This plugin helps you avoid spam submissions from Gravity Forms, Formidable Forms, WPForms, Contact Form 7 and Forminator.
This is the free version and you can set it up to use a blacklist. If the field value contains / same as an item / keyword in the applied blacklist, the form submission will be blocked. It’s easy to use, you just need to create a blacklist, enable settings for the form and apply the blacklist to the form fields. You can set one or more fields to validate. Validation messages can be customized for the form.
The Pro version described here: can also be used as a whitelist, IP address, email or invitation code to validate visitor input. Support for blocking email domains, giving you the option to allow or block submissions instead of always allowing submissions. Supports blocking IP addresses by country or allowing only IP addresses from a certain country.
Short Description
This plugin helps you avoid spam submissions from Gravity Forms, Formidable Forms, WPForms, Contact Form 7 and Forminator. It checks the form field content and block submitting base on your keywords. Blocking IP, Country is only supported in the Pro version.
Capturi ecran
Backend menu Interface of creating blacklist and add items ( keywords ) Plugin setting page to choose the form plugin to be supported Gravity Forms form setting page Apply blacklist to Gravity Forms form field Formidable Forms form setting page Apply blacklist to Formidable Forms form field Blocked when submit form
It’s a standard WordPress plugin and you may install it from WordPress’ plugin Dashboard. After activate the plugin then you can create blacklist or whitelist or ip address list or email list.
Întrebări frecvente
Please visit for documents or support.
Contributori și dezvoltatori
„BSK Forms Blacklist” este un software open-source. La acest modul au contribuit următoarele persoane.
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Istoric modificări
( Pro Version )Added: new capability settings to allow editor, author, contributor and custom roles visit backend settings
Fixed: Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability when delete item( keyword ) and blocked data
Compatible with Gravity Forms 2.9.x
Compatible with Formidable Forms 6.16.x
Compatible with WPForms 1.9.2.x
Compatible with Contact Form 7 6.0.x
Compatible with Forminator 1.37.x
Compatible with WordPress 6.7.1
( Pro Version )Added: support Block IP ranges such as 97.157.155.*, 97.157.*, 97.*
( Pro Version )Added: new tag [ITEM_VALUE] to show blocked item( keyword ) in validation message.
( Pro Version )Fixed: the issue of cannot block word with symbols.
( Pro Version )Fixed: remove the html error message when add IP list
Fixed: a Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in backend.
Compatible with Gravity Forms 2.8.17
Compatible with Formidable Forms 6.14
Compatible with WPForms
Compatible with Forminator 1.35.0
Compatible with Contact Form 7 5.9.8
Compatible with WordPress 6.6.2
Fixed: vulnerability of Cross Site Scripting (XSS).
Compatible with WordPress 6.6
Added: support using different validation message for invalid code and used code for invitation list ( pro )
Added: sorting item by ID, Extra.
Added: warning message when activate plugin
Fixed: warnings under PHP 8.2
Compatible with Gravity Forms 2.8.8
Compatible with Formidable Forms 6.9
Compatible with WPForms
Compatible with Forminator 1.29.3
Compatible with Contact Form 7 5.9.3
Compatible with WordPress 6.5.2
Fixed: vulnerability that allows administrators to run Cross-Site Scripting attacks
Fixed: warning message on Forminator blacklist setting page
Fixed: error message cannot be located to related Forminator form field
Compatible with Gravity Forms 2.7.17
Compatible with Formidable Forms 6.5.4
Compatible with WP Forms
Compatible with Forminator 1.28.0
Compatible with Contact Form 7 5.8.3
Compatible with WordPress 6.4.1
Fixed: vulnerability in SQL on blakclist / white list / Email list / IP list / invitation code list page
Compatible with Gravity Forms 2.7.4
Compatible with Formidable Forms 6.2.3
Compatible with WP Forms
Compatible with Forminator 1.23.3
Compatible with Contact Form 7
Compatible with WordPress 6.2
Fixed: the bug of skipping validation when html / hidden field exist in form in Formidable
Compatible with WordPress 6.1.1
Updated: still display blocked data if the related list / item is deleted
Updated: improve backend interface
Compatible with WordPress 6.0.2
Added: Supporting Forminator
Added: special tags for item / keyword
Updated: improve the interface of WPForms field mapping page
Updated: display entry ID / link in blocked form data list
Fixed: PHP warning message on Formidable Forms setting page
Compatible with WordPress 6.0
Added: Supporting Contact Form 7
Added: Hits count for whitelist items
Fixed: Invalid URL on Formidable Forms setting page and Gravity Forms setting page
Fixed: Invalid entry url on blocked data interface
Fixed: PHP error when save blocked data if only Formidable Forms or WPForms installed
Fixed: wrong confirmation page for Formidable Forms
Fixed: missing database table field
Fixed: PHP warning message
Compatible with WordPress 5.9.3
Compatible with all form plugin’s latest version
Added: invitation code list
Fixed: some codes cause JavaScript error if WPForms not activated
Fixed: the hit count for item cannot be shown
Fixed: typo
Compatible with WordPress 5.8.2
Compatible with Gravity Forms 2.5.15
Compatible with Formidable Forms 5.0.13 and Formidable Forms Pro 5.0.13
Compatible with WPForms Lite and WPForms ( pro ) 1.6.9
Support WPForms
Fixed the trouble of new notification cannot be listed out on form setting page in Gravity Forms 2.5.7
Compatible with WordPress 5.8
Fixed the trouble of cannot apply list on Gravity Forms 2.5.x
Remove PHP waring when Contact Form 7 installed
Compatible with Formidable Forms 4.11 version
Compatible with WordPress’ latest version
Supports Formidable forms.
Improved backend interface.
Support duplicate keywords / items checking when import from CSV.
Support clear all keywords / items in a list.
Fixed the bug of IP Geolocation API Server doesn’t work when choose to
Compatible with WordPress 5.7.1
Support fields with conditional logic enabled.
Fixed the bug of validation message cannot be shown for IP list.
Fixed the issue of default settings not work for new form.
Fixed the error of duplicated setting fields displayed for advanced fields.
Compatible with WordPress 5.5.3
Divide the old plugin to two plugins and this one only include blacklist, whitelist, Email list and IP list
Support go to specific Gravity Forms confirmation when keyword hit
Support notifying administrators( emails ) when keyword hit
Support form more option on Gravity Forms setting page
Fixed the bug of validation message cannot be overwritten for field
Compatible with Gravity Forms coming 2.5 version
Compatible with WordPress 5.5
Add the feature of supporting block / whitelist by country in IP list.
Fixed the bug of block message not right for Name, Address, Checkbox, Radio and Time field.
Fixed the bug of some IP can not be inserted.
Fixed the bug of always block submission even the list removed in some case.
Compatible with WordPress 5.4.1.
Adjust menu function to improve backend interface
Add new feature of saving blocked entry and view blocked entries
Add setting page to switch the new saving blocked entry feature
Fixed a PHP warning when add custom validation list
Compatible with WordPress 5.4
Fixed the bug of wrong active menu after delete item for IP list
Backend interface improving
Improve item( keyword ) match algorithm
Support enhanced checking for multiple words item such as: i-n-ve-s-t opportunity
Support check ANY or ALL item(s) in a list for Blacklist and White list
Block full IP ranges, for example: 45.91.94.* and –
Compatible with WordPress 5.3
Add hits counter for keywords
Compatible with WordPress 5.2.4
Support skip specific notification
Compatible with WordPress 5.2.2
Support for new free version
Fix typo
Update links
Fix PHP warning
Support IP list, custom validation
Support defining validation message for form
Support defining validation message for field
Move apply field to field editing page
Enhanced keyword checking, now k_e_w_o_r_d is taken as keyword
Improve admin interface
Compatible with PHP 7
Compatible with WordPress 5.2.1
Fix small bug
Add screen option to set lists / items per page
Improve admin interface
Compatible with WordPress 4.9.7
Compatible with Gravity Forms 2.3
Fix activation error on some hosting
Remove PHP warnings
Compatible with WordPress 4.9.6
Fixed to use on instead of deprecated function live
Improve to compatible with Pro version 2.0
Improve to compatible with WordPress 4.9.4
- First version.