Rajarata University of Sri Lanka
Social Sciences
Steps to green world 1st academic seminar series In Rajarata Univerity of Sri Lanka, Social sciences and Humanity
Механіко-технологічний факультет Кафедра кібербезпеки та програмного забезпечення Програмування вбудованих систем Методичні вказівки до виконання лабораторних робіт для студентів денної та заочної форми навчання за спеціальністю 123... more
A tsunami is a natural coastal hazard generated in the deep ocean as a result of an earthquake, volcanic activity, submarine landslide or meteoritic impact. The 26 December 2004 earthquake off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia... more
This study describes a case study involving the use of bioengineering and rock structures to restore an eroded bank of the Deduru Oya, and restoration of ecological amenities that existed prior to disturbances by man and a major flood... more
Cities play an important role in climate change mitigation and adaptation and enhancing climate resilience of their slum and vulnerable residents. Climate change adds to existing challenges faced by cities. Climate change, together with a... more
Green cover removal is a crucial factor in urbanization scenario. These changes can be clearly observed and estimated by using Geographic Information System (GIS) technologies and satellite images. The Normalized Difference Vegetation... more
Spatial variation of rainfall over Sri Lanka is not uniform due to topography and terrain. Higher resolution measurements of rainfall data are available only confined to the southwest quarter while over other parts these are of coarse... more
One of the major impacts associated with unplanned rapid urban growth is the decrease of urban vegetation, which is often replaced with impervious surfaces such as buildings, parking lots, roads, and pavements. Consequently, as the... more
The horizontal two-dimensional (2D) urban land use approach is not sufficient to trace rapid changes in urban environment. Hence, a three-dimensional (3D) approach that is different from the traditional geographical method is necessary to... more