Etichetă modul: human
Humans TXT
(7 total aprecieri)Menționează oamenii din spatele site-ului tău web în fișierul humans.txt. Ușor de editat, direct în WordPress.
HumanCaptcha by Outerbridge
(16 total aprecieri)HumanCaptcha is a Captcha that uses questions that require human logic to answer them to the WordPress login form, comments form and registration form …
(1 total aprecieri)Provides tags in the editor to enter text in different languages. Readers kann toggle between these languages by using the included switch element.
Human Avatar for Robohash
(0 total aprecieri)Returns a Robohash human avatar (set5) if Gravatar is not available. Additionally, if comment author’s email address is empty, it uses comment author’s name instead.