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A Tér és Társadalom új szerkesztősége 2011-től vette át a szerkesztési munkákat. Az elmúlt egy év tapasztalatai alapján a folyóiratot tág szakmai kör forgatja, a Tér és Társadalom a hazai regionális tudomány legfontosabb fóruma, de... more
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The paper examines regional development differences in Hungary from several aspects and with more methods. It places Hungary in the world-wide and European development area, describing definite regional differentiation, typical of the... more
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The political and economic changes came about on the turn of the 1980s and 90s formed a new spatial structure in Central-Europe, and after fifteen years it seems to become stable. We already know the formation of the regional disparities... more
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The paper investigates the basic issues of the application of potential model. Within the framework of that, the author makes an attempt to review some of the essential problems of the model’s functional principles and theoretical... more
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In the course of describing regional aspects of social and economic state of development, and exploring its disparities, we can often formulate the question, what forms the spatial characteristics of these phenomenons. When we look for... more
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Education is one of the most important elements of social development and the way of regional disparities of opportunities. Inequalities in erudition have decreased a lot in the last decades in Hungary, as we considerthe lower levels of... more
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In the course of describing regional aspects of social and economic state of development, and exploring its disparities we can look for dimensions which form spatial characteristics of these phenomena. Relative location as a factor of... more
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Issues of spatial inequalities are not just particular and partial questions of regional policy and spatial development. Reflecting on recent or bygone events and development efforts in Hungary, we can see how the aim and idea of the... more
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2009. október 7. és 9. között harmadik alkalommal került megrendezésre a Közép-Európai Regionális Tudományi Konferencia (CERS -Central European Conference in Regional Science). A kétévente megszervezett eseménynek Szlovákia ad otthont,... more
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A Tér és Társadalom új szerkesztősége 2011-től vette át a szerkesztési munkákat. Az elmúlt egy év tapasztalatai alapján a folyóiratot tág szakmai kör forgatja, a Tér és Társadalom a hazai regionális tudomány legfontosabb fóruma, de... more
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In this study I make an attempt to map the economic and population forcefield of Central Europe with the application of the potential model. Accordingly I analyse the effect of the western part of the area on East-Central Europe in a... more
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The effect of borders can have important impact on the possibilities of spatial development. Many theoretical, methodological and empirical questions can arise about the investigation of this phenomenon and about the... more
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A budapesti barnamezős -rozsdaövezeti -területek vizsgálata gazdag múltra tekint vissza, számos szerző és kutatócsoport foglalkozott a problematikával . Jelen kutatásunk egy 2002-es átfogó vizsgálat eredményeire épült, amely az évezred... more
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