My area of specialization focuses on the intersection between technology, conflict, Artificial Intelligence and surveillance. Combining media studies, International Relations theories, film studies, data studies, and technologies studies, I am interested in the various feedback loops between media, technology, conflict, and popular culture. Currently, I am a principal investigator in two research projects on various aspects of artificial intelligence. The first involves the cross-cultural issues and ethics of affective computing otherwise known as Emotional AI. The second project concerns the impact of computational policing on law enforcement, criminality, and pre-crime society. I am the founder of ethikal.ai, a research lab devoted to the development of human-centric artificial intelligence. I am also the co-founder of theVisionMachine.com, a multi-platform project dedicated to issues surrounding war, peace, and media. Some of my more practical research tools include photography, filmmaking, graphic arts, and game design. In my previous (non-academic) life, I worked as a deckhand in the merchant marine, war photographer (mainly Burma), independent filmmaker, photographer, art and film curator, and creative advertising director. My hobbies are gaming, wine/whisk(e)y, and collecting vintage Bruce Lee and Karl Marx t-shirts.
Supervisors: Nikos Panagiotou and Christos A. Frangonikolopoulos
Address: 1-1 Jumonjibaru
Beppu, Oita
Supervisors: Nikos Panagiotou and Christos A. Frangonikolopoulos
Address: 1-1 Jumonjibaru
Beppu, Oita
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Videos by Peter MANTELLO
Virality, Contagion and Public Discourse. by Peter MANTELLO
long line of video games that immerse the player in a fantasy world. Although the MS video game was once regarded as excessively violent, it has now become socially acceptable, as the virtues of military life have become incorporate in popular culture. That transition has taken place in part because the military has begun to work closely with the producers of MS video games, such as the “Call of Duty” series, to imagine and prepare for future military threats, both on virtual battlefields and on actual terrain. The increasing use of highly paid corporate mercenaries in actual war zones has also influenced game play by introducing players to the potential for large financial rewards by becoming experts in virtual combat. Thus, MS video games incorporate players not only into the technological domain of modern warfare but also into the economic domain of fighting war for profit. In the post 9/11 era, warfare has increasingly become a strategy of risk management, in which the battlefield is less a physical space than a semiotic landscape of conflicting loyalties and financial incentives. The MS shooter game is conditioning the soldiers of the future to fight in this shadowy world that lies between the virtual and the real. All of these changes have political ramifications. In the long run, constant exposure to these games is creating a subculture that is not only immersed in an armament culture but also increasingly allied with current patterns of geo-political domination and subordination.
Films by Peter MANTELLO
Talks by Peter MANTELLO
long line of video games that immerse the player in a fantasy world. Although the MS video game was once regarded as excessively violent, it has now become socially acceptable, as the virtues of military life have become incorporate in popular culture. That transition has taken place in part because the military has begun to work closely with the producers of MS video games, such as the “Call of Duty” series, to imagine and prepare for future military threats, both on virtual battlefields and on actual terrain. The increasing use of highly paid corporate mercenaries in actual war zones has also influenced game play by introducing players to the potential for large financial rewards by becoming experts in virtual combat. Thus, MS video games incorporate players not only into the technological domain of modern warfare but also into the economic domain of fighting war for profit. In the post 9/11 era, warfare has increasingly become a strategy of risk management, in which the battlefield is less a physical space than a semiotic landscape of conflicting loyalties and financial incentives. The MS shooter game is conditioning the soldiers of the future to fight in this shadowy world that lies between the virtual and the real. All of these changes have political ramifications. In the long run, constant exposure to these games is creating a subculture that is not only immersed in an armament culture but also increasingly allied with current patterns of geo-political domination and subordination.
Ritsumeikan University Internal Grant 2015
Blogs, Bandwidths and Terror 320,000 yen
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University – Travel Grant 2014-2015
Japan Society for the Promotion in Science (Grant in Aid), Challenge Exploratory Grant 2014-2017 Media, Connectivity and Consumption 3.8 million yen
The Aesthetic of Absence: CBC Radio's Afghanada, Individual Research Grant. 320,000 yen 2013-2014
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University – Internal Research Grant 2013-2014 Media, Connectivity and Consumption Individual Research Project. 1 million yen
Japan Society for the Promotion in Science (Grant in Aid), Challenge Exploratory Grant 2010-2012
Disneylands of War, Individual Research Project. 2.9 million yen
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University – Conference Subsidy Grant 19.01.11 - 21.01.11
War 2.0 International Symposium on Political Violence and New Media. 500,000 yen
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University – Internal Research Grant 2011-2012
Battleship Yamato and Popular Culture, Joint Research Grant. 1.5 million yen
Foundation for International Dialogue of the Savings Bank of Bonn (SSB), 2008
This grant was awarded by SBB for the Child Soldiers photo exhibition and catalog. 10,000 EUR.
External Affairs Canada, Embassy of Canada, Tokyo, Japan Curator’s Award 2007
This was a curator award for production costs associated with the creation of Mondo Loco – Bande De Cine du Quebec at the Franco-Japanaise Institute in Yokohama. $3,000.
External Affairs Canada, Embassy of Canada, Bangkok, Curator’s Award 2004
Cinemania – Exhibition Quebecoise Video & Film – Bangkok, Thailand
This was a curator award for production costs associated with the creation of Mondo Loco – Beppu at the Franco-Japanaise Institute in Yokohama. $3,000.
Canada Arts Council, Senior Media Artist Award 2003
This award was for the production costs towards Pleasure By Number. $60,000.
Conseil Des Arts et Des Lettres Du Quebec, Senior Media Artist Award 2003
This award was for the pre-production costs towards Pleasure By Number. $18,000.
National Film Board, Script Investigate and Research Award, 2000
This award was given for a research investigation in order to write an hour long scripted about comic book artists. $5,000.
External Affairs Canada, Embassy of Canada, , Manila, Kula Lumpur, Bangkok, Singapore, Curator’s Award 2000 Cinemania – Exhibition Quebecoise Video & Film (March 2000)
This was a curator award for production costs associated with the creation of Cinema – Exhibition of Quebecoise Video & Film. $25,000.
Canada Arts Council, Travel Award, Czech Republic, 1999
This award was to cover travel and accomodation for attendance and competition of SHORTwave, LONGgoodbye at BRNO 16 International Short Film Festival. $1,000.
Conseil Des Arts et Des Lettres Du Quebec Travel Award, Czech Republic, 1999
This award was to cover travel and accomodation for attendance and competition of SHORTwave, LONGgoodbye at BRNO 16 International Short Film Festival. $1,000.
Canada Arts Council, Media Artist B- Grant Award, 1999
This award was for research and development for Pleasure by Number – a feature film script. 10,000 CDN
Conseil Des Arts et Des Lettres Du Quebec, Media Artist B- Grant Award, 1999
This award was for research and script writing for Pleasure by Number. $13,000.
Conseil Des Arts et Des Lettres Du Quebec, Media Artist B- Grant Award, 1993
This award was for post production of SHORTwave, LONGgoodbye. $10,000.
Young Filmmakers Assistance Award, National Film Board of Canada, 1991
This award was for post production assistance for film SHORTwave, LONGgoodbye $35,000.
Canada Arts Council, Travel Award, ARCO, Madrid Spain, 1991
This award was to cover travel and accomodation for attendance and competition of Umbilical Discord: Another Green World at ARCO International Festival of Experimental. in Madrid, Spain. $1,500.
Canada Arts Council, Explorations Award for Filmmaking, 1991
This award was for production assistance for the SHORTwave, LONGgoodbye. $16,000
Canadian Institute of Peace & Security Communication Award, 1990
This award was for photography in Burma and the video Kawthoolei. $8,000
Foreign Policy in the Digital Age
Present: Conflict in Kulmeria - a computer game simulation charting the way in which media influences public perception and foreign policy
American European Studies Conference, Leiden University The Hague 06-04- 2014
Topic: The Ugly Canadian – Canadian Militarism, Invited Speaker
Global Centenary of War, LUMS, Pakistan 21-03-2014
Topic Discreet War and Liberal Modernity, Invited Speaker
Media, War and Conflict, 5th Anniversary Conference, Royal Holloway 11-12.04.13
Topic: Virtual War games.
Department of International Relations, Aberwyst University, 18-19.03.12
Topic: Cyberwar (invited speaker)
International Studies Association 2011 (ISA), Montreal 29.03.11
Topic: Building multi-platform media projects for interdisciplinary work in IR and Media Studies.
War 3.0 Workshop on Political Violence and New Media. 19- 21.01.11
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan (workshop organizer).
Cold War Cultures, University of Texas, Austin, Texas 03.10.11
Topic: East/West Power Relations through Videogames of the Cold War
Department of Genocide Studies, Yale University 30.09.10
Topic: Dangers of Embedded War Reporting. (Invited Speaker)
Oceanic Conference of International Studies, OCIS 2010. 20.07.10
University of Auckland, New Zealand
Topic: From Joysticks to Tomahawks: Synergizing entertainment and war.
The Politics of Popular Culture, Temple University, Tokyo 01.05.10
Topic: Pixel Counts to Death Counts: Legitimizing war through military themed videogames.
University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia 10.05.09
Topic: Aesthetics and Politics of First Person Shooter Video Games 2009 (Invited Speaker)
Australia National University, Canberra, Australia 10.07.09 - 10.08.09
War 2.0 Symposium on Political Violence and New Media, (Invited Speaker)
Topic: Military Themed Games and Networked Military-Civilian Hybrid Communities
RCAPS, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University 07.24.09
Topic: War Games and Simulation
Global Media Forum: Conflict Prevention in the Age of Multi-Media, Bonn 06.05.09
(Invited Key Note Speaker) Topic: Pleasure, Ideology and the Rise of the Military Entertainment Complex
Global Media Forum: Conflict Prevention and Peace Building 06.03.08 - 06.05.08
Deutsche Welle’s Global Media Forum Bonn, Germany
Topic: Juxtaposing Popular Constructions of the Child Soldier. (Invited Speaker)
Toronto, Photography Exhibition.
Commissions, Film Festivals and Photography Exhibitions
Why APU? - Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University Promotional Video 04.14.11
(Director / Editor / Motion Graphics Supervisor) Directed and edited this promotional video for the international admissions office of APU. http://www.youtube.com/user/APUAdmissionsOffice
Kyodo News Gallery, Tokyo, Children of War 12.19.09 - 01.18.10
(Group Show Artist) This exhibition took place at Kyodo News Agency in Tokyo with aid from the European Center for Conflict Prevention.
Ninos De La Guerra: Infancia Destruida (09.23.09 - 10.23.09)
United Nations / Naciones Unida (Mexico City) (Group Show). This exhibition was sponsored by the United Nations and took place Galleria De Images
Creative I: Student Exhibition 2009 (08.20.09 - 08.26.09)
Mitsukoshi Lion Square, Tenjin, Fukuoka (Curator). This exhibition took place in Fukuoka at Mitsukoshi Lion Square with the cooperation of Tenjin Development Council and APU students.
Capitol Museum of Rome, Symposium on Children in Armed Conflict (06.23.09 - 06.29.09)
(Group Show) This exhibition took place at the Capitol Museum in Rome and was hosted by the United Nations.
Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum (06.03.09 - 06.05.09)
(International Commission) Official Trailer Design for Global Media Form 2009 Bonn, Germany.
Commissioned by Deutsche Welle to design the official trailer for this Global Symposium.
San Francisco Sex Worker International Art Festival (05.28.09 - 06.06.09)
This screening took place at the Roxie Cinema in San Francisco and was hosted by the San Francisco International Art Festival. Best Film - Audience Recognition Award
Powerhouse Gallery, Brooklyn, New York City, Child Soldiers (02.15.09 - 03.12.09)
(Group Show) This exhibition took place at Power House, an independent bookstore gallery in NYC.
Amnesty International - Women in Conflict Exhibition (05.10.08 - 31.10.08)
(Group Show) Dallas, Texas, Harpers Ferry, Pasadena Ca, Boston Mass. This exhibition was funded by Amnesty International and toured five cities.
Museum of Bonn, (Bundeskunsthalle Museum), Forced To Be Cruel (09.23.08 - 11.02.08)
(Curator and Group Show) This exhibition took place in the Museum of Art in Bonn, Germany. Please see Child Soldiers catalog, press clippings, reference letter by Deutsche Welle.
United Nations Headquarters, Child Soldiers, New York City (11.12.08 - 12.31.08)
(Group Show) (My photos now part of permanent collection.) This exhibition took place in the United Nations at New York in their Gallery Space.
Global Media Forum: Conflict Prevention & Peace Building 2008 (06.03.08 - 06.05.08)
(Curator and Group Show) Deutsche Welle, Foundation for International Dialogue, Bonn, Germany
Curated this international exhibition of internationally recognized photographers.
Institut Franco-Japonais Du Kyushu, Mondo Loco – Tenjin Fukuoka (04.05.08 - 04.26.08)
Curated this exhibition of international artists that his exhibition took place at the French Cultural Institute in Yokohama and was sponsored by a grant made possible through External Affairs, Government of Canada and offered from the Canadian Embassy.
Warner Brothers Music, United Kingdom 02.08.07 - 03.09.07
Commissioned by Warner Brothers Music to create rear projection visuals for the music video - Shame on You - Andrea Corr.
Institut Franco-Japonais Du Yokohama, Mondo Loco 03.17.07 - 04.28.07
Curated this exhibition of international artists at the French Cultural Institute, Yokohama. It was sponsored by a grant through External Affairs, Government of Canada, offered by Canadian Embassy Tokyo.
Ink on the Edge, Tadu Gallery 11.04.04 - 12.04.04
Curated this exhibition took place at the French Cultural Institute in Yokohama, sponsored by a grant through External Affairs, Government of Canada, offered by The Canadian Embassy Bangkok.
Cinemania, Exhibition of Quebec Video: Singapore, K.L, Manila, Bangkok 03.12.98 - 04.14.00
This exhibition began in 1998 and toured in 1999 and 2000 in five Asian cities. It was co-produced with Videographe Inc, Cinema Libre, National Film Board of Canada, External Affairs Canada, Canada Arts Council, Alliance Francaise Bangkok, Substation Singapore, Seri Center Kula Lumpur, Makati Cinemas Manila, and subsidy through local grants of Four Canadian Embassies.
SHORTwave, LONGgoodbye 45 min., 16mm.
BRNO 16, Bruno Czech Republic 10.13.99 - 10.17.99
Rendezvous Quebec Montreal 10.10.98 - 10.14.98
Montreal Film Festival , New Trends Category (Canada’s Official Entry) 08.15.98 - 08.25.98
ANOTHER GREEN WORLD, 15 min.,16mm. 01.01.89
ARCO, Experimental Film Festival, Madrid 03.14.90
World Film Festival Montreal, Canada’s Official Entry - New Trends Section, August 1998
Canadian Film Celebration, Calgary, Official Competition, August, 1991