RMIT University
Architecture and Design
Allographic Drawing explores the agency of coding in architectural design processes and its impact on architectural drawing and the allocation of authorship. The paper uses drawing as a lens to look at coding in architectural practice and... more
The emergence of the technosphere, a planetary accidental megastructure comprised of networked emerging technologies, leads to novel ways of seeing and understanding our environments. The paper questions the impact of these new visual... more
This paper questions whether physical and digital models can be seen as models for rather than models of architecture. Stressing the mediated nature of the design process, it questions the role models play in the early stage of... more
This paper looks into coding as a creative practice within architecture, more specifically into textual and graphical coding as a practitioner during the design process. It argues that coding is not a mere tool for designing but a... more
The environments in which we operate as architects are increasingly saturated with digital technologies: global communication and transportation technologies, internet-of-things, mobile devices, increased satellite coverage, locationbased... more
My research investigates agency of computation and digital fabrication and its influence on the making and materiality in architecture and design. Recent developments in the computation and digital fabrication have made these techno
Recently, the notion of platforms has taken on different meanings through the increasing digitization of many areas within society: from production and commerce, over media, science, culture and politics. Field Station will present their... more
The environment is increasingly saturated with digital technologies: internet-of-things, global communication and transportation technologies, mobile devices, increased satellite coverage, location based services, ubiquitous computing…... more
The environments in which we operate as architects are increasingly saturated with digital technologies: internet-of-things, global communication and transportation technologies, mobile devices, increased satellite coverage,... more
The ongoing research project Citography explores the impact of technologies such as image sharing, social media, mobile devices, geolocation, surveying, computer vision and data visualisation on our understanding, mapping and design of... more
Truly Unruly is an workshop within the Digital Stereotomy design studio exploring ruled surfaces through robotic hotwire cutting.status: publishe
This paper discusses how the tension between arts and science inherent in the discipline of architecture, can be traced in architectural representations, which are not neutral but actively contribute to the design process, ranging from... more
The problem with consensus: the contested terrain of sustainability in a university setting.
- by Judy Rogers
This paper is concerned with the way in which the ideal of the 'sustainable city' is currently spoken and written about in Australia. Using the 2003-2005 Australian Federal Government's House of Representatives Standing Committee on... more
In this paper we draw on our experience of teaching in an undergraduate landscape architecture design studio that aimed to test ways in which sustainability could be incorporated into design teaching. In the studio we pursued an approach... more
This paper discusses the outcome of a collaborative design studio that aimed to investigate climate adaptation strategies for ten Bayside municipalities in Melbourne, Australia. The studio was part of a larger, 3-phase project titled Bay... more
In this paper we draw on our experience of teaching in an undergraduate landscape architecture design studio that aimed to test ways in which sustainability could be incorporated into design teaching. In the studio we pursued an approach... more
- by Judy Rogers