction/").
Admin Slug Column
(30 total aprecieri)Adds a column to admin posts/pages views showing the slug & URL path. Useful when titles are unclear or when many are too similar.
WP Author Slug
(20 total aprecieri)Adăugă un strat de securitate și împiedică afișarea în URL-ul arhivei autorului a numelui de utilizator folosit la autentificare.
SF Author Url Control
(11 total aprecieri)Allows administrators or capable users to change the users profile url.
Automatically Update Permalinks
(5 total aprecieri)Automatically updates the permalink (slug) of a post or page when its title is changed.
Remove Taxonomy Url
(6 total aprecieri)This is a purpose-oriented plugin that simply removes the taxonomy slugs from URL.
German Slugs
(5 total aprecieri)German Slugs properly transliterates umlauts and the letter ß appearing in titles for slugs (i.e. for pretty permalinks).
Slug or PostID
(1 total aprecieri)This plugin uses Slug or PostID for PostName. It is done automatically.
Remove Taxonomy Slug
(1 total aprecieri)Remove taxonomy slugs from URLs for cleaner, SEO-friendly permalinks with simple settings and minimal technical setup.
WP Slug Post Type Custom Language (Polylang)
(7 total aprecieri)Change your internal URLs (Slug) of your custom Post Type to the desired language of the system (Polylang).
WP SEO Redirect 301
(6 total aprecieri)WP-SEO-Redirect-301 is a WordPress plugin that remembers your old urls and redirects users to the updated url, to prevent 404s when urls change
TS Search Slug
(2 total aprecieri)Search for Slug in Admin Post/Page Overview and add Slug Column to Post/Page Overview.
Simple Regenerate Slug
(10 total aprecieri)Get the Simple Regenerate Slug plugin from
Slug as body class
(6 total aprecieri)Add a unique class to the body tag for easy styling of individual pages
Each Domain a Page
(8 total aprecieri)Serves a specific page or post from WordPress depending on the domain used to access your WordPress site.