Increase your sales and revenue by providing products bulk discounts for each one. Just set a range of flexible product discounts to motivate users get more items. See more how to use it.
- Bulk discount
Discount ranges can be configured as in products individually as by common profiles as well. - Product’s main sales compatibility
If the product already has a sale price the discount will be applied independently. - Cart and checkout adjustment
Users can always see a discount to be more motivated. - Percentage discount
Set a needed percent to shift the price off. - Profile categories, tags, and products filter
Limit applying discounts by setting such filters. - Periodical prices normalization
Normalize different periods’ prices to the chosen period. - Total price preview
Preview the total price according to the quantity before adding it to the cart. - Show original sale price separately
Splitting sale flash label to original sale flash and additional discount. - Subscription compatibility
Compatible with WooCommerce subscription. - Currency switchers compatibility
Works with the most popular currency switchers. - API to customize your theme
It can be used to create your own discount displays.
Premium features
- Total price condition
Set a total price range to apply the discount. - Different discount algorithms
Customize discount options by using them in a particular order or use the best discount algorithm. - Currency discount
Set a currency value to be subtracted from the total sum. - Profile products’ attributes filter
Limit applying discounts by setting different attributes such as SKU, weight, length, width, height, global attributes, per product attributes, on-sale, and custom fields. - Taking discount value from attributes
Particular discount values can be got from different sources like custom fields or product attributes. - Available discounts table
Showing available discounts table in products. - Displaying the nearest discount
Showing the nearest discount information depends on the current quantity. - No promotions
No promotions of other related plugins. - Support
Personal prioritized support
- WordPress 4.5 or higher.
- WooCommerce 3.2 or higher.
- PHP 5.4 or higher.
- Browser (Google Chrome, Firefox, IE).
- WooCommerce 3.2 or higher.
- WooCommerce Subscriptions 2.2 or higher.
- WooCommerce Multi Currency 2.0.9 or higher.
- WooCommerce Multilingual 4.2 or higher.
- WPC Product Quantity for WooCommerce 1.4 or higher.
- WooCommerce Unit Of Measure 3.0 or higher.
- Qty Increment Buttons for WooCommerce 2.7 or higher.
- Ajax Cart AutoUpdate for WooCommerce 1.5 or higher.
- Discount and regular price cart and checkout page display WooCommerce 1.2 or higher.
Capturi ecran
- Choose the plugin from the WordPress repository, or choose the plugin’s archive file in ‘Upload Plugin’ section in WordPress ‘Plugins\Add New’, or upload and extract the plugin archive to the ‘/wp-content/plugins’ directory manually.
- Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress.
- It will appear in the admin UI as shown in the screenshots.
Contributori și dezvoltatori
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Istoric modificări
- Reflected Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability while restoring settings.
- CSRF checking while settings saving, resetting and importing.
- Deleting old backed up settings.
- Downgrade disabled from full version to extended to prevent it in not fully working sites.
- Security while using ‘echo’.
- Activation can be dropped when multi-language plugins are used.
- Asynchronous tasks execution: internal: Headers are included in response on some servers.
- License cant be deactivated if any error occurs in the process.
- Localization in admin is not loaded under WordPress 6.7 and higher.
- Localization is not loaded under WP 6.5 and higher.
- Localization is unavailable when ‘Loco Translate’ plugin is used.
- Localization is unavailable when ‘Performant Translations’ plugin is used.
- Localization of the product is broken on some sites.
- No ‘Enable auto-updates’ in plugins list if the plugin is up-to-date.
- PHP warning about ‘fopen’ can be produced on some hostings.
- Subscription sign-up fees are not adjusted.
- Total amount can be different that item’s amount multiplied by count.
- Vulnerable to Sensitive Data Exposure while exporting settings.
- Decreasing CPU using while asynchronous tasks execution.
- Direct link to a new plugin version in plugins list.
- Forced overwriting temp files if the existed one is a directory.
- License activation and upgrade to full version.
- License block in base plugin version.
- ‘Upgrade to base plugin version is not supported’ error on some hostings.
- Admin Interface: Elements’ widths are broken if other plugins use the CSS class name „block”.
- Decrypting is not working after changing salts.
- Discounts for variable products are displayed only for the first item in the products’ list.
- Possible warning while theme customization about ‘cannot modify header information’.
- Restoring and importing settings without privileges.
- Support for currency discount per item.
- Wrong formatting of localized text leads to site 500 error.
- Decreasing CPU using while asynchronous tasks execution.
- Limiting log files to 2 MB size and maximum 50 count.
- Discount is applied to subscription renewal.
- Localization is unavailable when ‘Translate Press’ plugin is used.
- Auto-renaming (while activation or upgrading from Base version) plugin’s directory to appended by ‘-ext’ to avoid external wrong overwriting by Base version.
- Updating multiple products via batch request.
- Updating products discounts when Ajax cart is changed.
- Ajax cart showing undiscounted price just after adding.
- Wrong calculation of maximum sale price in variable price range.
- Changing text ‘Already done’ to ‘Dismiss’ in review notification.
- Direct link to download full version in upgrade message.
- On all notifications that requires confirming the close ‘X’ button was removed.
- Plugin’s custom directory name support.
- Settings restoring confirmation.
- Showing discount in prices’ range of variable products.
- Ajax requests could be blocked by another plugins.
- Can’t update plugin from file if its directory is renamed.
- Decrypting is not working after changing salts.
- If discount is less than 2 a sale flash is not shown in variable products.
- If minimum quantity is set 0 then after reloading it becomes 2.
- Inline script appears as text while using with Elementor.
- Plugin’s scripts and styles are loaded incorrectly if WP plugins directory is not under WP root directory.
- Sometimes Ext, Full versions are updated to Base version.
- Sometimes error appears about call to undefined function ‘get_plugins’.
- Sometimes infinite loop in ‘_flt_woocommerce_product_get_price’ filter.
- If EULA is not accepted then showing minimal UI.
- The support button now opens the site page instead of the email client.
- Items list doesn’t work on in the product settings.
- Localization is not reloaded on ‘change_locale’ event.
- The activation panel is not visible if the server is unavailable.
- Import/export of settings.
- Input-output security improvements.
- Minimum WordPress version is 4.5.
- Options: Multisite support.
- Premium update.
- Upgrading from free version to full.
- Admin scripts.
- Mismatched version is always shown as new.
- Sometimes Ext, Full versions are updated to Base version.
- Unable to upgrade Extended and Premium version.
- Update terminates due to timeout on some hosting.
- Updating to full version is not always working.
- Upgrading to preview version trough downloading.
- Russian localization correction.
- Simplification the product icon.
- Attribute’s values sorting.
- Filtering profiles by products’ taxonomies.
- Reading of custom product attributes.
- Saved range values are not displayed in attributes.
New features:
- Discount table: Showing per-item prices.
- Showing multiple nearest discounts.
- Backup previous settings structure.
- Making backups when change .htaccess.
- Not meeting minimum requirements notifications.
- Reset settings.
- Security: sanitizing input parameters.
- ‘Key’ buttons might have background on some themes.
- Broken layout on some themes while nearest discount is active.
- Frontend warnings under WP_DEBUG.
- Getting categories sometimes doesn’t work.
- License block is invisible just after installation if remote configuration is unavailable.
- Output on some sites might be broken.
- PHP 8: Fatal error on plugin initialization (call_user_func).
- PHP Compatibility Checker by WPEngine detects issues with PHP 7.3.
- Separated additional sale flash is not displayed on variable product.
New features:
- Available discounts table.
- Displaying the nearest discount.
- Polylang plugin support.
- Preview of discounts in the product when changing the quantity.
- Taking discount value from attributes.
- Total price preview.
- Adjusting ‘onsale’ label.
- Compartability with WooCommerce Unit Of Measure.
- Displaying discount as sale price.
- Settings: Checking child categories together with the parent.
- Show original sale price separately.
- Compatibility issues with Polylang plugin.
- Frontend plugin queries are not valid for some sites.
- Getting categories sometimes doesn’t work.
- It takes a very long time to get product attributes.
- Script initializations is broken on some sites.
- Settings: ‘Save changes’ button is always in English.
- WooCommerce submenu item sometimes doesn’t appear.
Behavior changes:
- Calculation mode „Best discount” now is in premium version.
New features:
- Amount discount condition.
- Choosing the type of discount: percentage or currency.
- Global profiles.
- Discount list in full width in product settings.
- List items operations animation.
- Storing settings in JSON format to ensure import/export of data.
- Multiple appearing of Change Version warning.
- Separator line is invisible under WordPress 5.2 or higher.
- Decimal support in product count.
- Block’s help button is shifted to right.
- Call to undefined function: wpml_element_type_filter.
New features:
- Normalize subscription periods prices.
- Behavior changes notification warning.
- Cart: Regular price in product’s subtotal doesn’t include sale discount.
- On some systems, script loading fails, resulting in a site loading error.
- Product variations are not adjusted.
- Title update.
- WooCommerce 4.0 support.
- Checkboxes inner select links are now in Combo style.
- Download Preview and Full bundles by current version.
- „Key” link after „Order” button is invalid.
- In rare cases admin UI is blocked.
- In the admin panel, the warning ‘Undefined index’ is shown, if DEBUG mode is enabled.
- Inline comboboxes too short in WP 5.3 or higher.
- PHP 5.4 ‘empty’ operator compatibility.
- Settings are erased when editing not from product’s editor.
- Settings layout is too wide on some themes.
- Unable to upgrade Extended and Premium version.
- Save settings result message is blocked by security plugins.
- Freemium mode.
- Help and documentation.
- Improved list items editor with drag & drop support.
- Localization – Russian.
- Separated post box in product editor.
- Product’s discounts list editor.
- Two algorithms.