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This paper presents initial work on the Circus Oz Living Archive, an interdisciplinary research project funded by the ARC through, in the first instance, a successful LIEF grant (as part of the larger AusStage Phase 4: Harnessing... more
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    • Digital Humanities
This paper examines, in the context of the creative practice of writing a ‘negotiated memoir’, the strategy of Roland Barthes, who in his final lecture series (1978-80) at the College de France (Barthes 2011) travelled step by step... more
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      Creative WritingRoland BarthesMemoir and AutobiographyMemoir Writing
How does the ‘claim to truth’ of narrative nonfiction affect the way it is read, in a way that marks it out from fiction? What is the nature of the encounter with the real promised by narrative nonfiction, and how can this be viewed as an... more
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      Creative WritingCreative NonfictionLiterary Nonfiction
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      Non Fiction WritingEthicsMemoir and AutobiographyNonfiction
In this paper I analyse the textual strategies employed in Ross Gibson and Kate Richards's interactive database narrative project Life after Wartime (2002), which I argue generates a form of narrative that embodies a ‘poetics of... more
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      NarrativeDigital MediaDigital Archives
This essay seeks to explore the tensions in the paradoxical location of ‘non-fiction’ — or the de-hyphenated ‘nonfiction’, as we prefer — as a literary/artistic category, one that is built upon a negation. The opposition set up in the... more
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      Creative NonfictionNonfiction WritingLiterary Nonfiction
Designing a 'living archive' that will enable new forms of circus performance to be realised is a complex and dynamic challenge. This paper discusses the methods and approaches used by the research team in the design of the Circus Oz... more
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      CollaborationDesign ResearchDigital Archives
Drawing on contemporary transition pedagogy, this paper provides a case study of a suite of transition activities piloted by The Belonging Project in collaboration with a creatively oriented academic program in the School of Media and... more
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      EducationCurriculum DesignDiversityHigher Education
Drawing on contemporary transition pedagogy, this paper provides a case study of a suite of transition activities piloted by The Belonging Project in collaboration with a creatively oriented academic program in the School of Media and... more
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      First Year ExperienceAcademic LiteraciesBelongingSense of belonging
This paper presents some preliminary findings from The Belonging Project – a longitudinal learning and teaching research project seeking to develop and define a new approach to student engagement. In this project, the concept of... more
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      Student EngagementSense of belongingStudent TransitionBelonging and Citizenship
This paper presents some preliminary findings from The Belonging Project – a longitudinal learning and teaching research project seeking to develop and define a new approach to student engagement. In this project, the concept of belonging... more
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      First Year ExperienceBelonging
Drawing on contemporary transition pedagogy, this paper provides a case study of a suite of transition activities piloted by The Belonging Project in collaboration with a creatively oriented academic program in the School of Media and... more
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    • Creative Industries
Abstract: In a fluid and rapidly changing media landscape, today’s screen production students more than ever require skills in ‘critical practice’ to enable them to play leading roles in tomorrow’s screen culture and industries. It is... more
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      Film AnalysisCritical PedagogyCreative Practice
A couple sit, pace the floor, or make love on the disheveled bed. She leaves in a car, driving beyond the future. He arrives from the past, and can only stay half an hour. In Motel, three short films explore the spaces of an anonymous... more
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      ScreenwritingReflective PracticeCollaborationInterior Design
This paper discusses interior as a concept used as a motivating principal in a collaborative work between three filmmakers and two interior designers. It will describe and critique the film based operations and processes used by the... more
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      Reflective PracticeCollaborationInterior DesignFilm Production
How might film-makers and designers from other fields collaborate to create new ways to develop screen works? What new forms of ‘script’ might be designed, and to what purpose? How might such ‘writing by design’ make a tangible difference... more
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      ScreenwritingFilm Theory and PracticeCollaborationFilm Production
This paper discusses interior as a concept used as a motivating principal in a collaborative work between filmmakers and interior designers. This raised work substantial questions in relation to the role of ‘interior’ within each of the... more
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    • Interior
The Belonging Project is a four-year pilot project to investigate, design and trial an integrated program and school-based approach to enhancing the RMIT undergraduate cohort experience. In the Belonging Project narrative model (the... more
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      First Year ExperienceLearning And Teaching In Higher EducationSense of belonging
In this report detailing Phase Three Focus on the Interdisciplinary Experience (2013) we discuss the rationale for interdisciplinary learning within the broader context, how we have mapped and modelled interdisciplinary practice within... more
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      InterdisciplinarityLearning And Teaching In Higher EducationSense of belonging
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      Performing ArtsPublishingPerformanceAcademic research