Papers by Chalermpon Yuangklang
Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances

Animals, 2021
The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of the fungal treatment (Pleurotus ostre... more The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of the fungal treatment (Pleurotus ostreatus) of urea-treated rice stubble on growth performance in slow-growing goats. Eighteen crossbred Thai-native x Anglo-Nubian male goats (average body weight: 20.4 ± 2.0 kg) were randomly assigned to three experimental total mixed rations containing 35% rice stubble (RS) that were either untreated (URS), urea treated (UTRS), or treated with urea and fungi (UFTRS). URS and UTRS were cultivated and harvested from an aseptically fungal spawn, incubated at 25–30 °C for 25 days. Indicators of growth performance were monitored, and feces were collected quantitatively to assess nutrient digestibility, during a 12-week feeding trial. All goats remained healthy throughout the experiment. The goats fed UFTRS had a lower feed conversion ratio (kg feed/kg growth) compared to goats fed URS or UTRS. Compared to URS, dietary UFTRS increased the nutrient digestibility of slow-growing goats, such as orga...

农业科学与技术 a, 2011
Eight goats of 7-8 months old and an average body weight (BW) of 20 ± 5.0 kg were used in double ... more Eight goats of 7-8 months old and an average body weight (BW) of 20 ± 5.0 kg were used in double 4 × 4 Latin square design. The treatments were the four levels of leucaena meal replacement for soybean meal in concentrates at 0%, 25%, 50% and 75% of crude protein. The results showed that roughage intake (% BW and g/kgBW^(0.75)) increased linearly (P < 0.01) with increasing levels of leucaena meal while total feed intake was not significantly different among dietary treatments. Similarly, dry matter, organic matter, neutral detergent fiber digestibility and ruminal ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) were not significantly different among dietary treatments. However, crude protein digestibility, ruminal pH (6 hr after feeding), nitrogen (N) intake, N absorption, N retention and total volatile fatty acids increased quadratically (P < 0.01) with the increasing levels of leucaena meals. It could be concluded that leucaena meal could replace up to 50% of soybean meal in the diet without any negative effect on feed intake, nutrient digestibility and rumen fermentation of meat goats.

American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences, 2011
Problem statement: The feeding of curcumin to beef cattle has been shown to increase nitrogen ret... more Problem statement: The feeding of curcumin to beef cattle has been shown to increase nitrogen retention and decrease the apparent digestibility of acid detergent fiber in beef cattle. It was suggested that there could be interactions between the effects of curcumin and the composition of the ration. Approach: In this study with beef cattle, concentrates without or with curcumin and low or high level of leucaena leaves were fed to assess the possible interactive effects. Apparent macronutrient digestibility and nitrogen balance were measured. Results: When the ration was curcumin free, an increase in the intake of leucaena leaf meal raised the group mean of apparent digestibility of dry matter, organic matter, crude fat, neutral and acid detergent fiber, but the opposite effect was seen for the curcumin-containing rations. Nitrogen retention was raised by extra intake of leucaena leaf meal, but only when the ration did not contain curcumin. The feeding of curcumin intake elevated nitrogen retention, the effect being greater for the ration with low content of leucaena. Conclusion: This study confirms that curcumin feeding has a stimulatory effect on nitrogen retention in beef cattle. The composition of the ration may determine the magnitude of the inhibitory effect of curcumin on the digestibility of acid detergent fiber.

Animal Feed Science and Technology, 2017
Seaweeds have potentials as alternative feed for ruminants, but there is a limited knowledge on t... more Seaweeds have potentials as alternative feed for ruminants, but there is a limited knowledge on their nutritive value. Seven seaweed species collected along the coast above the Arctic circle of Norway, both in spring and autumn, were assessed for nutrients and total polyphenols (TEP) content, gas production kinetics and in vitro rumen fermentation in batch cultures of ruminal microorganisms. The seaweeds were three red species {Mastocarpus stellatus, Palmaria palmata and Porphyra sp.), three brown species {Alaria esculenta, Laminaria digitata and Pelvetia canaliculata) and one green species {Acrosiphonia sp.). Additionally, the abundance and diversity of total bacteria, protozoa and archaea in the cultures with the three red seaweeds collected in spring were analyzed by quantitative PCR and PCR-DGGE, respectively. The crude protein (CP) content varied widely. Pelvetia had the greatest {P < 0.001) ether extract (EE) content. Nonstructural carbohydrates (NSC) content varied from 135 to 541 gAg DM with brown seaweeds having the greatest values. Ash and CP contents were higher in spring than in autumn (P = 0.020 and 0.003, respectively), whereas concentrations of EE and NSC were not affected by collecting season (P = 0.208-0.341). The TEP values ranged from 1.46 to 50.3 mg/g dry matter (DM), and differed (P < 0.001) among seaweed species and collecting season, being greater in autumn than in spring. The DM effective degradability (DMED), estimated from gas production parameters for a rumen passage rate of 3.0% per h, ranged from 424 to 652 gAg, the highest values were recorded for Mastocarpus stellatus and Porphyra sp. The lowest DMED values were registered for Pelvetia canaliculata and Acrosiphonia sp. In 24-h incubations (500 mg DM), Palmaria palmata had the highest (P < 0.05) volatile fatty acids (VFA) and methane production (4.34 and 0.761 mmol, respectively) and the lowest {P < 0.05) final pH values and acetate to propionate ratios (6.57 and 2.34, respectively). There were no differences (P > 0.05) among the other seaweeds in VFA production, but Porphyra sp. had the second highest methane production (P < 0.05; 0.491 mmol) compared with the other seaweeds (0.361 mmol; averaged value). The methane/total VFA ratio was not affected (P > 0.05) by either seaweed species or the collection season. Higher final pH (P < 0.05) and lower {P < 0.05) methane and VFA production, ammonia-N concentrations and DMED values were promoted by the fermentation of seaweed Abbreviations: AGPR, average gas production rate; CP, crude protein; DM, dry matter; DMED, DM effective degradability; DMD, 72 72DM degradability after 72 h of incubation; EE, ether extract; NDF, neutral detergent fibre; NSC, non-structural carbohydrates; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; PCR-DGGE, PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis; qPCR, quantitative PCR; TEP, total extractable polyphenols; TDMD 72 , True DMD 72 ; VFA, volatile fatty acids collected in autumn compared with those from spring. Among the red seaweeds, there were no species-specific differences (P > 0.05) in the abundance or the diversity of total bacteria, protozoa and archaea. In the PCR-DGGE analysis, samples were separated by the incubation run for all microbial populations analyzed, but not by seaweed species. The results indicate that seaweed species differ markedly in their in vitro rumen degradation, and that samples collected in autumn had lower rumen degradability than those collected in spring.

This research was to investigate the effect of supplemental trace element (GT1000) on feed intake... more This research was to investigate the effect of supplemental trace element (GT1000) on feed intake, end product from rumen fermentation and economical return in crossbred Holstein-Friesian bulls. Twelve bulls were assigned to Completely Randomized Design (CRD). There were two groups; group 1 = added trace element and group 2 = control. Animals were fed total mixed ration ad libitum. The experimental period was lasted for 134 days; 14 days for acclimation to diets and 120 days for experimental period. At the end of the experiment, it was found that total mixed ration intakes when 1 สถาบนวจยและฝกอบรมการเกษตรสกลนคร มหาวทยาลยเทคโนโลยราชมงคลอสาน อ.พงโคน จ. สกลนคร 47160 Sakon Nakhon Agricultural Research and Training Center, Rajamangala University of Technology Isan, Phangkhon, Sakon Nakhon, 47160 expressed as kgDM/d and %BW were 6.32 and 6.38 kgDM/d and 2.78 and 2.53%BW in control group and added trace element group, respectively (P>0.05). Digestion coefficient of crude protein and as...

Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology: B, 2011
This study was aimed to determine the effects of dried black cumin and tamarind supplementation o... more This study was aimed to determine the effects of dried black cumin and tamarind supplementation on egg performance and lipids concentration in egg yolk of layer hens. Sixty laying hens at the age of 18-34 weeks were divided into 4 treatments (control, 1% black cumin, 4% tamarind and 1% black cumin + 4% tamarin in diets) with 4 replications each (15 birds/replication). The experimental treatments were subjected to completely randomized design. Feed and drinking water were provided ad-libitum. 16 h per day for lighting program during experimental period. The results found that feed efficiency ratio, egg production and egg weight were no significant between treatments. However, average daily feed intake was highest in 4% tamarind and 1% black cumin + 4% tamarin in diets. Egg yolk color score, yolk index, white index and shell tickness were no significantly different. However, haugh unit was lowest in control group. Egg yolk lipids concentration was founded that black cumin and tamarind...

Four permanently rumen fistulated beef heifers, average 2.4 years old and initial BW 275 + 9 kg, ... more Four permanently rumen fistulated beef heifers, average 2.4 years old and initial BW 275 + 9 kg, were assigned into a 4 x4 Latin square design to investigate the effect of dried tomato pomace utilization on feed intake, rumen fermentation and blood metabolites. Treatments were; A = ureatreated rice straw (UTS) (100%), B = UTS to dried tomato pomace (DTP) 70:30; C =UTS to DTP 30:70 1 สถาบันวิจัยและฝกอบรมการเกษตรสกลนคร สถาบันเทคโนโลยีราชมงคล อ.พังโคน จ. สกลนคร 47160 Sakon Nakhon Agricultural Research and Training Center, Rajamangala University of Technology Isan, Sakon Nakhon Campus, Phangkhon, Sakon Nakhon 47160 Thailand and D = DTP 100%. The experimental period lasted 96 days. There was 4 experimental period which each period lasted 21 days; 14 days for intake determination and the last 7 days for sample collection. There was 12 days for adjusted period. At the end of experiment found that voluntary feed intake expressed as kgDM/d, %BW and g/kgBW0.75 were 4.87, 8.27, 8.31 and 7.22 ...

Research Opinions in Animal & Veterinary Sciences, 2014
We have earlier shown that sun dried, ground, non-heated cassava chips are highly digestible in g... more We have earlier shown that sun dried, ground, non-heated cassava chips are highly digestible in growing pigs. In this study, we tested the possibility that sun dried cassava meal would also be well digested by dogs. Twelve adult dogs were subjected to a 3×3 Latin square design with three experimental diets and three periods (three weeks each). The control diet was a homogenized, commercial, extruded diet that was pelleted at environmental temperature. The two test diets were made in the same manner, but after grinding, the commercial diet was blended with either 10 or 30% of sundried, non-heated cassava meal. The diets were well accepted by the dogs. The inclusion of cassava in the diet did not affect the amount and water content of faeces, but it significantly elevated the faecal score in a dosedependent fashion. The faecal score for the 30% cassava diet was equivalent to diarrhoea. It was suggested that the feeding high amounts of non-heated cassava lowers water binding of faecal ...

Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 2020
Objective: Supplemental nitrate is known to be an effective tool to mitigate methane emission by ... more Objective: Supplemental nitrate is known to be an effective tool to mitigate methane emission by ruminants. Based on theoretical considerations, supplemental nitrate can improve but also deteriorate the growth performance. The overall effect of supplemental nitrate on growth performance, however, is not yet known. The objective of the current study was therefore to evaluate the effect of a higher dose of NO3– on overall growth performance when feeding either Pangola grass hay or rice straw.Methods: Thirty-two crossbred, 3-month-old Thai native×Anglo-Nubian crossbred male goats were used. The experiment had a 2×2 factorial design with an experimental period of 60 days. Eight goats were randomly allocated to each dietary treatment, i.e. a ration containing either Pangola hay (Digitaria eriantha Steud) or rice straw (Oryza Sativa) as a source of roughage, supplemented with a concentrate containing either 3.2% or 4.8% potassium nitrate. The rations were formulated to be isonitrogenous. ...
Journal of Mahanakorn Veterinary Medicine, 2010
Journal of Mahanakorn Veterinary Medicine, 2016

The effect of cassava root ensiled with cassava top or legumes on voluntary feed intake and milk ... more The effect of cassava root ensiled with cassava top or legumes on voluntary feed intake and milk production were determined in 12 dairy cows using a 4×3 change-over design. Experimental period were 30 days long and consisted of 14 days of adaptation. Silage was prepared from cassava root mixed with cassava top or legumes at ratio 60:40. Cows were allotted at random to receive ad libitum one of four rations: T1) control, T2) cassava root +cassava top-silages, T3) cassava root +hamata - silages and T4) cassava root +Thapra stylo-silages. The dry matter intake (BW0.75) was higher (P< 0.05) in cow fed with silages diets compared with T1. However, the intake of T2 was higher among treatments. Milk production was lowest in cow fed with T1. Among silages based diets, milk production was not significantly different but 4%FCM was higher in cow fed T2. Milk compositions were not affected by feeding diets. It is concluded that feeding cassava root ensiled with its leaves as a supplement inc...
Papers by Chalermpon Yuangklang