Etichetă modul: block ip
Login IP & Country Restriction
(47 total aprecieri)Întărește securitatea pe site și luptă împotriva atacurilor clasice ale boțiilor care provin din alte țări, prin interzicerea accesului.
Blacklist Manager – Anti-Fraud / Checkout Verification for WooCommerce
(7 total aprecieri)Easily helps store owners to avoid unwanted customers.
Traffic Jammer
(0 total aprecieri)Safeguard your site from malicious activity and unwanted visitors by effortlessly managing IP blocks through the dashboard or command line ingerface.
AIS: IP Blocker
(0 total aprecieri)Blocks malicious IP Addresses, Spammers and Hackers from accessing page without compromising the performance of your WordPress Website.
IP Guard
(0 total aprecieri)IPGuard is a robust security plugin that empowers administrators to safeguard user accounts by implementing IP address-based lockdowns.